Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Week 7 Matchups

 June 06, 2023

McEvilly vs Raffel

4:40 TT Take out prize flags please and thank you.

Tom Mack (11) v Al Crist (14)

Dan Stanford (14) v Todd Robinson (18)

4:50 TT

Jimmy Yednock (6) v Jon Wellik (8) 

Pat McEvilly (16) v Jason Raffel (10)

Hammen vs Kraus

5:00 TT

Patrick Hammen (14) v Tom Stafford (13)

Ryan Olson (12) v Eric Durkee (13)

5:10 TT

Carl Akre (21) v Gary Buehler (15)

Mike Blum (16) v Mike Kraus (17)

Raymer vs Larson

5:20 TT

Mike Sanders (12) v Dan Steinhoff (10)

John Blimling (18) v Andrew Prebowski (13)

5:30 TT

Brad Nelson (18) v Keith Brown (7)

Adam Hopkins (9) v Scott Larson (8)

Rieves vs Downing

5:40 TT

Ambuj Shatdal (8) v Mark Woodruff (5)

Mike Brania (9) v Ed Molter (13)

5:50 TT  Bring in the flags please and thank you.

Barry Wanner (11) v Rob Zimmerman (23)

Dave Rieves (7) v David Downing (14)

Week 6 Standings

Week 6 

Week 6 Results May 30, 2023

Week 6

It was a hot night and scores were all over the board. The average score was 47 gross.

Lots of birdies 

led by Ambuj Shatdal with two 6th and 9th hole, Scott Larson 3rd hole, Mike Brania 1st hole, John Blimling 8th hole, Ryan Olson 6th hole, and Tom Mack 1st hole. 

Low net - Ambuj Shatdal and Pat McEvilly 28

Low gross - Ambuj Shatdal and Scott Larson 37 (contacting Odana to possibly get their names in the WSJ)

Prize Flags

Eric Durkee longest putt #2

Jimmy Yednock closest to the pin on the 2nd shot #4

Jimmy Yednock closest to the pin 3rd shot #7

Ambuj Shatdal longest drive in the fairway #9

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Week 6 Matchups May 30th, 2023

No pressure Team Raymer, but your taking on the Team in 1st. They are tough but you can do it. Need to bring them back to the pack! Looking nice and warm for Tuesday. Team Rieves in shorts? Maybe that will help cool them down.

Downing v Larson

4:40 Tee Time

Mark Woodruff (5) v Dan Steinhoff (10)

Rob Zimmerman (23) v Keith Brown (7)

4:50 TT

Ed Molter (12) v Greg Cass (24)

David Downing (14) v Scott Larson (8)

Raymer v Rieves

5:00 TT

Mike Sanders (12) v Ambuj Shatdal (9)

Brad Nelson (17) v Barry Wanner (12)

5:10 TT

John Blimling (19) v Mike Brania (9)

Adam Hopkins (9) v Dave Rieves (6)

Raffel v Hammen

5:20 TT

Al Crist (15) v Patrick Hammen (14)

Jon Wellik (8) v Carl Akre (19)

5:30 TT

Todd Robinson (19) v Ryan Olson (12)

Jason Raffel (10) v Mike Blum (16)

Kraus v McEvilly

5:40 TT

Tom Stafford (13) v Tom Mack (11)

Gary Buehler (15) v Dan Stanford (14)

5:50 TT

Eric Durkee (12) v Jimmy Yednock (6)

Mike Kraus (16) v Pat McEvilly (17)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Week 5 Standings

Week 5 Standings 

Wow are things tight in the standings. Way to jump into the lead Team Rieves.

Week 5 Results

Week 5 results

Great night for golf. We had some low scores tonight. A couple of birdies and an eagle.

Rob Zimmerman almost had a hole in one on 8. He settled for a birdie. That could have been expensive Rob! We were thirsty tonight. 

Barry Wanner had a birdie also on 8. Good job Barry!

The shot of the night was Gary Buehler! After a typical crappy tee shot into the neighboring fairway, Gary sank his 100 yard approach shot. At least that is how the story goes. 

Ball Prizes

Hole 2  Dan Steinhoff Closest to the Pin from off the Green 2 or more shots.

Hole 5 Mike Kraus Longest Putt

Hole 7 Mike Schauer Longest Drive

Hole 8 Rob Zimmerman Closest to the Pin 1 shot

Jimmy Yednock had the lowest gross 37. Awesome score Jimmy!

A three way tie for lowest net of 27!!!!

Rob Zimmerman

Pat McEvilly

John Blimling

Wow! Way to go guys!

45 was the average gross score. Nicely done.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Week 5 Matchups

 Tuesday May 23rd, 2023

4:40 Tee Time Raffel vs Rieves - please grab 4 prize flags. Thanks DS 

Al Crist (14) v Ambuj (9)

Jason Raffel (10) v Dave Rieves (6)

4:50 Tee Time Raffel vs Rieves

Todd Robinson (18) v Mike Brania (8)

Jon Wellik (7) v Barry Wanner (12)

5:00 TT Downing vs McEvilly

Mark Woodruff (5) v Tom Mack (11)

Mike Schauer sub (4) v Pat McEvilly (17)

5:10 TT Downing vs McEvilly

Ed Molter (12) v Jimmy Yednock (5)

Rob Zimmerman (25) vs Dan Stanford (14)

5:20 TT Larson vs Kraus

Dan Steinhoff (10) v Tom Stafford (14)

Scott Larson (8) v Mike Kraus (16)

5:30 TT Larson vs Kraus

Carlton Radford (nh) vs Eric Durkee (12)

Keith Brown (7) v Gary Buehler (15)

5:40 TT Hammen vs Raymer

Patrick Hammen (14) v Brad Nelson (17)

Mike Blum (16) v Adam Hopkins (10)

5:50 TT Hammen vs Raymer collect prize flags please. Thanks DS

Ryan Olson (12) vs Mike Sanders (12)

Carl Akre (20) vs John Blimling (20)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Week 4 Team Standings

Week 4 Team Standings 

We have a real barn burner at the top. It appears that Team Larson may have spent too much of their scramble earnings on beer as they are fading after a strong start to the season. We will be past halfway of the first half of the season after next week. 

