Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 6 Pairings - May 31

WEATHER UPDATE (12:28 p.m. Tuesday): It looks like any storm passing through the area will be out of here shortly after 4:00 today. Plan to golf!

Here are the match-ups for Tuesday. Please remember to write your finish time down on your scorecard. Most of you have, but a couple haven't.

Half-way through the first half, the Weber team is still out in front, with the McEvilly team trying to keep pace - 2.5 points back.

4:52 & 5:00 Rieves vs. Nelson
Ron Weiss 20
Andy Tomaszewski 19
Bob Crowe 17
Brad Nelson 15
Matt Blouin 12
Steve McDonnell 11
Dave Rieves 5
Mike Williams 10

5:07 & 5:15 McEvilly vs. Weber
Herb Stanford 26
Tom Weber 21
Pat McEvilly 11
Tim Coger 13
Ed Corcoran 17
Dave Poznanski 17
Dave Delveaux 8
Chris Weber 7

5:22 & 5:30 Molter vs. Miller
Rob Zimmerman 23
Ed Meachen 13
Matt Raymer 11
David Miller 12
Ed Molter 12
Doug Hoerr 10
Will Nagel (rieves) 12
Jeff Pollei (hoslet) 8

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Warren
David Wolfe 18
Sub (mattes) ?
Mike Sanders 16
Taylor DeValk 8
Adam Hopkins 14
Jeff Dvorak 11
Paul Barnett 14
Mike Warren 9

5:53 & 6:00 Moritz vs. Kraus
Tom Hidde 12
Mike Kraus 14
Bob Moritz 11
Rich Lampe (smith) 13
Steve Moritz 10
Lynn Paulson 7
Keith Brown (schuettler) 7
Andy Taylor 7

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 5 Pairings, May 24

Here are your pairings for Tuesday - expected to be dry and only 10 degrees below normal!

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Weber
Ed Meachen 12
Tom Weber 21
Doug Hoerr 10
Tim Coger 13
David Miller 11
Dave Poznanski 17
Jeff Pollei (hoslet) 8
Chris Weber 7

5:07 & 5:15 Molter vs. Rieves
Rob Zimmerman 24
Ron Weiss 20
Ed Molter 12
Matt Blouin 12
Adam Rieves 15
Bob Crowe 16
Matt Raymer 10
Dave Rieves 5

5:22 & 5:30 Warren vs. Moritz
Substitute New
Tom Hidde 12
Taylor DeValk 8
Bob Moritz 10
Jeff Dvorak 12
Paul Schuettler 11
Mike Warren 9
Steve Moritz 10

5:37 & 5:46 McEvilly vs. Kraus
Herb Stanford 26
Mike Kraus 14
Pat McEvilly 10
Andy Taylor 7
Ed Corcoran 18
Rich Lampe (smith) 12
Dave Delveaux 8
Lynn Paulson 7

5:53 & 6:00 Nelson vs. Wolfe
Andy Tomaszewski 19
David Wolfe 17
Steve McDonnell 11
Tim Mattes (barnett) New
Brad Nelson 17
Mike Sanders 16
Mike Williams 11
Adam Hopkins 14

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 4 Pairings - May 17

Tuesday's pairings are below. The Warren team is golfing Monday night due to a work function Tuesday. The Rieves team will golf as a foursome at 5:52 on Tuesday.

In other Warren team news, one of their new golfers has broken his leg playing softball (against league rules - read the bylaws!) and they are in need of a new golfer for the season. Please let Mike Warren (and me) know if you know of anybody interested in filling in for the season.

If you haven't yet paid me your $25 league dues, please do so on Tuesday. I'm in the early group, so I'll be at the clubhouse when you finish your round. If I don't get your dues on Tuesday, I'm going to pay Jack Loew 50% of whatever he can collect by following you around in a golf cart and yelling at you.

4:52 & 5:00 Kraus vs. Wolfe
Rich Lampe (smith) 11
Mike Sanders 16
Andy Taylor 7
Adam Hopkins 15
Lynn Paulson 7
Tim Mattes (barnett)
Mike Kraus 14
David Wolfe 17

5:07 & 5:15 Miller vs. McEvilly
Doug Hoerr 10
Ed Corcoran 18
Jeff Pollei (hoslet) 7
Dave Delveaux 9
David Miller 10
Pat McEvilly 11
Ed Meachen 12
Herb Stanford 25

5:22 & 5:30 Nelson vs. Molter
Brad Nelson 15
Adam Rieves 15
Mike Williams 11
Ed Molter 12
Steve McDonnell 10
Matt Raymer 10
A Tomaszewski 19
Rob Zimmerman 24

5:37 & 5:46 Weber vs. Moritz
Dave Poznanski 18
Paul Schuettler 11
Tim Coger New
Bob Moritz 10
Chris Weber 7
Steve Moritz 9
Tom Weber 20
Tom Hidde 12

5:53 & 6:00 Warren vs. Rieves
Taylor DeValk 8
Bob Crowe 16
Substitute New
Matt Blouin 11
Mike Warren 8
Dave Rieves 5
Jeff Dvorak 11
Ron Weiss 19

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 3 Results

Clearly, Mr. Snow Miser and Mr. Heat Miser are using us as pawns in some eternal battle for domination of Wisconsin. This Tuesday, Mr. Heat Miser won out.

So, umm, this is a little embarrassing. Tuesday night, when score cards were turned into me, I was stunned by the scores of a Kraus-Miller foursome, to the point that I read them aloud to the rest of the lingerers - 33, 34, 34, and 37! I dutifully added those awesome scores to Chris Weber's slightly less awesome 38 and handed them to Bill Scheer to phone into the newspaper.

