Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 6 Pairings - June 2

Here are Tuesday's pairings.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Loew
A Tomaszewski 32
Doug Smedema 33
Brad Nelson 20
Shawn McGettigan 13
Mike Williams 12
Scott Gomez 8
Steve McDonnell 10
Chris Weber 7

5:07 & 5:15 Wolfe vs. Thoeny
Mike Sanders 18
Rob Zimmerman 22
Adam Hopkins 17
D Poznanski (TT) 19
David Wolfe 17
John Loescher 16
Paul Barnett 13
Ed Molter 12

5:22 & 5:30 Miller vs. McEvilly
David Miller 13
Herb Stanford 23
Charlie Hoslet 12
Pat McEvilly 12
Ed Meachen 12
Ed Corcoran 15
Doug Hoerr 12
Dave Delveaux 10

5:37 & 5:46 Williams vs. Kraus
Bob Crowe 18
Mike Kraus 15
Dick Moll 16
Steve Smith 14
Matt Blouin 15
Andy Taylor 13
Dave Rieves 6
Lynn Paulson 9

5:53 & 6:00 Dvorak vs. Moritz
Phil Julson 17
Bob Lomasney 14
Jeff Dvorak 13
Bob Moritz 14
Mike Warren 11
Tom Hidde 14
Jason Thomas 9
Paul Schuettler 13

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 5 Results and Standings

Results and standings from week 5 are now posted (links to the right). All 38 golfers got in before the rain came Tuesday night. Travis Thoeny (35) and Jason Thomas (36) took low-score honors this week. (Their scores should be in the paper. Last week I reported them to Mike in the clubhouse and he called them into the paper, though I heard they were not all listed there.) I don't think anybody had 12-or-fewer putts Tuesday, though I left the scorecards at home and have not checked.

Bob Crowe had two birdies (2 & 8) on Tuesday, becoming the first non-Travis to accomplish that feat this season. Bob played the four par 3's even-up.

I'm going to start tracking Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award Leaders in the blog, weekly or bi-weekly (or occasionally). Remember, the factors that go into this award are (a) attendance, (b) balls won for low net, 12-or-less putts, and hole challenges won, and (c) change in handicap from end of previous season. Past award winners include KJ Choi, Zach Johnson, and Boo Weekley.

Through five weeks, here are the top ten leaders and their points to date.
  1. Steve Smith - 10.125
  2. Adam Hopkins - 9.75
  3. Ed Corcoran - 9.625
  4. Dave Wolfe - 9.125
  5. Paul Schuettler - 8.625
  6. Travis Thoeny - 8.25
  7. Ed Meachen - 8.125
  8. Phil Julson - 7.75
  9. Steve McDonnell - 7.625
  10. TIE: Mike Warren, Doug Smedema, Andy Taylor - 7.5

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 5 Pairings - May 26

Here are the match-ups and pairings for Week 5. I should be there from start to finish this week. If you haven't paid league fees yet, please look for me. Thanks.

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Thoeny
David Miller 12
Rob Zimmerman 23
Ed Meachen 12
Ed Molter 11
Doug Hoerr 12
John Loescher 16
Charlie Hoslet 12
Travis Thoeny 3

5:07 & 5:15 Wolfe vs. McEvilly
David Wolfe 17
Herb Stanford 23
Mike Sanders 16
Pat McEvilly 13
Adam Hopkins 16
Ed Corcoran 15
Paul Barnett 13
Dave Delveaux 10

5:22 & 5:30 Loew vs. Williams
Doug Smedema 33
Bob Crowe 17
Scott Gomez 8
Matt Blouin 14
Shawn McGettigan 13
Dick Moll 16
Chris Weber 7
Dave Rieves 6

5:37 & 5:46 Dvorak vs. Kraus
Phil Julson 17
Mike Kraus 16
Mike Warren 10
Andy Taylor 13
Jeff Dvorak 12
Steve Smith 14
Jason Thomas 10
Lynn Paulson 9

