Thursday, July 3, 2014

Results for Week 10 - July 1

And the second half is underway.  A nice night turned into sheets of rain for the last seven groups, but then things settled down and everyone finished.  Stung by being narrowly edged out by Team Molter is the first half, Team Rieves got off to a hot start with 5 points - aided by 2 Team Molter no shows.  The four teams within a point can dream their dreams, but I sense a Rieves runaway coming on.

Keith Brown shot the low score of the night with a 36 despite a double bogey on hole 9.  Pat Fahey shot a net 25.  Team Raymer put on a putting exhibition with two players posting 12 putts or less - Adam Hopkins (11) and Mike Sanders (12).   Mike was also nice enough to leave his wallet unattended in the clubhouse for an extended period, resulting in free drinks for a lucky few.  Nice guy that Mike.

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