Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 11 Results

Results and Standings are now posted, but are unofficial until I can find out the last name of Shawn's sub last night. I have treated him as a new golfer, but it could be that he already has an established handicap, which could possibly change the point allocation.

Anyway . . . another day, another forecast for rain, and another dry Tuesday. I am very close to thinking I can get away with talking trash to Mother Nature.

I have been asked by the folks at Glenway to remind you all that carrying on of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Scores were all over the place Tuesday (as was my ball), but a quarter of the league scored in the 30's (more than in any week last season)
35 - Travis Thoeny
36 - Chris Weber
37 - Dave Delveaux & Jason Thomas
38 - Mike Kraus & Dave Rieves
39 - Bob Moritz, Will Nagel, Lynn Paulson, & Mike Warren.

The answer to last week's trivia question: Aside from number 5, which hasn't been birdied since opening day, hole number 3 (until last night) was the hole that had been least recently birdied. Charlie Hoslet birdied it on May 12 (week 3) and every other hole had been birdied since then. Last night, Travis birdied it, breaking that streak.

Here are the updated Sy Brandt standings (with a new leader):
  1. Dave Delveaux 21.0
  2. Dave Wolfe 20.9
  3. Steve Smith 19.4
  4. Adam Hopkins 18.0
  5. Andy Taylor 17.5
  6. (T6) Ed Corcoran 17.1
  7. (T6) Steve McDonnell 17.1
  8. (T8) Paul Schuettler 16.6
  9. (T8) John Loescher 16.6
  10. Mike Warren 16.5

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