Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2009 Season Results

Thank you everybody who attended the banquet at The Avenue Bar. It was a good time and a great finale to the 2009 season. I apologize for showing up without my prepared materials, but I believe we covered all the issues I wanted to cover (albeit in a haphazard manner). Onto post-season business!

Congratulations to the 2009 League Champions – the David Miller team (David, Doug Hoerr, Charlie Hoslet, Ed Meachen)! Their last victory was in 2003, under Reuben Lorenz, but they're back in the Winner's Circle this year. Mr. Miller is now on the clock for next year's banquet!

Congratulations also go out to the following golfers.
  • League Runners-Up - the Dave Wolfe team (Dave, Paul Barnett, Adam Hopkins, Mike Sanders - narrowly missing the three-peat)
  • Low Raw Average Travis Thoeny (six years running)
  • Flight Tournament Winners
Flight 1 (Handicaps 11 and Under) - Lynn Paulson
Flight 2 (Handicaps 12-14) – Pat McEvilly
Flight 3 (Handicaps 15 and Over) – Andy Tomaszewski
  • Sy Brandt Award Dave Wolfe (Funny store there. I had been posting the leading candidates for this award in the blog, almost weekly. Before the last week, it looked like Dave Delveaux had it pretty much sewn up. However, when I went to complete the yearbook, I noticed that I had been calculating the award points incorrectly all year. When corrected, Dave was no longer first. Worse yet, I was.)
No new rules were promulgated at this year's banquet, though many were discussed. The biggest topic this year was slow play, which universally irritates everybody.

At times this season, the pace of play was brutally slow – so much so that some great people and good golfers look elsewhere for their recreation. That tells me that it's a problem that needs to be addressed. I will try to make it a focal point in pre-season and early season missives, and will try to have a discussion with each team about it as they tee off early in the year.

There's already expected to be a slight bit of turnover in the league. Travis Thoeny and Doug Smedema are going from regulars to the sub list. John Loescher (has been) volunteered to captain the former Thoeny team, and they're looking for a "Dave" to put on the team, as they're certain it's a prerequisite for winning the league. Tom Weber will apparently be rejoining the Loew team in Doug's place.

In the next day or two I will post the league's statistical feats, as well as the 2009 Yearbook.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 18 Results

I'll have official standings and results posted some time next week. I have lots of prep work to do for the banquet.

At this moment, the Wolfe (1st half) and Miller (2nd half) teams are duking it out for the league championship.

See you Tuesday at the Avenue Bar.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week 18 Pairings, September 1

Below are the pairings for the final week. There are still seven teams in contention. See you Tuesday.

A few important notes:
  • Banquet: Let me know this week if you'll be attending, whether you want baked chicken, roast beef, or deep fried cod, and pay the $20 if you haven't already.
  • Please play ready golf this week. Tee off when your turn comes, limit your practice swings, and be ready to hit when it's your turn. The sun is descending sooner every day and the last groups will be coming in in twilight. We need to pick up the pace from previous weeks.
  • League Championship: Once the 2nd half champions are determined Tuesday, they'll need to arrange championship match-ups with the Wolfe team. I'll be there until the end on Tuesday, and will work with you to arrange tee times.
  • I have now added Tournament Results through Week 17 to the blog.
  • WIth just one week to go, Dave Delveaux is close to wrapping up the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award. He's got 29.3 points, and Lynn Paulson is in 2nd with 27.0.

