Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Week 11 Matchups

 August 6, 2024

Downing vs Raffel

4:40 Tee Time - Please take out the prize flags.

David Downing 9 vs Jon Wellik 8

Mark Woodruff 7 vs Jason Raffel 8


Ed Molter 11 vs Al Crist 17

Rob Zimmerman 24 vs Todd Robinson 15

Mack vs Rieves


Jeff Mautz 9 vs Mike Brania 10

Jimmy Yednock 6 vs Barry Wanner 15


Tom Mack 11 vs Ambuj Shatdal 6

Tom Hidde 12 vs Dave Rieves 7

Larson vs Hackers


Scott Larson 10 vs Tom Thieding 6

Dan Steinhoff 11 vs Matt Reinfeldt 18


Andrew Prebowski 14 vs David Belton 18

Greg Cass 24 vs Scott Stanley 19

Kraus vs Raymer


Mike Kraus 17 vs Adam Hopkins 11

Eric Durkee 13 vs Mike Sanders 13

5:50 - please bring in the prize flags

Tom Stafford 13 vs John Blimling 15

Gary Buehler 16 vs Brad Nelson 15

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Week 10 Results

 July 30, 2024


Hole 5 Jason Raffel

Hole 5 Jimmy Yednock

Hole 1 Tom Thieding

Hole 5 Mike Schauer

Ball Prizes

Hole 5 Longest Drive Mike Schauer

Hole 6 Closest to the Pin 1st shot Mike Schauer

Hole 9 Closest chip from off the green David Belton

Hole 9 Longest Putt Mike Sanders

Week 10 Standings

July 30th, 2024 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Commish Re-Read the Rules

 I was refreshing my memory regarding the coming flight tourney and made a few wonderful discoveries.

1. If you had 12 or fewer putts in a regular week you get a prize ball. I would like someone in your foursome to confirm. I will not go back as this would be impossible, but I will recognize this award going forward.

2. Eagle or hole in one you get a prize ball. Anyone get a Eagle this year?

3. Posting low net for the week gets you a prize ball.

Week 2 Tom Stafford 29

Week 3 David Downing 29

Week 4 Brad Nelson 28

Week 5 Mike Brania 28

Week 6 Dave Rieves and Jeff Mautz 28

Week 7 Mike Sanders 25

Week 8 Dan Steinhoff 26

Week 9 Mike Kraus 26

Please find me to claim your ball.



Week 10 matchups

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Week 9 Team Standings

 July 23, 2024

Week 9 Results

 July 23, 2024

Week 9

Well we dodged the rain tonight and had a great night of golf.

I corrected a couple of math errors. Nothing major, but if you see a different score that maybe is why or I just didn't want you to win. Kidding! I do have my Teacher Wife check my math if I find a discrepancy.

Flag Prizes

Hole ? Closest to the pin 1st shot Tom Thieding

Hole ? Longest Putt Paul Moen

Hole ? Todd Robinson closest to the pin third shot

Hole 9 Longest Drive Jon Walcott


Scott Stanley, Jon Wellik, Mike Kraus and Tom Thieding Hole 6

David Downing Hole 3

Dan Steinhoff Hole 8

Paul Moen Hole 1

Mark Woodruff Hole 7

Low Gross Paul Moen sub 36

Low Net Mike Kraus 26

Sorry, I left prize flag balls at home tonight. Please find me next week and I will hope to remember to bring them. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Week 9 Matchups

 July 23, 2024

Gentle reminder to keep up to the group ahead of you. It was getting a little dark as the last groups rolled in. The days are getting shorter and we have a ways to go before the end of the season. Thanks for what you can do for pace of play. 

Kraus vs Rieves

4:40 Tee Time - Please take out the prize flags, thanks.

Mike Kraus 18 vs Mike Brania 11

Tom Stafford 12 vs Dave Rieves 9


Gary Buehler 16 vs Ambuj Shatdal 7

Eric Durkee 12 vs Barry Wanner 14

Downing vs Hackers


Rob Zimmerman 24 vs Paul Moen sub nh

Mark Woodruff 7 vs Matt Reinfeldt 18


David Downing 9 vs Scott Stanley 19

Ed Molter 12 vs Tom Thieding 5

Raffel vs Raymer


Jason Raffel 8 vs John Blimling 15

Todd Robinson 15 vs Adam Hopkins 11


Jon Wellik 8 vs Brad Nelson 15

Al Crist 17 vs Mike Sanders 15

Larson vs Mack (time to put Team Mack in their place. LAST PLACE!!!)


