Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1st Half Results and Scramble News

Congratulations to the Nelson team for winning the 1st half (in this 8-team, asterisked season).  Week 7 results and final first-half standings are posted.

Also ,I'm still leaving after I take care of the scramble and the league needs assistance with commissionering in the second half this year and beyond.

The league scramble will be held next Tuesday, June 25.  Here are the scramble rules and such.  Have fun.

There will be four "regular" holes prizes.  Each earns the winner $5.
  • Longest holed shot (putt or chip) on #3
  • Longest drive in fairway on #4
  • Closest to the pin (on the green) in 1 shot on #6
  • Closest to the pin in 2 shots (on the green) on #7
Tee Times
4:48 Kraus – Please take flags out for the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th holes. Thanks.
4:57 Molter
5:06 Miller
5:15 Wolfe
5:24 McEvilly
5:33 Moritz
5:42 Weber
5:51 Nelson - Please bring the flags in

  • You must count at least one tee shot from each member of your group. On your scorecard, note whose tee shot you use on each hole.
  • Count your putts on each hole, and note them on the scorecard.
  • Get some damn birdies!

Rules (for those unfamiliar with the scramble format):
  • Each foursome plays as a team and keeps one score for the team (including putts).
  • After each golfer tees off, the team picks one shot to play next, and each golfer hits from there. The three people whose shots won't be used should retrieve their balls and drop within a club-length of the ball chosen to be played, but if the ball you are playing is in the rough or a hazard you must play from that rough or hazard. You may improve your lie (winter rules).
  • Follow this same procedure until your team holes out.
  • When putting, the first person puts a mark down to identify where the others should putt from if the first person misses.
  • At least one tee shot from each golfer in the foursome must be used on one of the nine holes. You do not need to decide whose tee shot is to be used until after everybody has teed off on a hole, unless you are forced to use a specific golfer’s tee shot on holes 7, 8, or 9 because you have not used one of their tee shots yet.
  1. Most holes-in-one
  2. Most eagles
  3. Most birdies
  4. Fewest putts
  5. Higher average team handicap (those without handicaps will not be counted)
  6. Higher lowest individual handicap on the team
  7. Fewest total strokes on the five par 4 holes
  8. Best score on #5
  9. Best score on #7
  10. Winner of thumb wrestle-off
  11. Higher average body-fat percentage
  12. Lower blood alcohol content (BAC)
  13. Winner of four-person relay from first tee to 4th pin
  14. Longer time balancing a vertical 3-wood on one’s nose
  15. Winner of contest naming U.S. Vice Presidents in backward chronological order, taking turns until one team answers incorrectly or fails to answer
  16. Dueling pistols at 20 paces

Monday, June 17, 2013

To catch you up on the news:

  1. It's time for me to fly.
  2. Help! I Need Somebody! (Help! Literally Anybody!)
  3. Below are Tuesday's pairings.
  4. I still need dues from about six of you.

4:48 & 4:57 Kraus vs. Molter
Mike Kraus 15 Will Nagel 12
Steve Smith 16 Ed Molter 13
Bob Jokisch 18 Rob Zimmerman 23
Lynn Paulson 7 Matt Raymer 9
5:06 & 5:15 Miller vs. Nelson
David Miller 14 Steve McDonnell 11
Charlie Hoslet 16 Kevin Kiser 16
Ed Meachen 16 Brad Nelson 18
Doug Hoerr 10 Mike Williams 9
5:24 & 5:33 Moritz vs. Weber
Steve Moritz 12 Shane Gibson 18
Bob Moritz 13 Tom Weber 24
Paul Schuettler 14 Pat Fahey 29
Tom Hidde 12 Chris Weber 6
5:42 & 5:51 Wolfe vs. McEvilly
David Wolfe 14 Pat McEvilly 13
Paul Barnett 15 Dan Stanford 14
Mike Sanders 15 Ed Corcoran 15
Adam Hopkins 13 Dave Delveaux 7

Friday, June 14, 2013

Volunteers (or meagerly paid helpers) wanted!

If you read this blog in chronological order, you already know that I am leaving Madison and, therefore, the golf league at the end of June.

What this means to the league is that somebody (or somebodies) needs to take over my in-season duties after the league scramble on June 25.  Here is a breakdown of what I do (and a little bit of how).  It may be that the duties can be split up and I'll take a stab at that.  I am definitely willing to sit down with people before I leave to go over the tools I use, and I will be available for email/phone consultation if you get stuck. (I will be temporarily living in my in-laws' guest room, so any opportunity to interact with the outside world will be appreciated.)

Please let me know if you have any interest in helping out or - if you don't have any interest - whether you would be willing to take on some duties for the benefit of the league (which has been around since 1958!).

FYI - The league commissioner does get paid, in the form of free greens fees taken out of annual league  dues.  If these duties are split across multiple people, you could split the stipend also.

