Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014 Flight Tournament

We have reached the last four weeks of regular season play, the league-wide Flight Tournament will begin on Tuesday, August 5. The rules are as follows.

  • To be eligible to win your flight, you must golf at least three of the final four weeks of the regular season.
  • At the end of Week 14, the league shall be split into three relatively even flights, based on handicap at that time. (The ideal composition would be flights of 13, 13, and 14 golfers, but it was not possible this year given the handicaps.) This year, Flight 1 will be golfers with a handicap of 10 or less, Flight 2 those with a handicap of 11 to 14, and Flight 3 those with a handicap of 15 or higher.
  • For purposes of the Flight Tournament, each golfer's handicap shall be frozen at their Week 15 handicap. That means that if your handicap is 14 for Week 15 matches, your Flight Tournament handicap will be 14. (This does not affect a golfer's weekly handicap for regular season match-ups, which may continue to change, based on their last 8 league scores.)
  • Each golfer's weekly Flight Tournament scores are calculated by subtracting his Flight Tournament handicap from his weekly raw scores.
  • Each golfer's total Flight Tournament score is the sum of the three lowest weekly Flight Tournament net scores.
  • The golfer within each flight with the lowest total Flight Tournament score is the tournament winner for that flight.
Here are the three flights for the tournament.

Flight 1 (Handicaps 6 to 10)
Keith Brown 6
Lynn Paulson 7
Dave Rieves 7
Steve McDonnell 8
Matt Raymer 8
Mike Warren 8
Chris Weber 8
Jim Zweifel 10
Doug Hoerr 10
Dave Downing 10
Mike Williams 10
Chad Shultz 10
Jeff Dvorak 10

Flight 2 (Handicaps 11 to 14)
Ed Molter 11
Bob Moritz 11
Ed Corcoran 12
Tom Hidde 12
Adam Hopkins 12
Michael Brania 12
Jake Holler 12
David Miller 13
Will Nagel 14
Paul Schuettler 14
Kevin Kiser 14

Flight 3 (Handicaps 15 to 24)
Bob Jokisch 15
Mike Kraus 15
Charles Hoslet 15
Ed Meachen 15
Steve Smith 15
Cody Loew 16
Patrick McEvilly 16
Dan Stanford 16
Paul Barnett 16
Mike Sanders 16
Shane Gibson 16
Brad Nelson 17
Gary Buehler 20
Rob Zimmerman 22
Patrick Fahey 22
Tom Weber 24

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Results for Week 14, July 29

The results for a unique July 29 round are posted to the right.  First, the more positive news.

Steve McDonnell will be left to wonder what might have been without an extended rain delay (though he did fortify with a brat during the delay).  Steve parred the first four holes, got a 7 when he resumed his round on hole 5, and shot a 36.  Steve also had the low net score with a 27.  Keith Brown and Matt Raymer shot 37, with Matt shooting a net 28.  Team Molter had a 5 point night to take over the second half lead from team Rieves.  Team Raymer swept the hole prizes, with each player winning one hole.  What are the odds of that?

On the down side, a number of players chose to leave the course when a few raindrops fell.  The more committed players finished their rounds - at least one golfer from 8 of the 10 groups finished.  As a reminder to all, the league is on unless the course is closed or your Commissioner calls the round.  The in-season rules committee (Paulson-Raymer-Rieves) was convened and decided to enforce the league rules, resulting with a forfeit for all players who did not complete their rounds.  When both players in a match do not complete a round, no points are awarded.  Four points were awarded in the Kraus:Miller match, and three points were awarded in the Nelson:Warren match.  Players may leave if they wish, but that means a forfeit.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pairings for Week 14, July 29

The pairings for July 29 are posted below.  There is a rare second half match between lower handicap golfers as Keith Brown faces off with Dave Rieves.  Several other matches feature players with similar handicaps.  For the sandbaggers among us, this is your last night to pad your handicap before the in season tournament begins on August 5.