5:53 & 6:00 Nelson vs. Moritz
A Tomaszewski 33
Bob Lomasney 14
Mike Williams 12
Tom Hidde 13
Brad Nelson 18
Bob Moritz 14
Steve McDonnell 9
Paul Schuettler 13

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 4 Results and Standings

Week 4 results and standings are now posted. Lots of newsworthy items this week.
  • You are very welcome for the near-perfect weather Tuesday. As I mentioned to one golfer, I 100% guarantee no rain-outs as long as I am league commissioner. (Which is to say, someone else is welcome to take over in the event we do get rained out.)
  • People must golf better in shorts than in long pants - maybe it's the less chafing. A 45.2 average is pretty low for this early in the year. Six golfers were in the 30's with another knocking on the door.
  • Travis Thoeny led the way with a par 32 this week. Sure, 32 is a good score, but Travis did it in the most boring way imaginable - par, par, par, par, par, par, par, par, par. Can you imagine how well he could score if he were capable of making a birdie? ;)
  • Uh, Ed Corcoran? Net 21 (raw 37)? I need to know from whoever golfed with Ed what he was drinking Tuesday. I'm getting me some of that.
  • Lynn Paulson (35), Pat McEvilly (38), Steve McDonnell (39), and Dave Rieves (39) also shot in the 30's.
  • Given some of the newly established handicaps, there were questions about whether any thought has been given to capping handicaps in the league. I don't know if there has been talk in the past, but I welcome it now. If you would like to consider this at the end of the year, please give me your input and we will discuss it at the banquet.
  • It's still pretty tight at the top of the standings after four weeks, and there was more shuffling Tuesday. The Wolfe, Loew, and Thoeny teams round out the top 3, but nine teams are still within 6 points of the top.
  • There are still five of you from whom I have not yet collected league fees of $25. If you see me Tuesday, please reach into your wallet. I'll be looking for you, but I head out at 5:07. I'll send an email prior to Tuesday so you know who you are.
See you next Tuesday, when I once again guarantee no rain-out.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 4 Pairings - May 19

Below are the pairings for Tuesday. Check out the handicaps on the Miller team - it looks like they've been spending too much time together. See you Tuesday.

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Kraus
Charlie Hoslet 12
Steve Smith 14
Ed Meachen 12
Andy Taylor 12
Doug Hoerr 12
Lynn Paulson 10
David Miller 12
Mike Kraus 16

5:07 & 5:15 Thoeny vs. Moritz
John Loescher 16
Tom Hidde 13
Ed Molter 11
Paul Schuettler 13
Travis Thoeny 4
Bob Moritz 12
Rob Zimmerman 23
Bob Lomasney 14

5:22 & 5:30 Williams vs. McEvilly
Dick Moll 16
Ed Corcoran 16
Dave Rieves 5
Dave Delveaux 10
Matt Blouin 15
Pat McEvilly 13
Bob Crowe 17
Herb Stanford 23

5:37 & 5:46 Nelson vs. Dvorak
Brad Nelson 19
Jeff Dvorak 11
Mike Williams 12
Mike Warren 10
Steve McDonnell 10
Jason Thomas 8
An Tomaszewski 33
Phil Julson 18

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. Loew
Adam Hopkins 17
Shawn McGettigan 13
David Wolfe 16
Scott Gomez 8
Paul Barnett 13
Chris Weber 7
Mike Sanders 17
Doug Smedema 33

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Week 3 in the Books

Results and Standings for Week 3 are now posted on the blog. While the Loew team has a 1.5 point lead, the next four teams are bunched within a half-point of each other.

The wind must have gotten into golfers' heads Tuesday night, as there was only one sub-40 score (Doug Hoerr). I didn't get to report it to the paper, though, since the scorecard was gone by the time I finished. The league average was 49.5, which was higher than the first two weeks. Not having Rieves, Thoeny, and Weber on the course last night didn't help. In addition, there are some new golfers who are just getting their legs under them on the home course. The good news is those new golfers have now all established handicaps.

