Thursday, May 16, 2019

Week 2 (May 14, 2019) Results and Standings

Week 2 Results and Standings are posted.

First, a welcome back to Team Dvorak, comprised of Jeff Dvorak, Chad Scholtz, Aaron Kroth, and Jake Heller, after taking last year off from our league.  We also have a number of "new" members who were subs in the past.  Welcome to Tom Mack and Jimmy Yednock on Team McEvilly, and Mark Woodruff to Team Downing.

Also a reminder, especially for new members, everyone golfs every week.  If you have a bye, each golfer needs to show up to get points and your score counts toward the handicap.  

It was another decent May night for golf at Glenway weather-wise, but the course was in pretty rough shape.  However, I didn't hear anyone blaming the course for their scores.  It was just beginning of the season struggles.

For week 2, the average scores was 49. One golfer broke 40, with Jimmy Yednock shooting a 37.  Two golfers, Scott Larson and Brent Hemstead, shot 40.  Only Scott Larson broke par after handicap, with a net 31.  Four golfers, Mike Sanders, Matt Raymer, Brent Hemstead, and Barry Wanner, shot net 32.

After the first week, the standings have Team Dvorak, with a bye, in first place with 6 points.  Team McEvilly is in second place with 5.5 points, and Team Downing is in third with 5 points.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Tom Mack - Longest Drive on Hole #1
  • Jimmy Yednock - Closest to the Pin 1st Shot on Hole #3
  • Brent Hemstead - Closest 2nd Shot on Hole #7
  • David Downing - Longest Putt on Hole #9

Four golfers had birdies this week:
  • Jim Yednock on Hole #1
  • Tom Mack on Hole #1
  • Dave Downing on Holes #3
  • Brent Hemstead on Hole #7

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