Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 6 Pairings - June 1

Below are the pairings for June 1. Scores this week will be applied to this week's and last week's pairings, so you're playing for two weeks this Tuesday.

As of right now, we're short two golfers (on the Dvorak team). If you know anybody who can golf Tuesday night, please let me know. Thanks.

4:52 & 5:00 Williams vs. McEvilly
Ron Weiss 21
Herb Stanford 26
Bob Crowe 18
Pat McEvilly 12
Matt Blouin 16
Ed Corcoran 17
Dave Rieves 5
Dave Delveaux 9

5:07 & 5:15 Moritz vs. Wolfe
Bob Moritz 14
David Wolfe 18
Tom Hidde 14
Adam Hopkins 18
Paul Schuettler 13
Mike Sanders 17
Steve Moritz 9
Paul Barnett 13

5:22 & 5:30 Loescher vs. Kraus
Rob Zimmerman 24
Steve Smith 17
Ed Molter 17
Mike Kraus 13
John Loescher 16
Andy Taylor 12
Will Nagel (JL) 14
Lynn Paulson 6

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. McGettigan
Charlie Hoslet 15
Tom Weber 23
Doug Hoerr 12
Shawn McGettigan 14
Ed Meachen 13
Scott Gomez 10
David Miller 12
Chris Weber 7

5:53 & 6:00 Dvorak vs. Nelson

A Tomaszewski 20

Brad Nelson 18
Jeff Dvorak 13
Steve McDonnell 11
Mike Warren 10
Mike Williams 8

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weathered Out Tonight

Conditions were poor (lots of thunder) with no promise of improvement on the radar, so Bill and I decided we'd probably not get nine in.

Steve Smith is the luckiest league member, because I was bringing it tonight!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 5 Pairings - May 25

As of right now, we're looking at a high of 87 for Tuesday. Should be beautiful by the time we get out there. Here are the match-ups.

4:52 & 5:00 Kraus vs. Wolfe
Steve Smith 17
David Wolfe 18
Andy Taylor 12
Mike Sanders 17
Mike Kraus 13
Adam Hopkins 18
Lynn Paulson 6
Paul Barnett 13

5:07 & 5:15 Loescher vs. Williams
John Lobe 30
David Crowe (MB) New
Ed Molter 17
Bob Crowe 18
Rob Zimmerman 24
Ron Weiss 21
John Loescher 16
Dave Rieves 5

5:22 & 5:30 McGettigan vs. Dvorak
Tom Weber 23
Tom Eberle (V) 27
Scott Gomez 10
Jeff Dvorak 13
Shawn McGettigan 14
Will Nagel (V) 14
Chris Weber 7
Mike Warren 10

5:37 & 5:46 Moritz vs. Nelson
Tom Hidde 14
A Tomaszewski 20
Steve Moritz 9
Steve McDonnell 11
Paul Schuettler 13
Brad Nelson 18
Keith Brown (BM) 7
Mike Williams 8

5:53 & 6:00 McEvilly vs. Miller
Herb Stanford 26
Charlie Hoslet 15
Pat McEvilly 12
Doug Hoerr 12
Ed Corcoran 17
Ed Meachen 13
Dave Delveaux 9
David Miller 12

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 4 Recap

Now that's more like it. The weather was gorgeous for Tuesday night's round, and the beer was flowing like wine. Results and standings are now posted.

