Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Rare Hole-In-One

August 11 featured 38 golfers averaging a season best league wide average of 43.6.  Team Weber, sparked by net 25s by Shane Gibson and Matt Blouin and a net 26 by Tom Weber, had a 6 point night to surge up in the standings.  While those net scores were respectable, they paled in comparison with the net 21 posted by the ever improving Bill Crahen.  Keith Brown shot a 37 and Dave Rieves a 38 as they essentially set up a two person race for the season low average crown with three weeks to go.  The second half team race remains tight, with team Molter edging out in front of the pack.

The highlight of the evening was delivered by Michael Brania.  Frustrated by 5 three-putts in his first seven holes, Mike decided to take putting out of the equation by holing his tee shot on the eighth hole for the league's first hole-in-one in two years.  He was a little excited.

In other news....

> Jay Krafft was scheduled to sub for Michael Brania until Michael's plans changed.  Bitter about the late notice of this change, Jay managed to secure a sub spot for team Molter in the same foursome, and them put a serious beat-down on the commissioner.  At least he had the decency to buy the commissioner a beer after the round.

> Mike Warren drove the first green, but left his eagle putt 6 inches short.  But, his birdies on holes 1 and 9 helped secure a 39, showing he can break 40 in slacks or shorts.

> There was an Ed Corcoran sighting for the first time in several weeks.  Ed shot a net 29, but lost by 4, which sadly may discourage a return next week.

>  Channeling his inner Chad Shultz, Steve Smith attempted to sneak a ball through the trees on hole 5 only to hit the same tree on consecutive shots.  Perhaps if enough of the rest of us follow this strategy we can thin out a few trees by knocking them down.

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