4:22 & 4:30 Wolfe vs. Moritz
Jeff Sartin (AH) 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Mike Sanders 19
Paul Schuettler 14
Paul Barnett 12
Tom Hidde 15
David Wolfe 18
Bob Moritz 16

4:37 & 4:45 McEvilly vs. Kraus
Pat McEvilly 11
Lynn Paulson 6
Herb Stanford 24
Steve Smith 15
Dave Delveaux 8
Andy Taylor 8
Ed Corcoran 16
Mike Kraus 13

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Miller
Brad Nelson 20
Jeff Pollei (DM) New
A Tomaszewski 23
Doug Hoerr 13
Mike Williams 10
Ed Meachen 12
Steve McDonnell 11
Charlie Hoslet 17

5:07 & 5:15 Dvorak vs. Loew
Jeff Dvorak 12
Chris Weber 5
Wally Miller 27
Scott Gomez 10
Jason Thomas 7
Shawn McGettigan 12
Mike Warren 10
Doug Smedema 34

5:22 & 5:30 Thoeny vs. Williams
John Loescher 15
Dave Rieves 5
Rob Zimmerman 22
Matt Blouin 14
Travis Thoeny 3
Bob Crowe 19
Ed Molter 14
Ron Weiss 19

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 17 Partial Results

First, in case you didn't hear, tee times for next Tuesday (the final week) have been moved up. Look at the times in the upper-right corner of the blog to see when you tee off next week. In addition, if the Thoeny and Williams groups want to try to go out before the posted tee times, they were still open as of last night. This week, the 5:22 and 5:30 foursomes were able to finish, but it was pretty dark (largely due to overcast skies).

Also, the banquet has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 8 at The Avenue Bar (on East Washington Ave). I will soon post more info about that. In addition to great food and socializing, we will award prizes and discuss potential rule changes and other issues that affect the league. The cost per person is $20, which covers food, tax, and tip. We will likely have a family-style dinner with three meats (for example, beef, chicken, and fish), plus potato, salad, rolls, and coffee/tea/milk. If you haven't paid yet, please do so on Tuesday, September 1. Also, if you don't plan to attend, please let me know so I can get a head count for the Avenue. UPDATE: $20 won't cover family style, so we will instead have your choice of roast beef, baked chicken, or deep fried cod, plus potato, salad, rolls, and coffee/tea/milk.

I finally got week 16 (last week) results and standings posted. Use the links here, or you can also access any week's results and standings via the 2009 Results and Standings link on the right.

This week, two foursomes (the Miller/Moritz match-up) were unable to finish their rounds this week due to the darkness. One foursome finished 8 holes and the other finished 7 holes. (I will determine their missing 8th and/or 9th hole scores by their scores on those holes in week 18, next Tuesday.)

Therefore, I do not have completed standings for this week. In the Week 17 Partial Standings, the teams with incomplete scores are both displayed in blue typeface. Depending on the outcome of their match-up, either could be in first place as of right now. In fact, with one week to go, seven teams are still in contention for the 2nd half championship.

Between vacation and preparing for the banquet I have not had time to update the Sy Brandt standings. I'll do that before Tuesday. Also, I'll update and post the Flight Tournament scores before Tuesday. So, look for more later.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 17 Pairings, August 28

UPDATE (Monday 5:42 p.m.): Updated tee times.

The 5:53/6:00 tee times below will actually play at 3:52/4:00, although Dave Rieves and I might switch, with Dave R golfing at 5:30 and me at 3:52.

Below are the pairings for Tuesday. Part of my team and the Nelson/Williams matchup will be utilizing the 3:52/4:00 tee times so that everyone can finish before dark. That means those members of the Nelson/Williams matchup who cannot golf those early tee times should be at the course by 5:22 to use up our time slots. Please be prepared to work golfers into your foursomes so that everyone can finish before dark.

I am still working on the banquet location, but will start collecting this week. I'll collect $20 per person. The date of the banquet is Tuesday, September 8 (after Labor Day).

