Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Early Tee Times Tuesday (8/19)

Hello Golfers -

Due to the earlier sunset, it's getting very dark for the last few groups on Tuesday nights. To help alleviate this, Glenway has reserved the 3:52 and 4:00 tee times for us next Tuesday. Anybody in the league who can use these tee times, regardless of your team or match-up, is welcome to do so. (I'll give the McEvilly and Moritz teams first crack, since they're scheduled last.) During the regular tee times Tuesday, we will consolidate so that every group has four golfers and we all get in before dark.

If you would like to golf in one of the early tee times, please let me know - either by posting a comment under this post on the blog or by email or phone.

By the way, Week 16 Results and Standings are posted on the right side of this page, as well as the 2008 Banquet Information.


- Dave

266-5529 (w)

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