Thursday, June 20, 2019

Week 7 (June 18, 2019) Results an Standings

Once again the rain held off and we had another wonderful day of golf at Glenway - even the mosquitos haven't been too bad so far.  

For week 7, the average scores rose a little bit to 47.  We had a number of subs Tuesday, and Glenway definitely takes some getting used to for golfers new to the course.  We had two golfers break 40, Jimmy Yednock and Mark Woodruff, who both shot 37.  Brent Hemstead and Scott Larson were next - each shooting 40.  Pat McEvilly was on fire with a net 24, while Mike Kraus and Brent Hemstead shot net 28.  Someone forgot to tell Mike that you aren't allowed to shoot so well when you play the commissioner - I'm sure that is in the rule book somewhere.

With one week to go in the first half, there are three teams still in contention for the first half title - Team Dvorak, Team McEvilly, and Team Downing.  Team Dvorak is in first with 25.5 points.  Team McEvilly is in second with 23.5 points.  They play each other in this final week of the first half.  Team Downing is in third with 23.0 points, but has a bye this week.  So if everyone shows up for Team Downing, Team Dvorak needs 4.0 points, while Team McEvilly need a sweep of all 6.0 points.  The rest of us battle for pride and improving our golf game.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Dave Rieves - Closest to Pin First Shot on Hole #8
  • Mark Woodruff - Closest Second Shot on Hole ??
  • Anton Slobounov - Longest Putt on Hole ??
  • Dan Stanford - Longest Drive on Hole #5
If someone could let me know the holes for the other challenge winners, I will add that to the blog.

One golfer had a birdie this week:
  • Dave Rieves on Hole #8

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