4:52 & 5:00 Thoeny vs. Loew
Ed Molter 13
Chris Weber 5
Rob Zimmerman 23
Shawn McGettigan 12
Travis Thoeny 3
Scott Gomez 10
John Loescher 16
Doug Smedema 33

5:07 & 5:15 Dvorak vs. McEvilly
Mike Warren 10
Dave Delveaux 9
Wally Miller 25
Ed Corcoran 16
Jason Thomas 7
Pat McEvilly 11
Jeff Dvorak 12
Herb Stanford 24

5:22 & 5:30 Wolfe vs. Kraus
Jeff Sartin (AH)
Lynn Paulson 7
Mike Sanders 19
Steve Smith 14
Paul Barnett 12
Andy Taylor 9
David Wolfe 19
Mike Kraus 13

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. Moritz
Ed Meachen 12
Bob Lomasney 14
Charlie Hoslet 17
Tom Hidde 15
David Miller 10
Paul Schuettler 14
Doug Hoerr 13
Bob Moritz 16

5:53 & 6:00 Nelson vs. Williams
Mike Williams 10
Dave Rieves 4
A Tomaszewski 24
Bob Crowe 18
Steve McDonnell 11
Matt Blouin 14
Brad Nelson 20
Ron Weiss 20

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Abbreviated Results

I'll be traveling most of today, so I won't have a detailed posting of results and standings for a day or two.

As for week 16, the 1st place Kraus team managed only one point Tuesday, yet increased their lead to three points. The top three teams from last week's standings managed only 2 points out of 18 possible. The Nelson team moved into second place. The columns below show place, points, and team captain.

1 27.5 Mike Kraus
2 24.5 Brad Nelson
3 24.0 Bill Williams
4 23.0 David Miller
5 22.5 Bob Moritz
6 22.0 Jeff Dvorak
7 20.5 David Wolfe
8 16.5 Jack Loew
9 15.0 Pat McEvilly
10 14.5 Travis Thoeny

More later.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 16 Pairings - August 18

Sorry I didn't post about last week's results. It's been a busy week, and this one will be no different. Below are the pairings for Tuesday. The Nelson and Kraus teams will tee off at 3:52 and 4:00, with the exception of Andy Taylor, who will join up with some other group - possibly making it a fivesome.

4:52 & 5:00 Thoeny vs. McEvilly
Travis Thoeny 3
Pat McEvilly 11
John Loescher 16
Herb Stanford 22
Ed Molter 13
Dave Delveaux 9
Rob Zimmerman 23
Ed Corcoran 16

5:07 & 5:15 Moritz vs. Loew
Bob Moritz 12
Scott Gomez 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Shawn McGettigan 12
Paul Schuettler 13
Chris Weber 6
Tom Hidde 15
Doug Smedema 33

5:22 & 5:30 Dvorak vs. Williams
Jason Thomas 9
Matt Blouin 12
Wally Miller 27
Bob Crowe 18
Mike Warren 11
Dave Rieves 5
Jeff Dvorak 12
Ron Weiss 20

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Miller
Dennis Hill (AH) 11
David Miller 9
Paul Barnett 13
Charlie Hoslet 16
David Wolfe 17
Ed Meachen 12
Mike Sanders 18
Doug Hoerr 13

3:52 & 4:00 Nelson vs. Kraus
Steve McDonnell 11
Andy Taylor 9
A Tomaszewski 25
Steve Smith 14
Mike Williams 9
Lynn Paulson 7
Brad Nelson 20
Mike Kraus 13

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 15 Pairings - August 11

Here are Tuesday's pairings. Two things to remember:
  1. Glenway has reserved one early tee time (I'm not sure of the exact time, but I think it's 3:52 or 4:00) for the late golfers, if you want to use it. Captains should arrange or delegate any changes.
  2. The flight tournament starts this week.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Loew
Mike Williams 10
Shawn McGettigan 12
Steve McDonnell 10
Doug Smedema 33
Brad Nelson 20
Chris Weber 7
A Tomaszewski 27
Scott Gomez 8

5:07 & 5:15 Williams vs. Kraus
Dave Rieves 6
Mike Kraus 13
Matt Blouin 13
Steve Smith 13
Bob Crowe 18
Lynn Paulson 8
Ron Weiss 19
Andy Taylor 8

5:22 & 5:30 Dvorak vs. Moritz
Jason Thomas 9
Bob Moritz 12
Mike Warren 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Jeff Dvorak 13
Paul Schuettler 13
Wally Miller 29
Tom Hidde 15

