Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 12 & 13 Results

Results and Standings for Weeks 12 and 13 are now posted. Those who didn't complete their round in Week 12 had their Week 13 scores (or their subs' scores) applied to both weeks. The Kraus team maintains a 3-point second-half lead, but the Moritz team is coming on.

Scoring conditions were good this week (at least for some), as there were ten scores in the 30's, led by 36's from Lynn Paulson and Dave Rieves. There were 10 birdies and one eagle (Bob Moritz, on 9) this week. Even with all the low scores, there was still only one par (David Miller) and no birdies on number 5.

The league's Flight Tournament starts up in two weeks. I'll be posting about it soon.

Here are the updated standings in the race for the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award. At this point, I am staying on top only by virtue of showing up.
  1. Dave Wolfe - 22.38
  2. Steve Smith - 21.63
  3. Dave Delveaux - 21.25
  4. Andy Taylor - 20.50
  5. Paul Schuettler - 20.25
  6. Steve McDonnell - 19.63
  7. Ed Corcoran - 19.13
  8. David Miller - 18.75
  9. Mike Warren - 18.38
  10. Mike Kraus - 18.38

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 13 Pairings - July 28

Below are Tuesday's pairings (fixed at 6:30 Monday morning, per Paul's comment).

Four full teams of hardy, all-weather athletes (Kraus, Nelson, Thoeny, Wolfe) finished their matches last week and - since they all played in the same conditions - their scores will count for Week 12. If any other matches were completed, I didn't hear about it. The rest of you will be golfing for your score in both week 12 & 13 this Tuesday (unless you're afraid you'll melt).

There were also two golfers in the McEvilly/Loew matchup who completed their rounds. However, they weren't oppposing one another. I can either change the pairing so that they opposed one another, or discard their scores and have them golf for both weeks this Tuesday. I will talk to the team captains and see if we can arrive at consensus. Otherwise, I'll just decide.

If anyone else completed their round, let me know. See you Tuesday!

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Kraus
David Miller 11
Andy Taylor 9
Doug Hoerr 13
Steve Smith 14
Ed Meachen 12
Lynn Paulson 9
Charlie Hoslet 16
Mike Kraus 13

5:07 & 5:15 Williams vs. McEvilly
Matt Blouin 13
Dave Delveaux 8
Bob Crowe 18
Ed Corcoran 14
Dave Rieves 6
Pat McEvilly 11
Ron Weiss 20
Herb Stanford 23

5:22 & 5:30 Thoeny vs. Moritz
Travis Thoeny 3
Paul Schuettler 13
Rob Zimmerman 23
Tom Hidde 15
Ed Molter 13
Bob Moritz 14
John Loescher 16
Bob Lomasney 15

5:37 & 5:46 Nelson vs. Dvorak
Steve McDonnell 10
Mike Warren 10
A Tomaszewski 28
Jeff Dvorak 13
Mike Williams 11
Jason Thomas 8
Brad Nelson 20
Wally Miller New

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. Loew
Paul Barnett 14
Scott Gomez 8
Mike Sanders 18
Shawn McGettigan 11
David Wolfe 16
Chris Weber 7
Adam Hopkins 17
Doug Smedema 33

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Out Came the Rain, and Washed the Golfers Out

Wee - that was fun! Just like golfing in Scotland (from what I've seen on TV) minus the wind and cold temperatures.

For those of you wondering, the standard for whether league plays or not in inclement weather is whether the golf course is open. If the course is open, league is on. If the course is closed, league is off. It may have been a close call for Bill last night, but he let me know the course would be open unless it became dangerous or unplayable. Contrary to what some H2O-averse golfers indicated to me, Bill was not waiting for me to call off league play. When asked if he wanted to close the course he indicated he did not. I think this works with the liberal rain-check policy he indicated would be in place for the night.