Prep for the week:

  • Update the week's match-ups displayed in upper-right corner of blog.  Technically, this task could be skipped.  (Estimated 5 minutes)
  • Update handicaps based on previous week's score.  This is done in a spreadsheet by adding last week's scores and removing the 9th-oldest score.  The handicap is the updated automatically.  (I would say this will take 5-20 minutes, based on how familiar one becomes with it.)
    • I usually first enter the golfer scores in a separate tab of the spreadsheet so I can report scores for all 14/18 weeks at the end of the year in the yearbook.  I then copy-and-paste them into the handicap tab of the spreadsheet.
  • Create the pairings.  Using the existing schedule and a pre-set algorithm (documented in the spreadsheet), enter the golfers and their handicaps and set the individual match-ups based on the algorithm. (15-40 minutes)
  • Add the pairings to the blog. Technically, this step could be skipped.  I try (tried) to do it on Sunday nights.  It involves copying the pairings from a special tab in the spreadsheet into a blog post and then just tidying it up a bit.  (5-10 minutes)
  • Print out pairings and post a copy at the clubhouse.  If I can't be at the course before the first tee time on Tuesday, I take it over on Monday night. (10-45 minutes, depending on whether you make a special trip)
  • Determine whether anybody still owes you money and who is owed a prize ball.  When I have my ^&@* together, I take a list with me to the course so I know. (10 minutes)
Tuesday Nights:
  • Bring pairings, if I haven't already posted them.  I usually bring a second copy so I can hang them near the first tee.
  • Bring list of who owes money and who is owed a prize ball.  Hunt them all down if time allows.  Write down everyone who pays and everyone you've given a ball, because you're old and won't remember after the round (or maybe that's just me).
  • Make sure the first group takes out prize flag-sticks (if you're there).  Since there are new guys working the clubhouse, I usually have to remind them we need the sticks.
  • Collect scorecards at the end of the night.
  • Report all scores < 40 to the clubhouse for inclusion in the newspaper.  (I still do this, though I have no idea of the post-Scheer clubhouse actually calls them in.  This may be moot now if they no longer call them in.)
  • Collect hole prize winners (just the names - not the actual people) at the end of the night
Post-Tuesday work:
  • Enter all scores into the pairings spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the individual match-up and team points. (5-20 minutes)
    • I currently enter every hole for every player in the spreadsheet, which then automatically calculates the score for the round.  This is not a necessity, though I do catch about one addition error per week. (10-30 minutes)
  • Update the standings spreadsheet with the team scores.  Then re-sort by total points and adjust the "Place" column. (5-10 minutes)
  • Update the standings spreadsheet with the league average, low gross, low net, 12-putts-or-less, and hole prize winners. (5-10 minutes)
  • Save both the pairings (results) spreadsheet and the standings spreadsheet as PDF's. (1 minute)
  • Upload both PDF's to Google Docs (or some other cloud-based storage) such that you can provide Internet links to them. (5-20 minutes)
  • Add the Results and Standings links to the blog. (5-10 minutes).
  • Write something pithy to the league about what went down on Tuesday night. (3-6 hours)
There's also post-season work (yearbook, banquet prep, etc.) and pre-season work (ensure rosters are filled, teams are ready, spreadsheets are ready, prize balls are purchased) that I won't get into now.  I hibernate from September through March.

Two Weeks' Notice

Dearest UW Men's Golf League -

I hereby submit my two weeks' notice as Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe for the UW Men's Golf League.  While I have appreciated the opportunity and career growth you have provided to me over the last five years, I have accepted another position in another city and will no longer be able to serve.  My last day as Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe will be whenever I finish up the mess left by the June 25 League Scramble and transfer my duties to a new (or interim) Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe.

As for the less important matter of fulfilling my golfing duties, Dave Rieves will be rejoining the league, as a member of the Molter team, and Matt Raymer will move to the Wolfe team, which will henceforth be known as the Raymer team.  This will all be effective when league play resumes for the second half on July 9.

Please donate my final paycheck to the Society for Moving the Out-of-Bounds Markers on 9 at Glenway.

Also, may I use you as a reference?


Soon-to-be-former Commissioner
David M. Wolfe

P.S. - This is not a joke.  I'm really leaving.

P.P.S. - Still not a joke.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 6 Pairings - June 11

Here are Tuesday's pairings.

4:48 & 4:57 Weber vs. Wolfe
Pat Fahey 29 Caleb Hopkins New
Tom Weber 24 Mike Sanders 15
Shane Gibson 17 David Wolfe 14
Chris Weber 6 Adam Hopkins 13
5:06 & 5:15 Moritz vs. McEvilly
Paul Schuettler 14 Ed Corcoran 15
Bob Moritz 14 Dan Stanford 13
Steve Moritz 11 Pat McEvilly 13
Tom Hidde 12 Dave Delveaux 8
5:24 & 5:33 Kraus vs. Nelson
Bob Jokisch 17 Brad Nelson 18
Steve Smith 16 Kevin Kiser 17
Mike Kraus 15 Steve McDonnell 11
Lynn Paulson 8 Mike Williams 9
5:42 & 5:51 Miller vs. Molter
Charlie Hoslet 17 Rob Zimmerman 22
Ed Meachen 16 Ed Molter 13
Dave Rieves (dm) 10 Will Nagel 13
Doug Hoerr 9 Matt Raymer 9

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 5 Results

I have posted week 5 results and standings.  There are only two weeks left in the first half, and the Weber team takes a 3.5 point lead over the Miller and Nelson teams, who are tied for second.

I received my shipment of new prize balls yesterday, so I'll have lots to distribute next Tuesday.  I also need to collect $25 dues from about seven of you.  I'll be looking for you Tuesday.