Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 15 Recap

I won't have time to post the complete results and standings until sometime Sunday. For now, here's a brief recap.

The Moritz team, with its second straight 6-point week, swept its way into first place, now holding a two point lead over the Loescher team and a 6.5 lead over the Kraus team.

Chris Weber set the new league low for the season with a 33. Rumor is mosquitos carried his tee shot all the way to the green on #7.

Paul Schuettler strengthened his Sy Brandt Award lead, playing like the old Tiger while the other contenders played like the new Tiger.

After one week, the early leaders in the flight tournament are Chris Weber (flight 1), Doug Hoerr (flight 2), and a tie between Bob Crowe and Herb Stanford (flight 3).

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