There are many things to discuss.
  • The NELSON team strengthens their first-half lead with four points, and now lead the field by five points.
  • Giving hope to all those looking up at the leaders, the KRAUS team swept their way from 5th into a 2nd-place tie in one week. There are still 8 teams who could be no worse than 2nd place with a sweep next week.
  • The DVORAK team is still in need of two permanent golfers. Please help us recruit so we don't have to use up the available subs to fill those vacancies.
  • I have received fees from all but two golfers, who missed the first week when I collected most of them. I will email those two separately about the $25 fee. I also am unable to collect fees from the two vacant positions, so at this point our budget is $50 light.
  • In this week's pairings post I incorrectly billed the Weber-Rieves match as being "a match-up of the league's two best golfers." Chris Weber's subsequent 46 made me question that, so I went back to the spreadsheet where it clearly shows that Lynn Paulson and Dave Rieves had (and have) the two lowest handicaps in the league. This explains why Rieves so easily dispatched of C-Web. (Lynn was seemingly not driven to success by the potential bulletin board material, however.)
  • On that note, congratulations to Mike Kraus and Dave Rieves, for their league-leading 39's on Tuesday night. Mike also had the league-low net score of 25.
  • There were only two birdies this week - Paul Barnett on #1 and Steve McDonnell on #4. (On the positive side, there was only one septuple-bogey!)
  • I have many prize balls to give out next week. I am in the first foursome, so when you finish, look for me and I will be distributing prizes. Here's a list of those who have earned prizes this year:
  • Ed Corcoran (Low Net Score, Week 3)
  • Adam Hopkins (Longest Made Putt, #5, Week 4)
  • Mike Kraus (Low Net Score, Week 4)
  • Rich Lampe (Closest to Pin #8, Week 3)
  • John Loescher (Closest to Pin #6, Week 1; Closest to Pin #3, Week 2)
  • David McLean (Longest Made Putt, #9, Week 4)
  • Steve McDonnell (Longest Drive in Fairway #4, Week 2; Longest Drive in Fairway #5, Week 3)
  • Ed Meachen (Longest Made Putt, #6, Week 2)
  • Ed Molter (Closest to Pin #8, Week 1)
  • Steve Moritz (Longest Made Putt, #9, Week 3)
  • Lynn Paulson (Closest to Pin #8, Week 4)
  • Dan Ruder (Longest Drive in Fairway #9, Week 2; Closest to Pin #6 in Two Strokes, Week 3)
  • Doug Smedema (Low Net Score, Week 1)
  • Andy Tomaszewski (Longest Made Putt, #9, Week 1)
  • Brendan West (Longest Drive in Fairway #4, Week 4)
  • Mike Williams (Longest Drive in Fairway #5, Week 1)
  • I'm going to try to start reporting the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award race next week. I still have some tweaking to do to the formula in order to give myself the best chance to win.
  • Just a reminder that the league scramble is June 29. I'll have details soon about the cookout. (It will likely be around $11.)
  • Any time you know you'll have a sub, please let me know ahead of time. It helps me set more appropriate match-ups if I know who will be playing and what their handicaps are.
  • Another reminder - this time to League Champion Captain David Miller and his team - planning of the location and details of the league banquet this year are
Chris Weber comment expected in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 4 Pairings

Here are Tuesday's pairings, including a match-up of the league's two best golfers - Chris Weber vs. David Rieves - in the last foursome. The weather forecast looks great.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Miller
Brad Nelson 18
Ed Meachen 13
Steve McDonnell 10
Doug Hoerr 12
Mike Williams 8
David Miller 11
A Tomaszewski 22
Charlie Hoslet 14

5:07 & 5:15 Kraus vs. Moritz
Mike Kraus 14
Paul Schuettler 13
Andy Taylor 12
Bob Moritz 12
Lynn Paulson 5
Steve Moritz 8
Steve Smith 16
Tom Hidde 14

5:22 & 5:30 McEvilly vs. Loescher
Ed Corcoran 16
John Lobe New
Dave Delveaux 10
John Loescher 16
Pat McEvilly 11
Ed Molter 15
Herb Stanford 25
Rob Zimmerman 23

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Dvorak
David Wolfe 18
Craig Hughes (V) 20
Mike Sanders 17
Morgan Machina (V) New
Paul Barnett 12
Mike Warren 10
Adam Hopkins 18
Jeff Dvorak 13

5:53 & 6:00 McGettigan vs. Williams
Shawn McGettigan 14
Bob Crowe 17
Scott Gomez 10
Matt Blouin 16
Chris Weber 6
Dave Rieves 5
Tom Weber 24
Ron Weiss 21

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 3 Recap

Week 3 results and standings are now posted on the blog. I also updated Week 2 results and standings because, as you may remember, some folks were unable to play #9 in week two due to darkness. Their results are now complete.

I have a couple of friendly reminders based on last week's attendance.
  • The league will play as long as Glenway is open. If you want to know whether or not we'll be playing, you can call the course to find out. Assume we're playing.
  • If you don't show up for golf and don't have a sub, you are still responsible for your greens fees.
A few other housekeeping notes:
  • The Dvorak team is still in need of two full-time golfers. If you know anybody who would like to join permanently, temporarily, full-time or part-time, let me know and we can use them at least for this season. I have the slots filled for 5/18, but no beyond.
  • Rich Lampe got his name in the paper on Wednesday with a 38, which was a shock to him since he thought he shot a 40. He was right. I usually catch 1-2 addition errors every week on the scorecards. It's not a big deal to me, but if you're wondering why the blog reports a different score than you thought you had, it may have been an adding error on the scorecard. (As we know, my spreadsheet never makes a mistake!)
  • Steve Moritz did not get his name in the paper on Wednesday morning with a 39, which was my fault. I missed his fine score when I was writing up the list. Well done, Steve!
  • I've been a slow starter this spring, but I should be ready to start handing out prize balls next Tuesday.
So far, the forecast for next Tuesday looks great (72 degrees and sunny). That oughta bring the scores down. See you out there.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 3 Pairings

4:00 p.m. Weather Update: I was just at the course. It is open and playable and people are golfing and having fun. I recommend layers. See you out there!

