Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 1 Recap

It's good to get back in the swing of golf season! It was a glorious evening for golf, until the sun decided to dive into the horizon and the temperature dove along with it. Fortunately, only three golfers lost digits due to frostbite.

Results and standings are now posted in the links section, on the right-hand side of this page.

For the most part, golf was played at a reasonable pace last night. We still finished too late, though, and next week is going to be a challenge because the league before us plays. They are not the source of the long rounds, though – we are. If your teammate is not playing ready or keeping a good pace, or is taking too long before swinging, please nudge them along. Captains, especially, can help with this. I don't mean to take the fun out of it, but we're not exactly staring down a putt at the Royal and Ancient Golf Club here. Here are some tips for speeding up play without losing enjoyment.

As for last night's results, the Nelson team takes a commanding ½ point lead over three other teams. There weren't too many good scores – Dave Rieves shot 36 and Mike Williams had a 38, but there were few really bad scores. Our average was 48.2, which is better than last season's first week average of 48.9.

Inexplicably (or is it?), all four hole challenge winners came from the Loescher-Nelson match-up, with each team winning two. The Commissioner may just get the same P.I. who brought down the Loew family last year to investigate this incident, which reeks of collusion! Seriously, though, did you see the "Long Drive" by Mike Williams? I just wonder what would have happened if he hadn't decided to lay up on his tee shot.

Did I miss an entire season of "The Haney Project: Doug Smedema" on The Golf Channel last winter? Doug, who boasts of his league "best" handicap of 34, shot a raw 51 on Tuesday, which is a net 17. To put that into perspective, esteemed Former-Commissioner-For-Life Dave Rieves, with his 5 handicap, would have to shoot 22 on Glenway to hit a net 17. Well done on the off-season work, Doug!

I would give you an update on the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship award race, but you all know I'm just going to give it to myself at the end of the year, anyway.

Next week, we're back to our normal schedule. Keep up the ready golf and hope for sunshine, because it's going to get dark for the last groups. See you Tuesday!

Oh, and thanks, everybody, for being ready with your league dues on Tuesday. It really helps me when I don't have to worry about collecting those for several weeks!

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