4:37 & 4:45 Rieves vs. Moritz
Lynn Paulson 7
Tom Hidde  12
Michael Brania 13
AnthonyTimmons(bm)  New
Dave Rieves 7
Keith Brown   6
Steve Smith 15
Paul Schuettler  14

4:53 & 5:00 McEvilly vs. Raymer
Pat McEvilly 17
Mike Sanders 15
Jim Zweifel 10
Matt Raymer 9
Ed Corcoran 12
Adam Hopkins 12
Dan Stanford 16
Paul Barnett 16

5:07 & 5:15 Weber vs. Molter
Chris Weber 8
Will Nagel 15
Tom Weber 14
Rob Zimmerman 21
Shane Gibson 17
Ed Molter 11
Pat Fahey 23
Dave Downing 10

5:22 & 5:30 Miller vs. Kraus
Doug Hoerr 10
Mike Kraus 15
Ed Meachen 15
Bob Jokisch 16
Charles Hoslet 15
Cody Loew 16
Sasi Pillay (dm) 19
Gary Buehler 20

5:37 & 5:45 Warren vs. Nelson
Jeff Dvorak 10
Brad Nelson 17
Jake Holler 12
Steve McDonnell 9
Chad Shultz 10
Kevin Kiser 14
Mike Warren 8
Mike Williams 10

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Results for Week 13, July 22

The results for July 22 are posted to the right.  It was a warm and humid evening - perfect for golf.

For the second time this season, super sub Caleb Hopkins took on a player who had his best score of the season.  This week, Shane Gibson shot a 43, net 25 - and lost by 4.  The combined net 46 has got to be a record (though on the night that former commissioner Wolfe shot a net 12 the combined score might have been better).  Keith Brown continued his solid play with a league low 35.

Team Kraus, no doubt devastated that their captain could not be troubled to make an appearance, was swept by team Molter, who moved into second place.  Team Rieves held on to first place, but showing its sense of fair play only managed 2 points against team Miller despite being the beneficiary of two forfeits.  It is good to give some other teams some sense of hope.

Your commissioner has finally gotten around to ordering prize balls for the 2014 season, and will start awarding them on July 29.  The cash prizes for the top three scramble teams will also be handed out to the teams captains.  Just to be certain each captain is completely honest, the prizes are $15 per player for scramble champion team Warren, $10 per player for runner-up team McEvilly, and $5 each for team Kraus.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Pairings for week 13, July 22

The pairings for July 22 are shown below.  Should be a great, steamy night for golf - perfect weather.

4:37 & 4:45 McEvilly vs. Nelson
Ed Corcoran 12
Kevin Kiser 13
Jim Zweifel 9
Brad Nelson 17
Pat McEvilly 17
Mike Williams 10
Dan Stanford 15
Steve McDonnell 9

4:53 & 5:00 Warren vs. Moritz
Chad Schultz 10
Bob Moritz 12
Jake Holler 11
Keith Brown 7
Mike Warren 8
Tom Hidde 11
Jeff Dvorak 10
Paul Schuettler 14

5:07 & 5:15 Raymer vs. Weber
Matt Raymer 8
Pat Fahey 24
Adam Hopkins 12
Tom Weber 24
Paul Barnett 16
Shane Gibson 18
Mike Sanders 16
Chris Weber 8

5:22 & 5:30 Miller vs. Rieves
Charles Hoslet 15
Dave Rieves 7
Ed Meachen 15
Lynn Paulson 8
Sasi Pillay (dm) 20
Steve Smith 15
Doug Hoerr 11
Michael Brania 13

5:37 & 5:45 Kraus vs. Molter
Dennis Hill (mk) 7
Dave Downing 11
Cody Loew 15
Rob Zimmerman 22
Bob Jokisch 15
Ed Molter 11
Gary Buehler 20
Will Nagel 14

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Results for Week 12, July 15

The results for July 15 are posted to the right.  A gloomy day turned out to be a pleasant night for golf (though not nearly as warm as some of us like).

Mike Kraus impressed with a big bounce back round, leading the field with a net 27 and pacing his team to a 6 point sweep.  Team Kraus closed to within a point of the front-running Team Rieves in a likely futile attempt to gain the top spot.  The top two teams have separated themselves from the rest of the field with 6 weeks to go.  On the flip side, team Warren has been swept two weeks in a row, and is on pace for a 4.5 point second half.  I suspect that our scramble champion team will bounce back.

Dave Rieves continued his push to get back into the low average race with a 37, closely followed for the second straight week by Chris Weber with a 38.  In the match of the night, Ed Molter and Matt Raymer each shot 39, with Ed's net 28 resulting in a 2 stroke match victory.  Ed was disappointed that his score is not being published in the newspaper, but the world-wide audience for our blog will no doubt take notice of his excellent round.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Pairings for Week 12, July 15

The pairings for July 15 are shown below.  We came within one player of a full 40 last week.  Maybe we can have our first perfect attendance night of the season this week.