10:30 a.m. Weather Update: The course is open and playable and Bill is planning on us golfing tonight. If things change, we won't know until after 3:30. I'll try to post another update by 4:00, but plan on golfing.
Hi - We still need two permanent golfers for the Dvorak team. In addition, we need two subs for May 18 and 25. Please let me know if you know of someone who would like to golf. Thanks.

Mother Nature willing, here are the pairings for Tuesday. Remember, league play is ON unless the course (266-4737) is closed.

4:52 & 5:00 McEvilly vs. Moritz
Dave Delveaux 10
Steve Moritz 9
Ed Corcoran 17
Bob Moritz 12
Pat McEvilly 10
Tom Hidde 12
Herb Stanford 25
Paul Schuettler 13

5:07 & 5:15 Dvorak vs. Loescher
Mike Warren 10
Dan Ruber (JL) New
Jeff Dvorak 13
Ed Molter 15
John Gillich (V) 17
John Loescher 16
Tom Eberle (V) 27
Sub ? (RZ)

5:22 & 5:30 Wolfe vs. McGettigan
Jeff Sartin (PB) 10
Chris Weber 6
Mike Sanders 16
Scott Gomez 10
Adam Hopkins 17
Shawn McGettigan 13
David Wolfe 18
Tom Weber 24

5:37 & 5:46 Williams vs. Miller
Dave Rieves 5
David Miller 11
Matt Blouin 16
Doug Hoerr 12
Bob Crowe 16
Ed Meachen 12
Ron Weiss 20
Charlie Hoslet 15

5:53 & 6:00 Nelson vs. Kraus
Mike Williams 9
Lynn Paulson 5
Steve McDonnell 11
Rich Lampe (AT) 13
Brad Nelson 19
Mike Kraus 14
A Tomaszewski 22
Steve Smith 16

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 2 Recap

What did I say last week? Let me remind you.
Next week, we're back to our normal schedule. Keep up the ready golf and hope for sunshine, because it's going to get dark for the last groups. See you Tuesday!
Well, we had sunshine, yet the last group still couldn't finish, mostly because it was over 2:30 after their tee time. I hate to take some of the fun out of the league, but we need to do a better job getting the pace up. I've already had one sub tell me he's not interested in future opportunities because it takes so long to play 9 holes. Here are some tips to keep it moving.
  • The first group needs to tee off on time. If they're late, everybody's late. The league in front of us is never running late.
  • Limit yourself to one practice swing.
  • Give and accept gimme putts. If you're given a putt, pick it up. Help explain gimmes to teammates - especially subs - if they don't know about them.
  • Push slow teammates - especially subs - to keep pace.
Hopefully everyone has now shaken the winter rust off and we'll be just zippy next week.

So, results and standings for Week 2 are published, but they are incomplete. Last week's last group could not play the 9th hole, so they will get their Week 3 9th hole score applied to Week 2. Their scores and their tentative place in the standings are subject to change.

- Mr. Crabby-Ass Ready-Golfer

Update: The Dvorak team is still looking for two permanent golfers. We also need one sub for each of the next two weeks and two subs on the 25th. Please let me know if you have any candidates.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 2 Pairings

If you haven't yet seen Thursday's post, please do.

Here are the pairings for Week 2. This week's big match-up is a rematch of last year's championship. Let's see if the Miller team is resting on their laurels.

The forecast, as of Sunday, calls for sunny and 77. If that doesn't warrant a beer cart, I don't know what does.

4:52 & 5:00 Loescher vs. McGettigan
John Loescher 15
Chris Weber 5
Rob Zimmerman 22
Shawn McGettigan 13
Ed Molter 15
Scott Gomez 10
John Lobe New
Tom Weber 24

5:07 & 5:15 Wolfe vs. Miller
Paul Barnett 12
David Miller 10
Adam Hopkins 18
Ed Meachen 12
Mike Sanders 17
Doug Hoerr 12
David Wolfe 18
Charlie Hoslet 15

5:22 & 5:30 Williams vs. Nelson
Dave Rieves 5
Mike Williams 9
Bob Crowe 17
Brad Nelson 20
Matt Blouin 15
Steve McDonnell 11
Ron Weiss 19
A Tomaszewski 22

5:37 & 5:46 Kraus vs. McEvilly
Lynn Paulson 6
Dave Delveaux 10
Mike Kraus 13
Ed Corcoran 16
Andy Taylor 11
Pat McEvilly 10
Steve Smith 16
Herb Stanford 25

5:53 & 6:00 Moritz vs. Dvorak
Steve Moritz 9
Jeff Sartin (V) 10
Tom Hidde 12
Dennis Hill (V) 11
Bob Moritz 12
Mike Warren 10
Paul Schuettler 13
Jeff Dvorak 13