Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Results for Week 17, August 19

The results for August 19 are posted to the right.  What looked to be an iffy forecast turned into a terrific night for golf.  The result was the best league scoring average for the season despite a disappointing night for several of us.  The flight tournaments have many in contention, although sandbagger Gibson has taken an early claim on flight three.

Steve McDonnell shot the best round of the night with a 36.  One shot behind were Matt Raymer and Keith Brown.  The low net came from sub Sasi Pillay with a net 25, with regular Dan Stanford shooting a net 26.

Team Raymer took the second half lead with a 5 point night, one point ahead of team Rieves.  Those two teams take on each other next week.  Team Molter has an outside chance at a two half sweep, but that is a long shot.

There is a good chance that the league banquet will be delayed a week until September 9.  We will wait to hear more from team Warren about that.

There are a significant number of rule issues for us to consider at the banquet.  I plan to provide a handout to everyone when they finish their week 18 round providing additional information, and will post the same information on this blog before the banquet.  I want to give everyone a chance to consider the options before we vote.  We have some iffy teams for next season, and a return to 8 teams will be one thing we discuss.

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