4:37 & 4:45 Raymer vs. Molter
Matt Raymer 9
Ed Molter 11
Paul Barnett 16
Rob Zimmerman 22
Adam Hopkins 12
Dave Downing 11
Mike Sanders 16
Will Nagel 15

4:53 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Rieves
Brad Nelson 16
Steve Smith 15
Mike Williams 10
Lynn Paulson 7
Kevin Kiser 14
Michael Brania 14
Steve McDonnell 10
Dave Rieves 8

5:07 & 5:15 Kraus vs. Warren
Bob Jokisch 16
Jeff Dvorak 10
Mike Kraus 15
Chad Schultz 10
Gary Buehler 20
Jake Holler 11
Cody Loew 17
Mike Warren 8

5:22 & 5:30 Miller vs. Moritz
Doug Hoerr 11
Paul Schuettler 13
Charles Hoslet 15
Bob Moritz 13
Ed Meachen 16
Keith Brown 6
Sasi Pillay (dm) 20
Tom Hidde 11

5:37 & 5:45 McEvilly vs. Weber
Pat McEvilly 17
Shane Gibson 18
Ed Corcoran 12
Tom Weber 24
Dan Stanford 15
Pat Fahey 24
Jim Zweifel 9
Chris Weber 8

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Results for Week 11, July 8

The results for July 8 are posted to the right.  We nearly had our first 40 player night, with 39 this week.

Team Rieves continued its second half runaway, with captain Rieves leading the team to 6 points.  Dave had 4 birdies on his way to a 34, net 25, including chip-ins on holes 8 and 9 to finish with just 12 putts.  Chris Weber had 7 pars on his way to a 35, net 26.

Team Kraus is tied with team Raymer for a distant second, 2 whole points behind with just 7 weeks to go.  The success of team Kraus is amazing given that its captain has lost his first two matches by a likely historic 9 and 10 strokes respectively, and that teammates nearly came to blows this week when the second group hit into the first on hole 7.

In what may be another first, all four hole prizes were won by the first two groups (and that was with the prizes being determined before shots were hit).  If I hadn't seen the last group bring in the flags I might have suspected the second group did.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pairings for Week 11, July 8

The pairings for July 8 are posted below.  The forecast is for rain in the morning, but hopefully clearing off by the time we play.

4:37 & 4:45 Rieves vs. Warren
Lynn Paulson 7
Kevin Biese (jd) 10
Michael Brania 14
Jake Holler 11
Steve Smith 16
Steve Wilensky (mw) 22
Dave Rieves 9
Chad Shultz 11

4:53 & 5:00 Raymer vs. Nelson
Paul Barnett 16
Brad Nelson 16
Adam Hopkins 12
Steve McDonnell 9
Mike Sanders 17
Kevin Kiser 14
Matt Raymer 10
Mike Williams 10

5:07 & 5:15 Moritz vs. Molter
Bob Moritz 14
Will Nagel 15
Tom Hidde 12
Rob Zimmerman 22
Keith Brown 7
Ed Molter 12
Paul Schuettler 13
Dave Downing 12

5:22 & 5:30 Kraus vs. Weber
Mike Kraus 15
Chris Weber 9
Bob Jokisch 16
Tom Weber 24
Cody Loew 16
Shane Gibson 16
Gary Buehler 22
Pat Fahey 24

5:37 & 5:45 McEvilly vs. Miller
Pat McEvilly 17
Charles Hoslet 16
Jim Zweifel 8
David Miller 12
Ed Corcoran 12
Doug Hoerr 12
Dan Stanford 15
Ed Meachen 16

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Results for Week 10 - July 1

And the second half is underway.  A nice night turned into sheets of rain for the last seven groups, but then things settled down and everyone finished.  Stung by being narrowly edged out by Team Molter is the first half, Team Rieves got off to a hot start with 5 points - aided by 2 Team Molter no shows.  The four teams within a point can dream their dreams, but I sense a Rieves runaway coming on.

Keith Brown shot the low score of the night with a 36 despite a double bogey on hole 9.  Pat Fahey shot a net 25.  Team Raymer put on a putting exhibition with two players posting 12 putts or less - Adam Hopkins (11) and Mike Sanders (12).   Mike was also nice enough to leave his wallet unattended in the clubhouse for an extended period, resulting in free drinks for a lucky few.  Nice guy that Mike.