Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Week 4 June 11, 2024

 Week 4 Tee Times 

Third try going to work?

Kraus vs Raymer

4:40 TT

Tom Stafford 10 vs Adam Hopkins 11

Eric Durkee 11 vs Brad Nelson 15

4:50 TT

Mike Kraus 17 vs Mike Sanders 14

Gary Buehler 15 vs John Blimling 16

Larson vs Hackers

5:00 TT

Dan Steinhoff 10 vs David Belton

Andrew Prebowski 13 vs Tom Thieding

5:10 TT

Scott Larson 6 vs Matt Reinfeldt

Jon Walcott vs Scott Stanley 

Downing vs Raffel

5:20 TT

Mark Woodruff 6 vs Jon Wellik 8

Ed Molter 12 vs Tod Robinson 13

5:30 TT

Dave Downing 10 vs Al Crist 14

Rob Zimmerman 23 vs Jason Raffel 9

Mack vs Rieves

5:40 TT

Jimmy Yednock 5 vs Ambuj Shatdal 8

Tom Hidde 11 vs Mike Brania 11

5:50 TT

Tom Mack 12 vs Dave Rieves 8

Jeff Mautz 11 vs Barry Wanner 12

Week 3 Team Standings May 21, 2024

 Week 3

Tuesday, May 21 Results

Week 3

What a storm Tuesday night! We nearly got everyone done. For those that didn't quite finish I took the score you had divided by the par for the holes you completed and then multiplied that by par for the course 33.

Mark Woodruff had low gross of 36

Dave Downing had low net of 29

Good Job!!!

Ball Prizes went to 

Hole 2 Tom Thieding closest to the pin 1st shot

Hole 5 Mike Brania longest drive

Hole 6 Al Crist longest putt

Hole 9 Mike Brania closest 2nd shot


Mike Schauer and Tom Thieding hole 3

Ambuj Shatdal hole 4

Mark Woodruff hole 6

Tom Thieding hole 7

Mike Brania hole 9

Well done gentlemen!

See you next week.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Golf is on tonight!

 Show up early and if you have your foursome together and the 1st tee is open then go. Don't worry about scheduled tee times. Course is slow per the clubhouse.

See you all there,



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Week 3 May 21, 2024 Matchups and Tee Times

 Week 3 Matchups

Team Rieves vs Team Hackers

4:40 Tee Time

Dave Rieves 8 vs Tom Thieding (no hc)

Mike Brania 11 vs Mike Schauer - sub  5

4:50 TT

Barry Wanner 13 vs Matt Reinfeldt (no hc)

Ambuj Shatdal 8 vs David Belton (no hc)

Team Kraus vs Team Downing

5:00 TT

Mike Kraus 17 vs David Downing 10

Tom Stafford 10 vs Ed Molter 12

5:10 TT

Eric Durkee 10 vs Mark Woodruff 6

Gary Buehler 15 vs Rob Zimmerman 23

Team Mack vs Team Raymer

5:20 TT

Tom Mack 12 vs Newton Hurst (no hc)

Jimmy Yednock 5 vs John Blimling 16

5:30 TT

Tom Hidde 11 vs Mike Sanders 13

Jeff  Mautz 10 vs Brad Nelson 14

Team Larson vs Team Raffel

5:40 TT

Scott Larson 6 vs Jason Raffel 9

Andrew Prebowski 13 vs Todd Robinson 13

5:50 TT

Dan Steinhoff 10 vs Jon Wellik 8

Greg Cass 24 vs Al Crist 14

Week 2 Results May 14, 2024

Week 2 Results Link 

For the new guys, when you open the link above you will notice tabs at the bottom of the page. Choose which week your interested in viewing. FYI, I have updated the matchups for the remainder of the season. Click on any week's tab in the Results link to view matchups. 

The new scoring for non-handicap golfers had the modest change I was expecting and hoping for. In slight favor of the handicap golfer. The results were 1 win, 1 tie, and 1 loss for the non-handicap golfers and if no change had been done it would have been 2 wins and 1 loss for the non-handicap golfer.

Reminder to try to keep up with the group ahead of you. We had some significant time gaps between groups. We want the last groups to not have to play in the dark. Thanks!

If you see your score changed. I checked the math and made I think 6 changes from the scorecards. Not a big deal to me. I check all cards every week. Finding errors gives me purpose. There are a lot of moving parts with having many new golfers and this being my first transition from one year to the next. If you spot an issue of any kind let me know.




2024 Week 2 May 14, 2024

Week 2 Team Standings

We had to wait a week, but we got the regular season off.