I was equally stunned when I started entering their scores into my spreadsheet and found their actual scores were 40, 40, 44, and 45. Good scores, to be sure, but maybe not newspaper-worthy. It turns out I was reading their net scores, which they had written on the card. So Lynn, Andy, Doug, and Jeff - I take back all the wonderful things I said about your scores (and now you know why I was making a big deal about them).

So, actual results and standings are now posted on the blog. The Millers used a sweep to catapult past the Webers into first place, but it's tight, with the McEvillys right behind. It's very early, though, and nobody is more than two sweeps from first.

I still need the $25 entry fee from a few of you - catch you next week.

Also, some foursomes did not write their finish time on the cards. Please remind the scorekeepers in your foursome of this responsibility next week. Times were pretty good, and the groups were pretty close together, but the last group still came in under pretty dark skies.

See you next Tuesday.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 3 Pairings - May 10

We're expecting a 30 degree temperature jump from last Tuesday, with the forecast calling for a high of 77.

Please bring your $25 entry fee this week and track me down to pay me. I'll be the one with $20 bills falling out of my pockets. I also have prize balls for Hopkins, McEvilly, Moritz (the Elder), Taylor, and Zimmerman. Please step right up and claim your prizes.

A couple other reminders . . .
  • First group needs to take out the prize stakes and the last group needs to bring them in.
  • When you get off the 9th green, head into the clubhouse to check the time, and write it down on your scorecard.
Here are the pairings.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. McEvilly
Steve McDonnell 10
Dave Delveaux 9
Mike Williams 10
Pat McEvilly 10
Brad Nelson 15
Ed Corcoran 17
Andy Tomaszewski 19
Herb Stanford 24

5:07 & 5:15 Moritz vs. Molter
Steve Moritz 9
Matt Raymer 10
Bob Moritz 10
Ed Molter 12
Paul Schuettler 10
Adam Rieves 16
Tom Hidde 12
Rob Zimmerman 23

5:22 & 5:30 Weber vs. Warren
Chris Weber 7
Taylor DeValk 8
Tim Coger New
Nick Lumpkin New
Dave Poznanski 18
Mike Warren 8
Tom Weber 20
Jeff Dvorak 11

5:37 & 5:46 Rieves vs. Wolfe
Dave Rieves 5
Chris Freeman (barnett) New
Matt Blouin 11
Mike Sanders 16
Bob Crowe 16
Adam Hopkins 14
Ron Weiss 19
David Wolfe 17

5:53 & 6:00 Kraus vs. Miller
Lynn Paulson 6
Jeff Pollei (hoslet) 7
Andy Taylor 7
Doug Hoerr 11
Rich Lampe (smith) 11
David Miller 11
Mike Kraus 13
Ed Meachen 12

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Coldest Winter I Ever Saw . . .

. . . was a summer at Glenway.
- Not Mark Twain

So, Week 2 is in the books (Week 1 having peeked out from its hole, seen its shadow, and crawled back in).

Despite the season starting one week late, it crept up on me and I was woefully unprepared. Thankfully, the league - beginning it's 54th season - is practically on autopilot now, and nary a death (or even injury) was reported Tuesday night. Success!

Apparently the 2011 golf styles range from khaki shorts to five layers of clothing and stocking caps. I saw several hats that, I believe, came with free bowls of soup.

Who was unfazed by the Arctic blast? The Daves! Delveaux and Rieves (not Wolfe - have you not been paying attention?) posted a 38 and 39, respectively, to lead the way. In addition, Lynn Paulson, Andy Taylor, and Chris Weber rolled in at 40.

The newly constructed Weber team, along with the Kraus team, jump out to an early lead in the standings - each gaining 9.5 points over the first two weeks.

However, none of that matters. What is really astounding is that the final group on Tuesday came in before the sun went down! Times were pretty good Tuesday. There were a couple large gaps between groups. I'll collect the data for the first half of the season and see if any trends emerge. Thanks for keeping the pace up in week 1. Let's continue to keep it up once the sun comes out.

Note to Chris Weber: Thanks for the beer after our round. I bought you one, too, but you were gone so I drank it. The way I see it, we're even.

Next week: Please bring your $25 entry fee if you didn't this week. I got it from almost half of you in week 1. I golf late on Tuesday, but I'll be there for the first tee time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pairings for Tuesday, May 3

Below are the pairings for Tuesday. Highs are expected to be in the low 50's but it should be dry. Wear layers!

Scores this week will be used for Week 1 match-ups, so bring your A game.

4:52 & 5:00 Molter vs. Warren
Matt Raymer 9
Mike Warren 8
Adam Rieves 16
Nick Lumpkin New
Ed Molter 12
Taylor DeValk 8
Rob Zimmerman 24
Jeff Dvorak 11

5:07 & 5:15 Weber vs. Wolfe
Chris Weber 7
Paul Barnett 14
Tim Coger New
David Wolfe 15
Dave Poznanski 19
Adam Hopkins 15
Tom Weber 20
Mike Sanders 16

5:22 & 5:30 Rieves vs. Kraus
Dave Rieves 5
Lynn Paulson 6
Bob Crowe 16
Rich Lampe (smith) 11
Matt Blouin 12
Andy Taylor 8
Ron Weiss 18
Mike Kraus 13

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. Nelson
Jeff Pollei (hoslet) 6
Steve McDonnell 9
David Miller 11
Brad Nelson 16
Doug Hoerr 11
Mike Williams 10
Ed Meachen 12
Andy Tomaszewski 19

5:53 & 6:00 McEvilly vs. Moritz
Dave Delveaux 9
Bob Moritz 8
Ed Corcoran 17
Paul Schuettler 11
Pat McEvilly 9
Steve Moritz 9
Herb Stanford 24
Tom Hidde 12