Friday, June 6, 2014

Results for Weeks 6 and 7, May 27 and June 3

The results for the June 3 live matches and the May 27 blind matches are posted to the right.  The turnout was disappointing given the beautiful weather - just 34 golfers.  The pace of play was slow thanks to a foursome that went out before our league.  The first group likely would have finished at least 20 minutes earlier if not for the waiting the last half of its round (thankfully the slow players had a 15 minute head start).

Steve McDonnell continued his good play with a 37.  Dave Downing had the low net score with a 28.  Matt Raymer was having the round of the night (maybe of his life), standing at one under par after 5 holes.  He then added 15 strokes the next two holes, and posted a 40.  Mike Warren was positioned to shoot in the 30s as well before hitting a ball out of bounds on hole 9 and settling for a 40.

The race for the team title became more interesting.  Team Moritz managed just 2 points for the double header night, dropping from second to sixth.  Team Molter continues to lead, but there are now 3 teams within 3 points.  Teams Weber, Warren, and Kraus made the biggest moves up the leaderboard.  The June 10 matches will be interesting with the top four teams squaring off in two of our matches.

1 comment:

Mike W said...

Thanks for reminding me Lynn! I am starting a petition to move the white stakes to the edge of the woods so I can play my drives each week. They are playable!