As it was, it appears that only 16-20 men chose to complete the course on Tuesday. The rest made an exodus, in carts and on foot, like so many pairs of beasts heading to the Noah's Ark of the Glenway Clubhouse. When we finished our round, the sky was bright and there was only a light drizzle (although our clothes were 30 pound heavier than when we started).

Of course, just because that is the standard doesn't mean it has to remain the standard. We can certainly discuss it at the banquet after the season, if you'd like. The goal of league play is to have fun and some friendly competition. I suppose some people might have a hard time having fun in last night's weather, but everyone in my foursome managed to.

As to how to account for scoring last night's matches, I will soon (before next week's play) arrive at some King Solomon-like decision on how to handle the fact that some matches were completed and some were not. I think there's a pretty fair resolution that won't punish or benefit anyone. Of course, as always, I welcome your input.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weather Update - July 21 - LEAGUE WILL PLAY

Glenway is open, the rain is currently light, and the forecast (besides always being wrong) is a little fuzzy. We will play tonight until and unless the course becomes unplayable or unsafe.

See you there.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 12 Pairings - July 21

Inspired by the youngster, Tom Watson, let's stay out of the gorse bushes and pot bunkers this week!

4:52 & 5:00 Moritz vs. Williams
Bob Lomasney 15
Dave Rieves 6
Tom Hidde 15
Matt Blouin 13
Paul Schuettler 13
Bob Crowe 18
Bob Moritz 14
Ron Weiss 20

5:07 & 5:15 Miller vs. Dvorak
Ed Meachen 12
Jason Thomas 8
Doug Hoerr 13
Wally Miller New
David Miller 11
Mike Warren 10
Charlie Hoslet 16
Jeff Dvorak 13

5:22 & 5:30 Nelson vs. Wolfe
Brad Nelson 19
K. Kennedy (PB) 14
A. Tomaszewski 28
Mike Sanders 18
Steve McDonnell 9
David Wolfe 15
Mike Williams 10
Adam Hopkins 15

5:37 & 5:46 McEvilly vs. Loew
Dave Delveaux 8
Chris Weber 7
Ed Corcoran 14
Scott Gomez 8
Pat McEvilly 11
Shawn McGettigan 11
Herb Stanford 23
Doug Smedema 33

5:53 & 6:00 Thoeny vs. Kraus
John Loescher 15
Lynn Paulson 9
Rob Zimmerman 23
Mike Kraus 14
Travis Thoeny 3
Andy Taylor 9
Ed Molter 13
Steve Smith 13

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 11 Results

Results and Standings are now posted, but are unofficial until I can find out the last name of Shawn's sub last night. I have treated him as a new golfer, but it could be that he already has an established handicap, which could possibly change the point allocation.

Anyway . . . another day, another forecast for rain, and another dry Tuesday. I am very close to thinking I can get away with talking trash to Mother Nature.

I have been asked by the folks at Glenway to remind you all that carrying on of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Scores were all over the place Tuesday (as was my ball), but a quarter of the league scored in the 30's (more than in any week last season)
35 - Travis Thoeny
36 - Chris Weber
37 - Dave Delveaux & Jason Thomas
38 - Mike Kraus & Dave Rieves
39 - Bob Moritz, Will Nagel, Lynn Paulson, & Mike Warren.

The answer to last week's trivia question: Aside from number 5, which hasn't been birdied since opening day, hole number 3 (until last night) was the hole that had been least recently birdied. Charlie Hoslet birdied it on May 12 (week 3) and every other hole had been birdied since then. Last night, Travis birdied it, breaking that streak.

