Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pairings for Week 18, September 1

The pairings for our last full-field night are shown below.  To avoid another night of the last groups finishing in the dark  all  players should arrive early, tee of as soon as is reasonable, and keep up with the group ahead.  Team Raymer enters week 18 with the second half lead for the second straight year.  Will they hold on this time?

4:42 & 4:50 McEvilly vs. Raymer
Dan Stanford 13
Paul Barnett 14
Jim Zweifel 11
Matt Raymer 11
Pat McEvilly 14
Mike Sanders 16
Ed Corcoran 13
Adam Hopkins 13

4:58 & 5:06 Molter vs. Moritz
Ed Molter 12
Bob Moritz 14
Rob Zimmerman 22
Paul Schuettler 15
Matt Wornson 11
Keith Brown 6
Dave Downing 12
Tom Hidde 13

5:14 & 5:22 Weber vs. Rieves
Matt Blouin (cw) 14
Lynn Paulson 8
Pat Fahey 21
Michael Brania 12
Tom Weber 22
Steve Smith 16
Shane Gibson 15
Dave Rieves 6

5:30 & 5:38 Kraus vs. Warren
Eric Durkee 12
Mike Warren 8
Gary Buehler 17
Jake Holler 10
Mike Kraus 14
Chad Shultz 7
Bob Jokisch 16
Jeff Dvorak 12

5:46 & 5:54 Miller vs. Nelson
Doug Hoerr 10
Mike Williams (kk) 8
Bill Swisher 20
Bill Crahen 19
David Miller (ch) 12
Steve McDonnell 8
Sasi Pillay 20
Brad Nelson 16

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Perfect Attendance

On a cool August evening the league posted a season first as 40 players participated.  Apparently effectively playing two matches with a second half title and the season ending flight tournament on the line was inspirational.  The downside was the half-hour gap between the first and second groups of the evening, resulting in the last 2-3 groups finishing in the dark.  Pat Fahey reported that is was so dark that his foursome needed to use a sextant and use the stars to guide them on holes 8 and 9.  That sextant seemed to work well as that group made the two longest putts of the evening on hole 9.  Steve McDonnell was heard to say "We don't need no stinking sunlight".

Chad Shultz, in a belated and likely futile attempt to win the season low gross average title, led the league with a 35.  The two players in the strongest position for that honor, Dave Rieves and Keith Brown, shot 38 and 37 respectively.  Jake Holler (38) and Doug Hoerr (39) also broke 40.  From the near miss department, Mike Williams shot a 42 with a 9 on hole 5.

In another attempt to wipe out the league's golf ball supply, four players led the league for low net for the second time this season.  Ed Corcoran, Brad Nelson, Mike Sanders, and Chad Shultz all shot net 27s.  Those four are in contention for the flight tournament titles, but many others could still win with a low score next week.  The race for the Sy Brandt award is historically close.  With several players still in contention, the ultimate winner will almost certainly need to win his match next week and shoot a score below his season average.

The head-to-head matches this week were competitive, but the blind matches caused some separation among the teams.  Team Raymer put itself in the driver's seat for the second half title, but several other teams have a mathematical chance and will be rooting for Team McEvilly to take 6 points from Team Raymer next Tuesday.

Dave Rieves, captain of the defending league champions, is making arrangements for the league banquet at Babes for either September 8 or 15.  More details should follow soon.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pairings for Week 17, August 25

The pairings for August 25 are shown below.  In addition to the posted match, each players scores will be compared with his week 16 opponent to determine the outcome for those matches.  The scores from August 25 will count twice for the year-end tournament, but only once for regular match play handicap purposes.  It keeps getting dark earlier, so everyone should play fast out of consideration for the latter groups.

4:42 & 4:50 Rieves vs. Kraus
Steve Smith 16
Mike Kraus 15
Lynn Paulson 8
Gary Buehler 17
Dave Rieves 6
Eric Durkee 12
Michael Brania 12
Bob Jokisch 16

4:58 & 5:06 Molter vs. Miller
Ed Molter 12
Charles Hoslet 16
Dave Downing 13
Sasi Pillay 20
Matt Wornson 13
Doug Hoerr 10
Rob Zimmerman 23
Bill Swisher 20

5:14 & 5:22 Raymer vs. Warren
Matt Raymer 11
Mike Warren 8
Mike Sanders 18
Chad Shultz 8
Adam Hopkins 13
Jeff Dvorak 12
Paul Barnett 14
Jake Holler 10

5:30 & 5:38 Moritz vs. McEvilly
Keith Brown 7
Pat McEvilly 14
Paul Schuettler 16
Ed Corcoran 15
Tom Hidde 12
Jim Zweifel 10
Bob Moritz 14
Dan Stanford 13

5:46 & 5:54 Nelson vs. Weber
Brad Nelson 17
Chris Weber 8
Bill Crahen 20
Tom Weber 23
Kevin Kiser 14
Pat Fahey 22
Steve McDonnell 8
Shane Gibson 15

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lightning Ruins A Warm Day

After a day of hopeful weather forecasts predicting that rain would hold off until 9:00, a shift in the storms direction resulted in the cancellation of league play.  Not everyone was pleased with the decision.  An astonished Jeff Dvorak was heard to say "One bolt of lightning and a chance of some rain and we don't get to play?  What is this league coming to!"