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Thoeny
Paul Barnett 13
Travis Thoeny 3
David Wolfe 16
Rob Zimmerman 22
Jeff Sartin (AH) New
Ed Molter 12
Mike Sanders 18
John Loescher 16

5:53 & 6:00 Miller vs. McEvilly
Ed Meachen 12
Pat McEvilly 12
Doug Hoerr 14
Herb Stanford 22
David Miller 10
Dave Delveaux 9
Charlie Hoslet 16
Ed Corcoran 15

Friday, August 7, 2009

Flight Tournament Lineup

Here are the flights for the four-week tournament (details here) that begins Tuesday. Any sub who golfs at least three out of the last four weeks will also be eligible and will be inserted into the appropriate flight. The handicaps listed will stay with each golfer throughout the tournament.

Vegas odds are expected out on Sunday.

Handicaps 10 & Under (Ask them for directions to the fairway.)
  • Travis Thoeny - 3
  • Dave Rieves - 6
  • Chris Weber - 7
  • Lynn Paulson - 8
  • Andy Taylor - 8
  • Scott Gomez - 8
  • Jason Thomas - 9
  • Dave Delveaux - 9
  • Mike Warren - 10
  • David Miller - 10
  • Steve McDonnell - 10
  • Mike Williams - 10

Handicaps 12-14 (Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right . . . )
  • Shawn McGettigan - 12
  • Patrick McEvilly - 12
  • Ed Meachen - 12
  • Bob Moritz - 12
  • Ed Molter - 12
  • Jeff Dvorak - 13
  • Mike Kraus - 13
  • Steve Smith - 13
  • Paul Schuettler - 13
  • Matt Blouin - 13
  • Paul Barnett - 13
  • Doug Hoerr - 14
  • Bob Lomasney - 14

Handicaps 15 & Over (The golf equivalent of the "Plus Sizes" clothing section)
  • Ed Corcoran - 15
  • Tom Hidde - 15
  • Charles Hoslet - 16
  • John Loescher - 16
  • Dave Wolfe - 16
  • Bob Crowe - 18
  • Adam Hopkins - 18
  • Mike Sanders - 18
  • Ron Weiss - 19
  • Brad Nelson - 20
  • Herb Stanford - 22
  • Rob Zimmerman - 22
  • Andy Tomaszewski - 27
  • Wally Miller - 29
  • Doug Smedema - 33

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 14 Results & News

So much to talk about . . . please read to the end.

It's getting pretty dark out for the late tee times. We finished in the dark last night and it was a pretty nice day out. There are two points to be made about this.
  1. Let's try to speed up the pace of play. Get to your ball, be ready to hit, limit yourself to one practice swing, and hit.
  2. Captains of the teams with 5:53 and 6:00 tee times over the last four weeks may want to look for alternate tee times.
For next Tuesday (Miller and McEvilly teams) there is one reserved tee time before the league ahead of us. I think it is at 4:00 p.m. The last foursome next Tuesday is Miller, Hoslet, Corcoran, and Delveaux. If you (or the other foursome of Hoerr, Meachen, McEvilly, and Stanford) can take that early tee time, please do so and let me know. Captains, please arrange with Glenway.

For subsequent Tuesdays, I have reserved 3:52 and 4:00 tee times for the 5:53/6:00 matchups. Captains, if your golfers can't make these times, let me know. Here are the matchups:
  • 8/18: Nelson/Kraus
  • 8/25: Nelson/Williams
  • 9/1: Thoeny/Williams

For the safety of league golfers, I may look into purchasing and assigning this book. I'm also looking into whether there are sequels entitled "How to retrieve thrown clubs" or "Why you don't take lessons in the middle of the season."

