Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2024 Week 2 May 14, 2024

Week 2 Team Standings

We had to wait a week, but we got the regular season off.

Welcome to all the new golfers to our league. I hope you had a great night of golf.

Mark Woodruff had the low gross score of the night 39. Well done!

Tom Stafford ruined his handicap by scoring a net 29. Congrats!

Average score for the league was 48.

It's still spring and so we had a few Birdies on the course.

Scott Larson and Mike Schauer on Hole #1

Tom Stafford Hole #2

Eric Durkee and his opponent Ambuj Shatdal both had birdies on Hole #9 

Hole Prizes

Hole #3 Closest to the Pin 1st shot - Barry Wanner

Hole #4 Closest Chip from off the Green - Scott Larson

Hole #7 Longest Putt - Jon Wellik

Hole #9 Closest to the Pin 2nd Shot - Ambuj Shatdal

For the new guys. If you click on the link above you will find the current standings after Week 2.

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