Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 4 Results and Standings

Week 4 results and standings are now posted. Lots of newsworthy items this week.
  • You are very welcome for the near-perfect weather Tuesday. As I mentioned to one golfer, I 100% guarantee no rain-outs as long as I am league commissioner. (Which is to say, someone else is welcome to take over in the event we do get rained out.)
  • People must golf better in shorts than in long pants - maybe it's the less chafing. A 45.2 average is pretty low for this early in the year. Six golfers were in the 30's with another knocking on the door.
  • Travis Thoeny led the way with a par 32 this week. Sure, 32 is a good score, but Travis did it in the most boring way imaginable - par, par, par, par, par, par, par, par, par. Can you imagine how well he could score if he were capable of making a birdie? ;)
  • Uh, Ed Corcoran? Net 21 (raw 37)? I need to know from whoever golfed with Ed what he was drinking Tuesday. I'm getting me some of that.
  • Lynn Paulson (35), Pat McEvilly (38), Steve McDonnell (39), and Dave Rieves (39) also shot in the 30's.
  • Given some of the newly established handicaps, there were questions about whether any thought has been given to capping handicaps in the league. I don't know if there has been talk in the past, but I welcome it now. If you would like to consider this at the end of the year, please give me your input and we will discuss it at the banquet.
  • It's still pretty tight at the top of the standings after four weeks, and there was more shuffling Tuesday. The Wolfe, Loew, and Thoeny teams round out the top 3, but nine teams are still within 6 points of the top.
  • There are still five of you from whom I have not yet collected league fees of $25. If you see me Tuesday, please reach into your wallet. I'll be looking for you, but I head out at 5:07. I'll send an email prior to Tuesday so you know who you are.
See you next Tuesday, when I once again guarantee no rain-out.

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