Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rules Q&A

Hi -

As I mentioned previously, I put those league rules that I could divine into a Word document, which you can find in the list of links on the right-hand side of the blog (or here if you're too lazy to look way over there). This prompted a few questions or requests-for-clarification from my avid readers. Here, then, are rules clarified and myths de-bunked. I'll add them to the new rule book when I get a chance.

: Does week 1 count in the standings?
Answer: Heck yes! Like Allen Iverson, we do not need practice.

Question: When determining the weekly hole challenges, do we determine what the contest is before we tee off or after?
Answer: This one has a complicated, two-part answer.
  1. Those of us who cheat, tee off first.
  2. Those of us who do not cheat, call the contest first.
Question: The rule book says "winter rules" are in play. What are the league's specific winter rules?
Answer: (I had to consult the original rules from the minutes of the charter meeting of "Ye Olde Universitie [sic] Employee Committee for the Enjoyment of the Golf Game" to answer this one. It is open to some interpretation, though, so I am going to interpret it for our league.) For the benefit of speedy play, the league does, indeed, allow players to use winter rules. This means that - anywhere on the course, a ball may be marked, lifted, cleaned, and replaced within six inches of the original lie. However, a ball may not be nudged with a club to improve its lie.

I see very few (if any) golfers employ these methods in league play, and I caution you all that this may not be a useful practice. For one thing, it does not allow you to get a true sense of your abilities. For another, if you take advantage of this regularly, it will not help your handicapped score, anyway. If you use it irregularly, it brings into question the integrity of the match play. Nonetheless, it is allowed.

Question: What is the league rule on out-of-bounds shots? It seems different people use different rules.
Answer: Our league rule stipulates that when a golfer hits a shot out of bounds, the penalty is one stroke and, for the next shot, the ball should be dropped in the rough nearest where the ball went out of bounds. In such a situation, a golfer may choose to re-hit from the same spot as the errant shot with the one-stroke penalty, if the loss of distance is minimal and hitting from the same spot will help speed up play.

For example, if your tee shot (stroke 1) goes out of bound, you are assessed one penalty stroke (stroke 2) and you drop the ball in the rough nearest where your ball went out of bound (or from the tee box if that's quicker and easier). You are now ready to hit stroke 3.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them. I will then consult the Elders and get an answer for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave, I agree that unless the ball is in the fairway, but unplayable due to poor conditions, we really should not use winter rules.