Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Week 14 (August 14, 2018) Results and Standings

Week 14 Results and Standings are posted, along with Flight Tournament information.

Well it is down to two teams for the second half title, with Team Kraus with a .5 lead with 28 points and Team Raymer with 27.5 points.  I heard that ESPN2 will be showing the last round because of the excitement surrounding the finish.  Team Kraus will be battling Team McEvilly, while Team Raymer plays Team Rieves.  Hopefully the spectators will not get unruly.

For week 14, the average scores was 47. Three golfers broke 40, with Mark Woodruff firing a 37, and Steve McDonnell and Mike Brania with 39.  Gary Bueller was the key to keeping Team Kraus in the lead - Gary shot a net 25 and won his match by 11 shots.  Caleb Larson shot a net 27 - a second strong week in a row for Caleb.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Mark Woodruff - Closest to Pin 1st Shot on Hole #3
  • Matt Raymer - Longest Drive on Hole #4
  • Mike Brania - Closest 2nd Shot on Hole #7
  • Ed Molter - Closest Chip from Off Green on Hole #9

Three golfers had birdies this week:
  • Tom on Hole #6
  • Zach Katona on Hole #8
  • Mark Woodruff on Hole #7

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