Here are the updated Sy Brandt standings (with a new leader):
  1. Dave Delveaux 21.0
  2. Dave Wolfe 20.9
  3. Steve Smith 19.4
  4. Adam Hopkins 18.0
  5. Andy Taylor 17.5
  6. (T6) Ed Corcoran 17.1
  7. (T6) Steve McDonnell 17.1
  8. (T8) Paul Schuettler 16.6
  9. (T8) John Loescher 16.6
  10. Mike Warren 16.5

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 11 Pairings - July 14

Open Championship Week - let's see who plays well in the fescue.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. McEvilly
Steve McDonnell 9
Dave Delveaux 9
Mike Williams 10
Ed Corcoran 13
Brian Frame (AT) 11
Pat McEvilly 12
Brad Nelson 20
Herb Stanford 24

5:07 & 5:15 Thoeny vs. Dvorak
Ed Molter 12
Jason Thomas 9
Will Nagel (RZ) 13
Jeff Dvorak 13
Travis Thoeny 4
Mike Warren 10
John Loescher 16
Phil Julson 20

5:22 & 5:30 Moritz vs. Kraus
Paul Schuettler 13
Lynn Paulson 9
Bob Lomasney 15
Andy Taylor 9
Tom Hidde 15
Steve Smith 14
Bob Moritz 15
Mike Kraus 15

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Williams
David Wolfe 14
Dave Rieves 6
Mike Sanders 18
Bob Crowe 19
Jeff Pollei (AH) New
Matt Blouin 14
Paul Barnett 15
Ron Weiss 20

5:53 & 6:00 Miller vs. Loew
Ed Meachen 12
Chris Weber 8
Doug Hoerr 13
Shawn McGettigan 11
David Miller 12
Scott Gomez 8
Charlie Hoslet 16
Doug Smedema 33

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 10 Review

Week 10 Results and Standings are posted. The Kraus and Moritz teams take the early lead for the 2nd half pennant. Travis Thoeny kicked butt again, with a 33 (but lost his match, which I'm guessing is a little frustrating).

Here’s a question to ponder until next week. During week 1, Travis birdied number 5 – the only time that has been done this season. Seven of the other eight holes have been birdied at least once since June 2. One other (non-5) hole, however, hasn’t been birdied since week 3 – May 12. Which hole is it?

Here is the updated top 10 from the Sy Brandt standings.
  1. Dave Wolfe - 20.88
  2. Dave Delveaux - 18.25
  3. Adam Hopkins - 18.00
  4. Steve Smith - 16.88
  5. Ed Corcoran - 16.75
  6. Steve McDonnell - 16.13
  7. Paul Schuettler - 16.00
  8. Andy Taylor - 15.50
  9. Ed Meachen - 15.50
  10. Shawn McGettigan - 15.25

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 10 Pairings - July 7

Scramble results are here.

Pairings for Tuesday are below. This is the first week of the second half, so the pennant chase starts anew.

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Williams
Ed Meachen 12
Dave Rieves 6
Charlie Hoslet 15
Ron Weiss 20
David Miller 12
Matt Blouin 14
Doug Hoerr 13
Bob Crowe 19

5:07 & 5:15 Nelson vs. Thoeny
A Tomaszewski 29
Rob Zimmerman 23
Brad Nelson 21
Travis Thoeny 4
Mike Williams 11
John Loescher 16
Steve McDonnell 9
Tom Eberle (EM) 26

5:22 & 5:30 Kraus vs. Loew
Steve Smith 14
Chris Weber 8
Mike Kraus 15
Doug Smedema 33
Lynn Paulson 9
Scott Gomez 9
Andy Taylor 10
Shawn McGettigan 12

5:37 & 5:46 Dvorak vs. Wolfe
Jeff Dvorak 13
David Wolfe 14
Mike Warren 11
Paul Barnett 14
Phil Julson 20
Mike Sanders 17
Jason Thomas 9
Jeff Sartin (AH) New

5:53 & 6:00 Moritz vs. McEvilly
Tom Hidde 15
Herb Stanford 23
Bob Moritz 15
Pat McEvilly 12
Paul Schuettler 13
Dave Delveaux 10
Bob Lomasney 14
Ed Corcoran 14

Thursday, July 2, 2009


(Madison, Wis) - Police were summoned to Glenway Golf Course (3747 Speedway Road) on Tuesday evening, June 30 to investigate the seamy underbelly of Madison's organized crime infestation as it slithered its way into the heretofore unsullied world of semi-competitive league golf. That was the scene of the 2009 UW Men's Golf League Scramble - an innocuously titled event during which many unwitting participants' lives were robbed of their innocence by a crack crew of confidence men working under the watchful eye of local crime syndicate boss Jack Loew (file photo).