Hopefully everyone was able to get a rain check.  However, the rain checks may not be used for league play.  The good news about that is we do not need to extend the season to September 8.  Instead, league members will play the matches scheduled for next week, and the scores will also be matched against the August 18 opponents.  The scores will also be used twice for the 4 week season ending tournament, so August 25 will be a good night for bringing your A game.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pairings for Week 16, August 18

The pairings for August 18 follow.  It is starting to get dark earlier, so a good pace of play will be appreciated by all.

4:42 & 4:50 Kraus vs. Raymer
Nick Probst (bj) New
Mike Sanders 18
Gary Buehler 17
Paul Barnett 14
Mike Kraus 15
Matt Raymer 11
Eric Durkee 12
Adam Hopkins 13

4:58 & 5:06 Weber vs. Molter
Matt Blouin (cw) 15
Dave Downing 13
Shane Gibson 15
Rob Zimmerman 23
Pat Fahey 22
Ed Molter 12
Tom Weber 23
Matt Wornson 13

5:14 & 5:22 McEvilly vs. Miller
Pat McEvilly 14
Jay Krafft (ch) 8
Jim Zweifel 10
David Miller (bs) 12
Ed Corcoran 15
Sasi Pillay 20
Dan Stanford 13
Doug Hoerr 10

5:30 & 5:38 Warren vs. Moritz
Chad Shultz 8
Tom Hidde 12
Jake Holler 10
Steve Hineline (ps) 10
Mike Warren 8
Bob Moritz 14
Jeff Dvorak 12
Keith Brown 7

5:46 & 5:54 Rieves vs. Nelson
Dave Rieves 6
Steve McDonnell 8
Lynn Paulson 8
Bill Crahen 20
Steve Smith 16
Brad Nelson 17
Michael Brania 12
Kevin Kiser 14

A Rare Hole-In-One

August 11 featured 38 golfers averaging a season best league wide average of 43.6.  Team Weber, sparked by net 25s by Shane Gibson and Matt Blouin and a net 26 by Tom Weber, had a 6 point night to surge up in the standings.  While those net scores were respectable, they paled in comparison with the net 21 posted by the ever improving Bill Crahen.  Keith Brown shot a 37 and Dave Rieves a 38 as they essentially set up a two person race for the season low average crown with three weeks to go.  The second half team race remains tight, with team Molter edging out in front of the pack.

The highlight of the evening was delivered by Michael Brania.  Frustrated by 5 three-putts in his first seven holes, Mike decided to take putting out of the equation by holing his tee shot on the eighth hole for the league's first hole-in-one in two years.  He was a little excited.

In other news....

> Jay Krafft was scheduled to sub for Michael Brania until Michael's plans changed.  Bitter about the late notice of this change, Jay managed to secure a sub spot for team Molter in the same foursome, and them put a serious beat-down on the commissioner.  At least he had the decency to buy the commissioner a beer after the round.

> Mike Warren drove the first green, but left his eagle putt 6 inches short.  But, his birdies on holes 1 and 9 helped secure a 39, showing he can break 40 in slacks or shorts.

> There was an Ed Corcoran sighting for the first time in several weeks.  Ed shot a net 29, but lost by 4, which sadly may discourage a return next week.

>  Channeling his inner Chad Shultz, Steve Smith attempted to sneak a ball through the trees on hole 5 only to hit the same tree on consecutive shots.  Perhaps if enough of the rest of us follow this strategy we can thin out a few trees by knocking them down.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pairings for Week 15, August 11

The pairings for August 11 follow.  With all ten teams in the mix, this should be a good night, and the forecast is excellent.

4:42 & 4:50 Moritz vs. Raymer
Keith Brown 7
Matt Raymer 11
Jim Beyer (th) New
Paul Barnett 14
Steve Moritz (bm) 10
Adam Hopkins 13
Steve Hineline (ps) 10
Mike Sanders 18

4:58 & 5:06 McEvilly vs. Weber
Dan Stanford 14
Shane Gibson 15
Jim Zweifel 10
Tom Weber 24
Pat McEvilly 13
Pat Fahey 22
Ed Corcoran 16
Chris Weber 8

5:14 & 5:22 Miller vs. Warren
Doug Hoerr 11
Chad Shultz 8
Bill Swisher 20
Jeff Dvorak 12
Charlie Hoslet 16
Mike Warren 9
Sasi Pillay 20
Jake Holler 10

5:30 & 5:38 Molter vs. Rieves
Matt Wornson 13
Lynn Paulson 8
Dave Downing 14
Michael Brania 11
Rob Zimmerman 23
Steve Smith 16
Ed Molter 11
Dave Rieves 6

5:46 & 5:54 Nelson vs. Kraus
Brad Nelson 18
Mike Kraus 15
Steve McDonnell 7
Bob Jokisch 17
Kevin Kiser 14
Eric Durkee 12
Bill Crahen 22
Gary Buehler 17

It is Tournament Time

We have reached the last four weeks of the season, which means it is time for the end of season tournament.  The handicaps shown below will be used for all four weeks for tournament purposes (they may change for regular league play).  Each player's best 3 net scores will be calculated, and the low net score for each flight will win $20.