Other administrivia:
  • The Commissioner has lost his balls! Last night, while I was delivering the flagsticks and some prize balls on cart, I lost a partial box of the prize balls - probably between the 1st tee and green. If you happened to find it and have it, please let me know. Thanks.
  • Two wrongs sometimes make a right - or a really wrong. Rich Hoebel may have been surprised this morning if he looked in the paper and saw that he shot a 39 (actual score 41). Dave (in the clubhouse) showed me the 39 and asked me who Rich was and I told him Hoebel, since I had seen him on the course. Turns out it was Rich Lampe whose scorecard showed 39. I refuse to apologize to Rich Lampe, though, since his scorecard should have read 40 - adding error!
  • The flight tournament starts next week. I'll have a separate post about it later this week.
  • Mark your calendars - The banquet is coming up, on Tuesday, September 8. The location is still TBD. If you have any requests let me know.

Oh, yeah, Results and Standings are now posted. Travis Thoeny shot another 32 (yawn), Chris Weber shot his season low (35) and nearly swept the hole challenges (3 out of 4), and the Kraus team continues to increase their second-half lead, in their futile quest to end the Wolfe dynasty.

On the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award front, last week's #3 Dave Delveaux took it to slumping former leader Dave Wolfe, in a 1-point head-to-head victory, enabling last week's #2 to wrest away the top spot. Here is the updated top 10. (Chances are good it will be won by a Steve or a Dave.)
  1. Steve Smith - 24.125
  2. Dave Delveaux - 23.375
  3. Dave Wolfe - 23.000
  4. Steve McDonnell - 21.250
  5. Lynn Paulson - 20.500
  6. Andy Taylor - 20.500
  7. Paul Schuettler - 20.250
  8. Mike Kraus - 20.125
  9. Mike Williams - 20.000
  10. David Miller - 19.875

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 14 Pairings - August 4

Tuesday's pairings can be found below. First a word about the Flight Tournament, which starts next week.

During the last four weeks of regular season play, the league-wide Flight Tournament will be held. The rules are as follows.
  • To be eligible to win your flight, you must golf at least three of the final four weeks of the regular season.
  • At the end of Week 14, the league shall be split into three relatively even flights, based on handicap at that time. (The ideal composition would be flights of 13, 13, and 14 golfers, but it may not be possible given the handicaps.) For example, Flight 1 may be golfers with a handicap of 11 or less, Flight 2 those with a handicap between 12 and 15, and Flight 3 those with a handicap of 16 or higher.
  • For purposes of the Flight Tournament, each golfer's handicap shall be frozen at their Week 15 handicap. That means that if your handicap is 11 for Week 15 matches, your Flight Tournament handicap will be 11. (This does not affect a golfer's weekly handicap for regular season matchups, which may continue to change, based on their last 8 league scores.)
  • Each golfer's weekly Flight Tournament scores are calculated by subtracting his Flight Tournament handicap from his weekly raw scores.
  • Each golfer's total Flight Tournament score is the sum of the three lowest weekly Flight Tournament (net) scores.
  • The golfer within each flight with the lowest total Flight Tournament score is the tournament winner for that flight.

4:52 & 5:00 Dvorak vs. Kraus
Jason Thomas 9
Andy Taylor 8
Jeff Dvorak 13
Mike Kraus 13
Mike Warren 10
Lynn Paulson 9
Wally Miller New
Steve Smith 14

5:07 & 5:15 Nelson vs. Moritz
Steve McDonnell 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Brad Nelson 20
Tom Hidde 15
Mike Williams 10
Keith Brown (PS) 7
A Tomaszewski 27
Bob Moritz 13

5:22 & 5:30 Loew vs. Williams
Chris Weber 7
Matt Blouin 13
Shawn McGettigan 11
Bob Crowe 18
Scott Gomez 8
Dave Rieves 6
Doug Smedema 33
Ron Weiss 19

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. Thoeny
Doug Hoerr 14
Ed Molter 12
Charlie Hoslet 16
Rob Zimmerman 23
David Miller 10
Travis Thoeny 3
Ed Meachen 12
John Loescher 16

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. McEvilly
Paul Barnett 13
Pat McEvilly 11
Adam Hopkins 17
Herb Stanford 22
David Wolfe 16
Dave Delveaux 9
Mike Sanders 18
Ed Corcoran 15

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 12 & 13 Results

Results and Standings for Weeks 12 and 13 are now posted. Those who didn't complete their round in Week 12 had their Week 13 scores (or their subs' scores) applied to both weeks. The Kraus team maintains a 3-point second-half lead, but the Moritz team is coming on.

