Friday, June 28, 2024

Week 7 Matchups

 July 9, 2024

Mack vs Raffel


Jeff Mautz 11 vs Al Crist 16

Tom Mack 13 vs Jason Raffel 9


Jimmy Yednock 5 vs Jon Wellik 7

Tom Hidde 11 vs Todd Robinson 15

Hackers vs Kraus


David Belton 18 vs Tom Stafford 10

Tom Thieding 6 vs Eric Durkee 11


Matt Reinfeldt 18 vs Gary Buehler 15

Scott Stanley 18 vs Mike Kraus 17

Raymer vs Larson


Mike Sanders 16 vs Dan Steinhoff 11

John Blimling 15 vs Andrew Prebowski 14


Brad Nelson 15 vs Jon Walcott nh

Adam Hopkins 10 vs Scott Larson 8

Rieves vs Downing


Ambuj Shatdal 7 vs Mark Woodruff 6

Mike Brania 11 vs Ed Molter 11


Barry Wanner 14 vs Rob Zimmerman 23

Dave Rieves 7 vs Matt Wornson sub nh

Check the schedule for accuracy. 

Sorry to anyone who showed up Tuesday, July 2nd. I sent a email and forgot about posting on the blog regarding the cancellation. I had a old email address for Jeff Mautz. Did anyone else not receive the email? 

We are out to September 3rd as Championship week 15.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Week 6 Team Standings

June 25, 2024

Week 6 Results June 25, 2024

Week 6 


Jeff Mautz holes 8 and 9

Matt Reinfeldt #1

Ball Prizes

Hole #2 Jimmy Yednock longest putt

Hole #4 Brad Nelson closest chip from off the green

Hole #8 Jeff Mautz closest to the pin first shot

Hole #9 Closest to the light switch William Nagel sub (It was on his drive)

League Average was 46

Low gross was Dave Rieves with a 36

Low net was Jeff Mautz and Dave Rieves with 28

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Week 6 June 25, 2024

Tee Times

Downing vs Larson


Mark Woodruff 6 vs Scott Larson 7

Rob Zimmerman 22 vs Andrew Prebowski 14


Ed Molter 11 vs Jon Walcott 

David Downing 9 vs Dan Steinhoff 11

Raymer vs Rieves


Mike Sanders 15 vs Ambuj Shatdal 7

Brad Nelson 15 vs Barry Wanner 13


John Blimling 16 vs Mike Brania 11

Adam Hopkins 10 vs Dave Rieves 8

Raffel vs Hackers


Al Crist 15 vs David Belton 18

Dave Carlson sub  vs Matt Reinfeldt


Todd Robinson 14 vs Tom Thieding 5

Jason Raffel 9 vs Scott Stanley 17

Kraus vs Mack


Tom Stafford 10 vs Jeff Mautz 11

Mike Kraus 17 vs Tom Hidde 11


Eric Durkee 11 vs Jimmy Yednock 5

Gary Buehler 16 vs Tom Mack 13

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Week 5 Standings June 18, 2024

Week 5 

Week 5 Results June 18, 2024

 Week 5

Prize Flag Winners 

Hole #2 Mark Woodruff  closest to the pin 1st shot

Hole #4 Pat Rebholz longest drive

Hole #7 Mike Licari longest putt

Hole #9 Al Crist closest chip from off the green


Dave Downing #1

Mike Schauer #3

Eric Durkee #4

Dan Steinhoff #6

Lowest Gross

Mike Schauer 33

Lowest Net

Mike Brania and Mike Schauer 28

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Week 5 Tee Times June 18th, 2024

 Week 5 Tee Times

Okay this isn't funny Team Downing is pulling away in the standings! Something has to be done!

Thoughts? Ideas? We are all counting on you Team Mack. No pressure. Just don't mess up. 

Raffel vs Rieves

4:40 TT

Al Crist 14 vs Ambuj Shatdal 8

Todd Robinson 13 vs Dave Rieves 8


Jason Raffel 9 vs Mike Brania 12

Dave Carlson sub nh vs Barry Wanner 12

Downing vs Mack


Mark Woodruff 6 vs Tom Mack 12

Dave Downing 10 vs Tom Hidde 11


Ed Molter 12 vs Mike Schauer sub 5

Rob Zimmerman 22 vs Jeff Mautz 11

Larson vs Kraus


Dan Steinhoff 11 vs Tom Stafford 9

Scott Larson 7 vs Gary Buehler 15


Greg Cass 24 vs Eric Durkee 11

Andrew Prebowski 14 vs Mike Kraus 17

Hackers vs Raymer


Pat Rebholz nh vs Brad Nelson 14

Tom Thieding 5 vs John Blimling 16


Mike Licari - sub nh vs Mike Sanders 14

Scott Stanley nh vs Adam Hopkins 10

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Week 4 Standings June 11, 2024

Week 4 

Week 4 June 11, 2024 Results

 Week 4

Finally a great night for golf.

We had lots of birdies!

Dan Steinhoff #1

Jimmy Yednock #6 and #8

Jason Raffel #8

Brad Nelson #3

Mike Sanders - Who may have had a birdie on #9. But can we trust a guy who places his push cart over  another players ball while telling that player that his ball is somewhere over by that tree. Interestingly, it was his teammates ball.

Prize Balls

Hole #2 Ambuj Shatdal closest to the pin 1st shot.

Hole #? Jimmy Yednock longest drive

Hole #? Eric Durkee closest 2nd shot

Hole #9? Mike Sanders longest putt

Average score was 46

Low gross Tom Thieding 37

Low net Brad Nelson 28

Awesome Job!

Hole 8 played around 10 - 11 minutes for 5 groups and for one group it was 15 minutes. Thanks for reporting your playing time on #8.  It does not appear to be a time issue for the league as a whole. The mosquitos are back though. 

Pace of play was good for nearly all groups. Times ranged from 2 hours to 2.25 hours for 7 of the 8 foursomes. Thanks everyone! I appreciate it.

Hope the weather is great next week.


