Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Results, Scramble News, Etc.

Results from Week 8 are now posted, but who really even wants to read about the McEvilly team moving one step closer to locking up the first half championship? Well, maybe the other three teams (Wolfe, Loew, Nelson) within striking distance with one week to play.

Scramble News: After a brief and unscientific survey of golfers as they came in on Tuesday, I have decided that the league scramble will consist of the already existing ten teams. Well, that simplifies my job! (Just for grins, I'll post in a comment what the mixed teams would have been.)

Using the random number generator feature of Excel, I randomly generated the order of play for the scramble. Here are the resulting tee times. Captains, if you can find a willing trading partner, feel free to trade tee times. Just let me know you've done so. (Okay - Here's a confession. It's not random that I have the first tee time. I took it so I can be done when the golfers come in and report scores, and to answer any issues the clubhouse or golfers have about the cookout. An abuse of power? Perhaps, but I'm going to just call it a job requirement.)

June 30 Scramble Tee Times
4:52 - Wolfe
5:00 - McEvilly
5:07 - Thoeny
5:15 - Nelson
5:22 - Dvorak
5:30 - Loew
5:37 - Kraus
5:45 - Moritz
5:53 - Miller
6:00 - Williams

Back to this week's results. Congrats to Scott Gomez, with a league-low 36, and Lynn Paulson and Travis Thoeny on their 38's. Only three birdies this week out of 351 holes. I think people were thinking rainout and weren't prepared to golf.

Here is the updated top ten for the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award.

1 Dave Wolfe 15.75
2 Adam Hopkins 14.75
3 Ed Corcoran 14.63
4 Paul Schuettler 14.13
5 Steve McDonnell 13.38
6 Steve Smith 12.88
7 Dave Delveaux 12.75
8 Mike Warren 12.13
9 Andy Taylor 11.50
9 Pat McEvilly 11.50

1 comment:

Dave Wolfe said...

Here are how the teams would have been composed if (a) nobody had a sub and (b) we had tried to even out the teams:
TEAM THOENY: Travis Thoeny, Steve Smith, Paul Barnett, Doug Smedema
TEAM RIEVES: Dave Rieves, Ed Meachen, Charlie Hoslet, Andy Tomaszewski
TEAM WEBER: Chris Weber, Jeff Dvorak, Bob Lomasney, Herb Stanford
TEAM GOMEZ: Scott Gomez, Paul Schuettler, Ed Corcoran, Rob Zimmerman
TEAM THOMAS: Jason Thomas, Pat McEvilly, Matt Blouin, Brad Nelson
TEAM MCDONNELL: Steve McDonnell, Shawn McGettigan, Tom Hidde, Ron Weiss
TEAM PAULSON: Lynn Paulson, Doug Hoerr, Dave Wolfe, Phil Julson
TEAM DELVEAUX: Dave Delveaux, Dave Miller, Mike Kraus, Bob Crowe
TEAM WARREN: Mike Warren, Ed Molter, Bob Moritz, Mike Sanders
TEAM WILLIAMS: Mike Williams, Andy Taylor, John Loescher, Adam Hopkins