Flight 1 (Handicaps 6 to 11)
Dave Rieves           6
Keith Brown           7
Steve McDonnell           7
Jay Krafft           8
Lynn Paulson           8
Chad Shultz           8
Chris Weber           8
Mike Warren           9
Jake Holler         10
Jim Zweifel         10
Michael Brania         11 
Doug Hoerr         11
Ed Molter         11
Matt Raymer         11

Flight 2 (Handicaps 12 to 15)
Eric Durkee         12
Jeff Dvorak         12
Tom Hidde         12
Adam Hopkins         13
Patrick McEvilly         13
Matt Wornson         13
Paul Barnett         14
Dave Downing         14
Kevin Kiser         14
Bob Moritz         14
Dan Stanford         14
Shane Gibson         15
Mike Kraus         15

Flight 3 (Handicaps 16 to 24)
Matt Blouin         16
Ed Corcoran         16
Charlie Hoslet         15
Paul Schuettler         16
Steve Smith         16
Gary Buehler         17
Bob Jokisch         17
Brad Nelson         18
Mike Sanders         18
Saai Pillay         20
Bill Siwisher         20
Bi;; Crahen         22
Pat Fahey         22
Rob Zimmerman         23
Tom Weber         24

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mike Warren - "Look like a pro, play like a pro".

Another good weather night resulted in 38 golfers participating on August 4, although scores were not as good as the wonderfully humid previous week.  Team Rieves took advantage of 2 team McEvilly no-shows to propel it to a 6 point night while winning the 2 contested matches by one stroke each.  One week after securing 6 points, team Raymer posted a big 0 against team Miller.  Three teams are tied for first with four weeks to go, and all ten teams are within 7 points of the lead.  The second half race is shaping up to be a doozy.

Keith Brown shot his season best 34, moving into second behind Dave Rieves for the season low average in his attempt win that honor two years in a row.  Those two players were among 5 who broke 40.

Mike Warren showed up in golf slacks, claiming that he forgot his shorts and gripping about being too hot.  The real story is that he wanted to play like the pros and Dave Rieves do, and the results were positive as he shot a 37 (net 27).  We may see Mike in slacks the rest of the season.  Tom Weber played the first hole like a pro, getting a birdie that propelled him to a net 27.  Upon learning that they both broke 50, Brad Nelson and Bill Crahen (net 27) celebrated by throwing a party for those still at the course.  That will teach players who already left.  Jay Krafft was the fourth player to shoot a league low net 27, thereby seriously draining the league's golf ball supply.

Pay Fahey hit 6 trees in 3 shots on hole 7, making him sad that he lost his magical ball that somehow avoided trees and found that green in previous weeks.  Even Pat is human.

The first group out decided that the prize for hole 9 was "Drive closest to the 150 marker".  Your commissioner, who hit his longest drive in the fairway on hole 9 in two years, was not pleased.  Speaking of the commissioner, 3 of the 8 points he has won have come via a forfeit.  Expect more postings about trying to get people who beat him fired - it seems to be working.

The three straight weeks of Chris Weber appearances came to end, and we are all poorer for it.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pairings for Week 14, August 4

The pairings for August 4 are shown below.  This is the last week before we start our 4 week season ending tournament.  Players will be divided into 3 flights based on handicaps after August 4, and the person in each flight with the lowest three net scores during the last four weeks will be the flight champion.

All ten teams are withing reach of the second half title.  We will see if team Nelson can field a four player team.  That would be a rare occurrence.

4:42 & 4:50 Kraus vs. Moritz
Bob Jokisch 16
Steve Hineline (ps) 10
Eric Durkee 12
Keith Brown 7
Gary Buehler 17
Tom Hidde 12
Mike Kraus 17
Bob Moritz 14

4:58 & 5:06 Warren vs. Weber
Jeff Dvorak 11
Chris Weber 8
Jake Holler 11
Tom Weber 25
Mike Warren 10
Pat Fahey 22
Chad Shultz 9
Shane Gibson 15

5:14 & 5:22 Rieves vs. McEvilly
Steve Smith 16
Ed Corcoran 16
Lynn Paulson 7
Jim Zweifel 10
Dave Rieves 6
Dan Stanford 14
Michael Brania 11
Pat McEvilly 14

5:30 & 5:38 Raymer vs. Miller
Matt Raymer 11
Charles Hoslet 17
Mike Sanders 19
Sasi Pillay 20
Adam Hopkins 13
Doug Hoerr 11
Paul Barnett 14
Bill Swisher 20

5:46 & 5:54 Nelson vs. Molter
Steve McDonnell 7
Ed Molter 12
Kevin Kiser 14
Jay Krafft (dd) 8
Brad Nelson 19
Matt Wornson 12
Bill Crahen 22
Rob Zimmerman 23