Scott Larson 8 vs Jimmy Yednock 6

Andrew Prebowski 14 vs Tom Mack 12

5:50 - Please pick up prize flags, thanks.

Jon Walcott 9 vs Tom Hidde 11 

Dan Steinhoff 12 vs Jeff Mautz 9

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Week 8 Team Standings

July 16, 2024

Congratulations to Team Mack for taking the first half of the season championship. 

We will wipe the slate clean and start the second half of the season next week. 

Who will meet Team Mack in the Championship Matchup come Sept.?

Week 8 Results

July 16, 2024 

What an exciting finish to the first half of the season. 

Brian Bierman shot a low gross of 36

Dan Steinhoff shot a low net of 26

Tom Thieding had birdies on holes 5 and 8.

Brian Bierman (sub) had birdies on holes 1 and 7.

Jon Wellik had birdies on holes 1 and 9. 

Flag Prizes

Hole #2 Jon Wellik closest 2nd shot to the pin

Hole #5 Tom Thieding longest drive

Hole #8 Ed Molter longest putt

Hole #9 Brad Nelson closest to the light switch regardless of strokes

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Week 8 Matchups

 July 16th, 2024

Who is taking home the first half of the season championship?

Team Raymer 5th vs Team Downing 3rd place (only a point out of 1st)  

Will the improved play of Team Raymer slap an injunction on Team Downing's hopes?


Brad Nelson 15 vs Rob Zimmerman 23

John Blimling 15 vs William Nagel sub nh


Mike Schauer 5 sub vs David Downing 9

Mike Sanders 15 vs Mark Woodruff 6

Team Rieves 1st place vs Team Larson    

Will Team Larson continue sandbagging the first half? Or is 21 strokes too many to overcome for Team Rieves? 


Barry Wanner 14 vs Greg Cass 24

Mike Brania 11 vs Andrew Prebowski 15


Dave Rieves 7 vs Scott Larson 8

Ambuj Shatdal 6 vs Dan Steinhoff 12

Hackers 4th place (only 2 points out) vs Mack 1st place  

Who will win this clash of newbies? New team vs New Manager.


Dave Carlson sub 14 vs Jeff Mautz 10

Tom Thieding 5 vs Jimmy Yednock 5  (This should be a great matchup.)


David Belton 18 vs Tom Hidde 10

Scott Stanley 19 vs Tom Mack 12

Raffel vs Kraus - lookout second half of the season!!!


Al Crist 17 vs Mike Kraus 17

Todd Robinson 15 vs Eric Durkee 10


Jason Raffel 8 vs Gary Buehler 16

Jon Wellik 7 vs Tom Stafford 11

Good luck everyone! The weather is looking good. Excited to see how things shakeout from this Tuesday. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Week 7 Results

July 09, 2024 

What a night! 

League average was a 44. I think this may have been a the lowest in recent memory.

Ambuj scored a personal best of 34 low gross

Team Larson brought out the best in Mike Sanders (net 25) and John Blimling (net 26) Team Raymer

Lots of Birdies

Andrew Prebowski hole #9

Scott Larson hole #1

Adam Hopkins hole #6

Jon Walcott hole #1

Dave Rieves hole #9

Mark Woodruff hole #5

Jimmy Yednock hole #9

Flag Prizes

Hole #3 Jimmy Yednock closest to the pin 1st shot

Hole #3 Al Crist longest putt

Hole #7 Ambuj Shatdal longest drive

Hole #8 Jimmy Yednock closest to the pin 1st shot (how original)

What a log jam at the top of the standings. Very exciting. I better find the tie breaker for this possibility.

Dave Carlson played and it didn't rain. Whaaaaat!!!

The drama continues next week. Who will show up for the first half championship? 

Week 7 League Standings

July 09, 2024 

Monday, July 8, 2024


With subs Newton Hurst and Dave Carlson not participating there will be golf and no rain this week. It’s encouraged to thank them in person or by email.

That is all.