Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 2 Recap

What did I say last week? Let me remind you.
Next week, we're back to our normal schedule. Keep up the ready golf and hope for sunshine, because it's going to get dark for the last groups. See you Tuesday!
Well, we had sunshine, yet the last group still couldn't finish, mostly because it was over 2:30 after their tee time. I hate to take some of the fun out of the league, but we need to do a better job getting the pace up. I've already had one sub tell me he's not interested in future opportunities because it takes so long to play 9 holes. Here are some tips to keep it moving.
  • The first group needs to tee off on time. If they're late, everybody's late. The league in front of us is never running late.
  • Limit yourself to one practice swing.
  • Give and accept gimme putts. If you're given a putt, pick it up. Help explain gimmes to teammates - especially subs - if they don't know about them.
  • Push slow teammates - especially subs - to keep pace.
Hopefully everyone has now shaken the winter rust off and we'll be just zippy next week.

So, results and standings for Week 2 are published, but they are incomplete. Last week's last group could not play the 9th hole, so they will get their Week 3 9th hole score applied to Week 2. Their scores and their tentative place in the standings are subject to change.

- Mr. Crabby-Ass Ready-Golfer

Update: The Dvorak team is still looking for two permanent golfers. We also need one sub for each of the next two weeks and two subs on the 25th. Please let me know if you have any candidates.

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