Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2009 Rosters and Substitutes

Team Rosters Set
As opposed to last year, when we practically had to pull people away from their burger and fries at The Village Bar to golf with us, all ten team rosters appear set for the beginning of this season. Captains are listed first in the list below (with the exception of the Loew team who, I believe, plan a November election to see who will be captain. Meanwhile, I think Jack's still pulling the strings.).

  • DVORAK: Jeff Dvorak, Phil Julson, Jason Thomas, Mike Warren
  • KRAUS: Mike Kraus, Lynn Paulson, Steve Smith, Andy Taylor
  • LOEW: Scott Gomez, Doug Smedema, Shawn McGettigan, Chris Weber
  • McEVILLY: Pat McEvilly, Ed Corcoran, Dave Delveaux, Herb Stanford
  • MILLER: David Miller, Doug Hoerr, Charlie Hoslet, Ed Meachen
  • MORITZ: Bob Moritz, Tom Hidde, Bob Lomasney, Paul Schuettler
  • NELSON: Brad Nelson, Steve McDonnell, Andy Tomaszewski, Mike Williams
  • THOENY: Travis Thoeny, John Loescher, Ed Molter, Rob Zimmerman
  • WILLIAMS: Dave Rieves, Matt Blouin, Bob Crowe, Dick Moll
  • WOLFE: Dave Wolfe, Paul Barnett, Adam Hopkins, Mike Sanders
Attrition from last year:
  • Team captains Bruce Marble & Jack Loew are hanging it up.
  • Joe Elliott will now be available as a sub, but will no longer be a full-time member of the Williams team.
  • Dustin Vredeveld, who filled in last year for Jason Thomas, will not return.
Available Full-Time
There are three players who are interested in joining a team as a full-time regular. If you have any need for their services, let them and me know. They are listed here, alphabetically.
  • Frank Austin (a new colleague of Dave Rieves in the Athletic Business Office)
  • Dave Poznanski (has been a sub in the league)
  • Ron Weiss (former captain of the Weiss team)
There are also some subs who have indicated they will be available for significant golfing this season. They are listed here, alphabetically.
  • Frank Austin - See above. Definitely available right away.
  • Rich Hoebel - Rich has been subbing in the league for a while. He can golf up to every-other-week.
  • Will Nagel - Will is Ed Molter's son and blistered the course as a sub last season. Once spring semester is over, he'll be available most of the time. I'm sure Ed has dibs, though.
  • Dave Poznanski - See above.
  • Jeff Sartin - Jeff is a colleague of mine in state government. He's available from the get-go, though would prefer the earlier tee times through May, so as not to disrupt his chaotic Spring social schedule.
  • Ron Weiss - See above.
I've published the full roster of substitutes in the link section on the right of this page, with phone and email information for the subs listed above, and many more.

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