Welcome to all the new golfers to our league. I hope you had a great night of golf.

Mark Woodruff had the low gross score of the night 39. Well done!

Tom Stafford ruined his handicap by scoring a net 29. Congrats!

Average score for the league was 48.

It's still spring and so we had a few Birdies on the course.

Scott Larson and Mike Schauer on Hole #1

Tom Stafford Hole #2

Eric Durkee and his opponent Ambuj Shatdal both had birdies on Hole #9 

Hole Prizes

Hole #3 Closest to the Pin 1st shot - Barry Wanner

Hole #4 Closest Chip from off the Green - Scott Larson

Hole #7 Longest Putt - Jon Wellik

Hole #9 Closest to the Pin 2nd Shot - Ambuj Shatdal

For the new guys. If you click on the link above you will find the current standings after Week 2.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

UW Employee Men's League May 14, 2024

 Good Day Golfers,

Well our luck ran out with the weather. We will replay this past Tuesday with the same tee times and matchups. The changes will be with subs and the guys sharing a full time position. So Tuesday never happened. The City of Madison is giving us another week of golf, no charge. The golf we were able to do Tuesday was free. I will update the season schedule soon. The season will end a week later if the weather behaves. Guys splitting a spot can figure out who is available that last week. 

Team Larson vs Team Mack (please place prize flags)

4:40 Tee Time

Scott Larson (handicap 7) vs Tom Mack (12)

Dan Steinhoff (9) vs Tom Hidde (11)

4:50 TT

Andrew Prebowski (12) vs Jimmy Yednock (4)

Greg Cass (24) vs Jeff Mautz (10)

Team Raffel vs Team Raymer

5:00 TT

Jason Raffel (9) vs Adam Hopkins (10)

Jon Wellik (7) vs Mike Sanders (13)

5:10 TT

Todd Robinson (12) vs Brad Nelson (14)

Al Crist (14) vs John Blimling (16)

Team Kraus vs Team Rieves

5:20 TT

Mike Kraus (16) vs Dave Rieves (7)

Eric Durkee (10) vs Ambuj Shatdal (8)

5:30 TT

Tom Stafford (11) vs Michael Brania (10)

Gary Buehler (15) vs Barry Wanner (13)

Team Downing vs Team Hackers (please pick up prize flags)

5:40 TT 

Dave Downing (9) vs Tom Thieding (no hc)

Mark Woodruff (6) vs Michael Schauer sub (5)

5:50 TT

Ed Molter (13) vs Scott Stanley (no hc)

Rob Zimmerman (23) vs Dave Belton (no hc)

Sunday, May 5, 2024

UW Employee Men's League May 7th, 2024 Tee Times

 Hi everyone, 

Sorry I am getting this out later than I would like. 

Tee Times for Week 2 of the season 

May 7, 2024

Team Larson vs Team Mack (please place prize flags)

4:40 Tee Time

Scott Larson (handicap 7) vs Tom Mack (12)

Dan Steinhoff (9) vs Tom Hidde (11)

4:50 TT

Andrew Prebowski (12) vs Jimmy Yednock (4)

Mike Licari sub (no hc) vs Jeff Mautz (10)

Team Raffel vs Team Raymer

5:00 TT

Jason Raffel (9) vs Newton Hurst sub (no hc)

Jon Wellik (7) vs Mike Sanders (13)

5:10 TT

Todd Robinson (12) vs Brad Nelson (14)

Al Crist (14) vs John Blimling (16)

Team Kraus vs Team Rieves

5:20 TT

Dave Carlson sub (no he) vs Dave Rieves (7)

Eric Durkee (10) vs Ambuj Shatdal (8)

5:30 TT

Tom Stafford (11) vs Michael Brania (10)

Gary Buehler (15) vs Barry Wanner (13)

Team Downing vs Team Hackers (please pick up prize flags)

5:40 TT 

Dave Downing (9) vs Tom Thieding (no hc)

Mark Woodruff (6) vs Matt Reinfeldt (no hc)

5:50 TT

Ed Molter (13) vs Scott Stanley (no hc)

Rob Zimmerman (23) vs Pat Rebholz (no hc)

Let the games begin!!!  

Low 70's and currently a slight chance of rain. 

Keep the pace of play moving along. 2 minutes looking for lost balls, play ready golf when applicable, gimmee's are between you and your opponent, and seek approval of lost ball placement with your opponent (place new ball back on your line of entry into the area the ball was lost). 

Good luck gentlemen. See you Tuesday


Dan S.