Scoring conditions were good this week (at least for some), as there were ten scores in the 30's, led by 36's from Lynn Paulson and Dave Rieves. There were 10 birdies and one eagle (Bob Moritz, on 9) this week. Even with all the low scores, there was still only one par (David Miller) and no birdies on number 5.

The league's Flight Tournament starts up in two weeks. I'll be posting about it soon.

Here are the updated standings in the race for the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award. At this point, I am staying on top only by virtue of showing up.
  1. Dave Wolfe - 22.38
  2. Steve Smith - 21.63
  3. Dave Delveaux - 21.25
  4. Andy Taylor - 20.50
  5. Paul Schuettler - 20.25
  6. Steve McDonnell - 19.63
  7. Ed Corcoran - 19.13
  8. David Miller - 18.75
  9. Mike Warren - 18.38
  10. Mike Kraus - 18.38

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 13 Pairings - July 28

Below are Tuesday's pairings (fixed at 6:30 Monday morning, per Paul's comment).

Four full teams of hardy, all-weather athletes (Kraus, Nelson, Thoeny, Wolfe) finished their matches last week and - since they all played in the same conditions - their scores will count for Week 12. If any other matches were completed, I didn't hear about it. The rest of you will be golfing for your score in both week 12 & 13 this Tuesday (unless you're afraid you'll melt).

There were also two golfers in the McEvilly/Loew matchup who completed their rounds. However, they weren't oppposing one another. I can either change the pairing so that they opposed one another, or discard their scores and have them golf for both weeks this Tuesday. I will talk to the team captains and see if we can arrive at consensus. Otherwise, I'll just decide.

If anyone else completed their round, let me know. See you Tuesday!

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Kraus
David Miller 11
Andy Taylor 9
Doug Hoerr 13
Steve Smith 14
Ed Meachen 12
Lynn Paulson 9
Charlie Hoslet 16
Mike Kraus 13

5:07 & 5:15 Williams vs. McEvilly
Matt Blouin 13
Dave Delveaux 8
Bob Crowe 18
Ed Corcoran 14
Dave Rieves 6
Pat McEvilly 11
Ron Weiss 20
Herb Stanford 23

5:22 & 5:30 Thoeny vs. Moritz
Travis Thoeny 3
Paul Schuettler 13
Rob Zimmerman 23
Tom Hidde 15
Ed Molter 13
Bob Moritz 14
John Loescher 16
Bob Lomasney 15

5:37 & 5:46 Nelson vs. Dvorak
Steve McDonnell 10
Mike Warren 10
A Tomaszewski 28
Jeff Dvorak 13
Mike Williams 11
Jason Thomas 8
Brad Nelson 20
Wally Miller New

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. Loew
Paul Barnett 14
Scott Gomez 8
Mike Sanders 18
Shawn McGettigan 11
David Wolfe 16
Chris Weber 7
Adam Hopkins 17
Doug Smedema 33

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Out Came the Rain, and Washed the Golfers Out

Wee - that was fun! Just like golfing in Scotland (from what I've seen on TV) minus the wind and cold temperatures.

For those of you wondering, the standard for whether league plays or not in inclement weather is whether the golf course is open. If the course is open, league is on. If the course is closed, league is off. It may have been a close call for Bill last night, but he let me know the course would be open unless it became dangerous or unplayable. Contrary to what some H2O-averse golfers indicated to me, Bill was not waiting for me to call off league play. When asked if he wanted to close the course he indicated he did not. I think this works with the liberal rain-check policy he indicated would be in place for the night.

