Saturday, September 3, 2022

Championship and Banquet

Congratulations to Team Larson for winning this year's championship.  Congratulations to Team Rieves for winning the second half and finishing second.  The results of the championship match were:

  • Dan Steinhoff 49, net 39 over Mike Brania 50, net 41 by 2 strokes.

  • Keith Brown 41, net 33 over Dave Rieves 44, net 38 by 5 strokes

  • Barry Wanner 51, net 38 over Andrew Preboski 55, net 42 by 4 strokes

  • Scott Larson 45, net 37 over Ambuj Shatdal 47, net 38 by one stroke

Team Larson wins three of four matches and wins total points.

I hope everyone had a great time at the banquet held on Tuesday, August 30 at Vitense.  Thanks to Chris Hammen for arranging the banquet.  Good food and a driving range is a great combination.

Have a great off season and thanks to new Commissioner Dane Steinhoff for taking on commissioner duties for next year.

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