As scramble participants were dodging raindrops and happily chomping away on a dinner buffet and quaffing ice-cold beverages in the quaint clubhouse, two Madison Police Department officers questioned clubhouse pro Bill Scheer (shown here with his immediate family) and other staff related with the event. Having determined that there was not sufficient cause to take the entire party into custody (and having received the June protection money), the officers departed. Festivities were allowed to continue, with the Loew-financed team taking 1st place in the league scramble, via a tiebreaker. A blissfully ignorant contingent cheered the victors on with a lengthy ovation. However, perhaps smelling a rat, Travis Thoeny - captain of the runners-up - called for an immediate sudden death playoff.

Madison PD gumshoes continued their investigation, as league commissioner Dave Wolfe doled out prize money to the winners, runners-up, and bronze medalists - the Brad Nelson team - and participants parted with full bellies and a sense of camaraderie, satisfaction, and wholesome, golf-y goodness. Little did they know how quickly their lives would be turned upside-down.

On Wednesday, July 1, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, along with Madison Parks and Recreation undercover officers, busted open the whole scheme. Commissioner Wolfe was informed via telephone that the Loew team victory was a sham, concocted over scramblers and "Arnold Palmers" at Mickey's Dairy Bar in Madison, and documented on napkins found in a trash bin behind Mickey's. While mastermind Loew remains at large, the rest of his crew (caught here by surveillance camera ) has been taken into custody and have all spilled the beans.

It seems the Loew gang - in an attempt to circumvent several federal and international regulations clearly stated in league constitutions, by-laws, and scramble posters - neglected to utilize the tee shots of each member of their foursome as they connived to bring home the league scramble title. Scramble rules clearly stated that, "At least one tee shot from each golfer in the foursome must be used on one of the nine holes."

"Oh, yeah. We knew it was in there," boasted Shawn "Shifty" McGettigan. "We also knew that we weren't going to bring home the gold if we played it straight up. And to not bring the gold home to Jack was not an option."

Scott "The Sandman" Gomez and Chris "The Blade" Weber were a little more tight-lipped. "Our lawyer sez we ain't gots to say nuttin' to youse guys."

It is still undetermined what role Doug "Dutch" Smedema played in the fiasco. "I swear I'm just a patsy here. I played it on the up-and-up. I had no clue what I was getting into with these guys!"

Nonetheless, the title was unceremoniously stripped from the Loew-ballers, and reparations will be made. The Thoeny team, which is not currently under investigation, has been installed as league scramble champs, although the pain of the ordeal lingers. The Nelson team is now the runner-up, and the Kraus team is the official third-place winner. It is unknown at this point, however, how long the taint of this scandal will affect the league golfers and the sport of golf, itself.

“Official” Final Results of the 2009 League Scramble

1st Place: THOENY – 30 (13 putts)
2nd Place: NELSON – 31 (12 putts)
3rd Place: KRAUS – 31 (15 putts)

WOLFE – 33
LOEW – DQ (30)

Hole 6: Closest to pin in one shot – Dave Rieves
Hole 7: Closest to pin from off the green – Paul McEvilly

Edit to add the line scores:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Thoeny 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 30
Loew 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 30
Kraus 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 31
Nelson 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 31
Williams 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 32
Dvorak 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 32
Wolfe 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 5 33
McEvilly 4 3 3 5 4 3 4 3 4 33
Miller 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 33
Moritz 4 3 3 4 5 3 5 3 5 35

Playing 4-man best ball, we managed to collectively play the course even.