As it was, it appears that only 16-20 men chose to complete the course on Tuesday. The rest made an exodus, in carts and on foot, like so many pairs of beasts heading to the Noah's Ark of the Glenway Clubhouse. When we finished our round, the sky was bright and there was only a light drizzle (although our clothes were 30 pound heavier than when we started).

Of course, just because that is the standard doesn't mean it has to remain the standard. We can certainly discuss it at the banquet after the season, if you'd like. The goal of league play is to have fun and some friendly competition. I suppose some people might have a hard time having fun in last night's weather, but everyone in my foursome managed to.

As to how to account for scoring last night's matches, I will soon (before next week's play) arrive at some King Solomon-like decision on how to handle the fact that some matches were completed and some were not. I think there's a pretty fair resolution that won't punish or benefit anyone. Of course, as always, I welcome your input.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weather Update - July 21 - LEAGUE WILL PLAY

Glenway is open, the rain is currently light, and the forecast (besides always being wrong) is a little fuzzy. We will play tonight until and unless the course becomes unplayable or unsafe.

See you there.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 12 Pairings - July 21

Inspired by the youngster, Tom Watson, let's stay out of the gorse bushes and pot bunkers this week!

4:52 & 5:00 Moritz vs. Williams
Bob Lomasney 15
Dave Rieves 6
Tom Hidde 15
Matt Blouin 13
Paul Schuettler 13
Bob Crowe 18
Bob Moritz 14
Ron Weiss 20

5:07 & 5:15 Miller vs. Dvorak
Ed Meachen 12
Jason Thomas 8
Doug Hoerr 13
Wally Miller New
David Miller 11
Mike Warren 10
Charlie Hoslet 16
Jeff Dvorak 13

5:22 & 5:30 Nelson vs. Wolfe
Brad Nelson 19
K. Kennedy (PB) 14
A. Tomaszewski 28
Mike Sanders 18
Steve McDonnell 9
David Wolfe 15
Mike Williams 10
Adam Hopkins 15

5:37 & 5:46 McEvilly vs. Loew
Dave Delveaux 8
Chris Weber 7
Ed Corcoran 14
Scott Gomez 8
Pat McEvilly 11
Shawn McGettigan 11
Herb Stanford 23
Doug Smedema 33

5:53 & 6:00 Thoeny vs. Kraus
John Loescher 15
Lynn Paulson 9
Rob Zimmerman 23
Mike Kraus 14
Travis Thoeny 3
Andy Taylor 9
Ed Molter 13
Steve Smith 13

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 11 Results

Results and Standings are now posted, but are unofficial until I can find out the last name of Shawn's sub last night. I have treated him as a new golfer, but it could be that he already has an established handicap, which could possibly change the point allocation.

Anyway . . . another day, another forecast for rain, and another dry Tuesday. I am very close to thinking I can get away with talking trash to Mother Nature.

I have been asked by the folks at Glenway to remind you all that carrying on of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Scores were all over the place Tuesday (as was my ball), but a quarter of the league scored in the 30's (more than in any week last season)
35 - Travis Thoeny
36 - Chris Weber
37 - Dave Delveaux & Jason Thomas
38 - Mike Kraus & Dave Rieves
39 - Bob Moritz, Will Nagel, Lynn Paulson, & Mike Warren.

The answer to last week's trivia question: Aside from number 5, which hasn't been birdied since opening day, hole number 3 (until last night) was the hole that had been least recently birdied. Charlie Hoslet birdied it on May 12 (week 3) and every other hole had been birdied since then. Last night, Travis birdied it, breaking that streak.

