Friday, June 14, 2013

Two Weeks' Notice

Dearest UW Men's Golf League -

I hereby submit my two weeks' notice as Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe for the UW Men's Golf League.  While I have appreciated the opportunity and career growth you have provided to me over the last five years, I have accepted another position in another city and will no longer be able to serve.  My last day as Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe will be whenever I finish up the mess left by the June 25 League Scramble and transfer my duties to a new (or interim) Commissioner/Secretary/Scribe.

As for the less important matter of fulfilling my golfing duties, Dave Rieves will be rejoining the league, as a member of the Molter team, and Matt Raymer will move to the Wolfe team, which will henceforth be known as the Raymer team.  This will all be effective when league play resumes for the second half on July 9.

Please donate my final paycheck to the Society for Moving the Out-of-Bounds Markers on 9 at Glenway.

Also, may I use you as a reference?


Soon-to-be-former Commissioner
David M. Wolfe

P.S. - This is not a joke.  I'm really leaving.

P.P.S. - Still not a joke.

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