Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 3 Results

Clearly, Mr. Snow Miser and Mr. Heat Miser are using us as pawns in some eternal battle for domination of Wisconsin. This Tuesday, Mr. Heat Miser won out.

So, umm, this is a little embarrassing. Tuesday night, when score cards were turned into me, I was stunned by the scores of a Kraus-Miller foursome, to the point that I read them aloud to the rest of the lingerers - 33, 34, 34, and 37! I dutifully added those awesome scores to Chris Weber's slightly less awesome 38 and handed them to Bill Scheer to phone into the newspaper.

I was equally stunned when I started entering their scores into my spreadsheet and found their actual scores were 40, 40, 44, and 45. Good scores, to be sure, but maybe not newspaper-worthy. It turns out I was reading their net scores, which they had written on the card. So Lynn, Andy, Doug, and Jeff - I take back all the wonderful things I said about your scores (and now you know why I was making a big deal about them).

So, actual results and standings are now posted on the blog. The Millers used a sweep to catapult past the Webers into first place, but it's tight, with the McEvillys right behind. It's very early, though, and nobody is more than two sweeps from first.

I still need the $25 entry fee from a few of you - catch you next week.

Also, some foursomes did not write their finish time on the cards. Please remind the scorekeepers in your foursome of this responsibility next week. Times were pretty good, and the groups were pretty close together, but the last group still came in under pretty dark skies.

See you next Tuesday.

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