Here are the updated Sy Brandt standings (with a new leader):
  1. Dave Delveaux 21.0
  2. Dave Wolfe 20.9
  3. Steve Smith 19.4
  4. Adam Hopkins 18.0
  5. Andy Taylor 17.5
  6. (T6) Ed Corcoran 17.1
  7. (T6) Steve McDonnell 17.1
  8. (T8) Paul Schuettler 16.6
  9. (T8) John Loescher 16.6
  10. Mike Warren 16.5

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 11 Pairings - July 14

Open Championship Week - let's see who plays well in the fescue.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. McEvilly
Steve McDonnell 9
Dave Delveaux 9
Mike Williams 10
Ed Corcoran 13
Brian Frame (AT) 11
Pat McEvilly 12
Brad Nelson 20
Herb Stanford 24

5:07 & 5:15 Thoeny vs. Dvorak
Ed Molter 12
Jason Thomas 9
Will Nagel (RZ) 13
Jeff Dvorak 13
Travis Thoeny 4
Mike Warren 10
John Loescher 16
Phil Julson 20

5:22 & 5:30 Moritz vs. Kraus
Paul Schuettler 13
Lynn Paulson 9
Bob Lomasney 15
Andy Taylor 9
Tom Hidde 15
Steve Smith 14
Bob Moritz 15
Mike Kraus 15

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Williams
David Wolfe 14
Dave Rieves 6
Mike Sanders 18
Bob Crowe 19
Jeff Pollei (AH) New
Matt Blouin 14
Paul Barnett 15
Ron Weiss 20

5:53 & 6:00 Miller vs. Loew
Ed Meachen 12
Chris Weber 8
Doug Hoerr 13
Shawn McGettigan 11
David Miller 12
Scott Gomez 8
Charlie Hoslet 16
Doug Smedema 33

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 10 Review

Week 10 Results and Standings are posted. The Kraus and Moritz teams take the early lead for the 2nd half pennant. Travis Thoeny kicked butt again, with a 33 (but lost his match, which I'm guessing is a little frustrating).

Here’s a question to ponder until next week. During week 1, Travis birdied number 5 – the only time that has been done this season. Seven of the other eight holes have been birdied at least once since June 2. One other (non-5) hole, however, hasn’t been birdied since week 3 – May 12. Which hole is it?

Here is the updated top 10 from the Sy Brandt standings.
  1. Dave Wolfe - 20.88
  2. Dave Delveaux - 18.25
  3. Adam Hopkins - 18.00
  4. Steve Smith - 16.88
  5. Ed Corcoran - 16.75
  6. Steve McDonnell - 16.13
  7. Paul Schuettler - 16.00
  8. Andy Taylor - 15.50
  9. Ed Meachen - 15.50
  10. Shawn McGettigan - 15.25

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 10 Pairings - July 7

Scramble results are here.

Pairings for Tuesday are below. This is the first week of the second half, so the pennant chase starts anew.

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Williams
Ed Meachen 12
Dave Rieves 6
Charlie Hoslet 15
Ron Weiss 20
David Miller 12
Matt Blouin 14
Doug Hoerr 13
Bob Crowe 19

5:07 & 5:15 Nelson vs. Thoeny
A Tomaszewski 29
Rob Zimmerman 23
Brad Nelson 21
Travis Thoeny 4
Mike Williams 11
John Loescher 16
Steve McDonnell 9
Tom Eberle (EM) 26

5:22 & 5:30 Kraus vs. Loew
Steve Smith 14
Chris Weber 8
Mike Kraus 15
Doug Smedema 33
Lynn Paulson 9
Scott Gomez 9
Andy Taylor 10
Shawn McGettigan 12

5:37 & 5:46 Dvorak vs. Wolfe
Jeff Dvorak 13
David Wolfe 14
Mike Warren 11
Paul Barnett 14
Phil Julson 20
Mike Sanders 17
Jason Thomas 9
Jeff Sartin (AH) New

5:53 & 6:00 Moritz vs. McEvilly
Tom Hidde 15
Herb Stanford 23
Bob Moritz 15
Pat McEvilly 12
Paul Schuettler 13
Dave Delveaux 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Ed Corcoran 14