More good news - only one report of a golf ball to the gonads last night! All is well.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 3 Pairings - May 12

Below are the pairings for Week 3. Hopefully the weather cooperates!

4:52 & 5:00 Moritz vs. Williams
Bob Moritz 12
Dave Rieves 5
Paul Schuettler 13
Matt Blouin 14
Tom Hidde 13
Bob Crowe 16
Bob Lomasney 14
Dick Moll 16

5:07 & 5:15 Miller vs. Dvorak
David Miller 11
Jason Thomas 6
Charlie Hoslet 13
Jeff Dvorak 11
Ed Meachen 12
Mike Warren 11
Doug Hoerr 13
Phil Julson 20

5:22 & 5:30 Nelson vs. Wolfe
Steve McDonnell 10
Paul Barnett 13
Mike Williams 12
Mike Sanders 16
Brad Nelson 17
Adam Hopkins 17
Andy Tomaszewski New
David Wolfe 17

5:37 & 5:46 McEvilly vs. Loew
Dave Delveaux 11
Chris Weber 7
Pat McEvilly 11
Scott Gomez 7
Ed Corcoran 16
Shawn McGettigan 13
Herb Stanford 22
Doug Smedema New

5:53 & 6:00 Thoeny vs. Kraus
Travis Thoeny 4
Lynn Paulson 9
Ed Molter 11
Mike Kraus 14
John Loescher 15
Steve Smith 14
Rob Zimmerman 22
Andy Taylor New

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 2 Results

I have posted week 2 results and standings. You can link to them on the right-hand side of the blog. We brought the average score down over two strokes from week 1. I'm guessing removing the cobwebs from the clubs gave everyone a cleaner club face to hit with. Phil Julson and I, for instance, each knocked two touchdowns off our week 1 scores. (Of course, we could each do that again and still not break the course record for our league.) Dave Rieves was low man this week, with a 35, and Travis Thoeny joined him with honors by hitting 39.

We only fielded 36 golfers this week. Two subs were utilized (thank you!) but there were four no-shows. Aside from last-minute emergencies, please do your best to arrange for a substitute. There are able men standing by, given enough notice.

I also heard from sub Rich Lampe, who wanted to let me know he is available to sub for any team. I have updated his contact info on the sub list, giving you myriad ways to reach him.

See you Tuesday.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 2 Pairings - May 5

Here are the pairings for week 2. I got league fees ($25) from most of you last Tuesday. I'll try to catch up with the rest of you this week. Cash or check is fine.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. McEvilly
Steve McDonnell 10
Dave Delveaux 11
Brad Nelson 17
Ed Corcoran 17
Mike Williams New
Pat McEvilly 12
Andy Tomaszewski New
Herb Stanford 22

5:07 & 5:15 Thoeny vs. Dvorak
Travis Thoeny 3
Jason Thomas 6
John Loescher 16
Jeff Dvorak 11
Ed Molter 11
Mike Warren 11
Rob Zimmerman 22
Phil Julson 20

5:22 & 5:30 Moritz vs. Kraus
Bob Moritz 11
Lynn Paulson 8
Tom Hidde 13
Andy Taylor New
Paul Schuettler 12
Mike Kraus 14
Bob Lomasney 13
Steve Smith 16

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Williams
Paul Barnett 13
Dave Rieves 6
Adam Hopkins 17
Bob Crowe 16
Mike Sanders 16
Matt Blouin 14
David Wolfe 18
Dick Moll 16

5:53 & 6:00 Miller vs. Loew
David Miller 11
Chris Weber 7
Charlie Hoslet 13
Shawn McGettigan 11
Ed Meachen 12
Scott Gomez 7
Doug Hoerr 13
Doug Smedema New