Week 4 Results

Week 4 Results 

Another fine evening. Although, the rough was really rough. 

We had a couple of birdies. Scott Larson on 6, Ambuj Shatdal on 1 and Mike Brania on 1. Good Job!

Jon Wellik had long putt on #2. 

Keith Brown returned from a two week layoff to rocket a longest drive on #4.

Mike Blum was the closest in 1 on #8. 

Saving Private Ryan Olson was closest to pin in 2 shots on #9

If you won a ball prize come find me next week. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Week 4 Matchups May 16, 2023

 Kraus vs Raymer

4:40 tee time

Mike Kraus (16) vs Adam Hopkins (9)

Eric Durkee (13) vs John Blimling (19)

4:50 tee time

Tom Stafford (14) vs Mike Sanders (12)

Gary Buehler (15) vs Brad Nelson (17)

Larson vs Hammen

5:00 tee time

Scott Larson (8) vs Mike Blum ( 17)

Andrew Prebowski (12) vs Ryan Olson (10)

5:10 tee time

Dan Steinhoff (10) vs Patrick Hammen (14)

Keith Brown (7) vs Carl Akre (21)

Downing vs Raffel

5:20 tee time

Mike Schauer sub (4) vs Jason Raffel (9)

Ed Molter (11) vs Todd Robinson (NH)

5:30 tee time

Mark Woodruff (5) vs Tom Hidde sub (11)

Rob Zimmerman (24) vs Jon Wellik (6)

McEvilly vs Rieves

5:40 tee time

Pat McEvilly (18) vs Dave Rieves (6)

Jimmy Yednock (4) vs Mike Brania (9)

5;50 tee time

Tom Mack (10) vs Ambuj Shatdal (9)

Dan Stanford (14) vs Barry Wanner (12)

Week 3 Standings

Week 3 Standings

Team Raffel doesn't look like much but with their superior skill has taken off to a nice early lead in the UW Men's League standings. Will they be able to withstand the pressure that comes with leading? Stay tuned to find out next week. Nice job Dave Rieves and Tom Mack with a couple of nice scores. 

Week 3 Results May 9, 2023

Week 3 Results

Howdy everyone,

Much better weather this past week. The weather even brought out one of our oldies but goodies, Chris Hammen. I didn't see him, but I imagine he was rockin in his traditional sandals and cigar. 

Working on some bugs to calc the avg. score for the league and the net avg. per week. The glitch maybe due to a No Show we had this past week. It worked in week 2.

I forgot to mention some birdies from last week. Funny that with the sucky weather we had 3 birdies last week and this week with wonderful weather we had no birdies. Hmmm.

Andrew Prebowski hole #1, John Blimling #8, and Mark Woodruff #6   Well done gentlemen!

Prize Ball Winners

Hole # ? (not on the paper) Chris Hammen Longest Drive in the Fairway

Hole # ? Ed Molter Longest Putt

Hole # 3 Mike Schauer Closest to the Pin in one shot.

Hole # 8 Jeff Mautz Best Looking Golfer in the Foursome (closest to the pin in one shot)

Reminder to write the Hole # down on the prize flag paper. 

Please write the full name of the sub on the scorecard. First names only are a good start, but we have subs with the same first name. 

If the Sumac tee box is ever in the very back on Hole #4, like it was this past week, then this league will play the Pine tee box. Any questions come find me.

See you next week


Commish Dan 

Friday, May 5, 2023

Week 3 Matchups

May 9th, 2023

Team Rieves vs Team Hammen

4:40 Tee Time
Dave Rieves (7) vs Mike Blum (17)
Barry Wanner (12) vs Carl Akre (21)

4:50 Tee Time
Mike Brania (8) vs Ryan Olson (10)
Ambuj Shatdal (9) vs Patrick Hammen (14)

Team Kraus vs Team Downing

5:00 Tee Time
Mike Kraus (16) vs David Downing (14)
Gary Buehler (14) vs Rob Zimmerman (24)

5:10 Tee Time
Eric Durkee (12) vs Ed Molter (10)
Tom Stafford (14) vs Mark Woodruff (4)

Team McEvilly vs Team Raymer

5:20 Tee Time
Pat McEvilly (18) vs Mike Sanders (12)
Dan Stanford (14) vs Brad Nelson (16)

5:30 Tee Time
Jimmy Yednock (4) vs John Blimling (19)
Tom Mack (11) vs John Kellis sub NH

Team Larson vs Team Raffel

5:40 Tee Time
Scott Larson (8) vs Will Rakestraw sub NH
Mike Schauer sub (4) vs Jon Wellik (6)

5:50 Tee Time
Andrew Prebowski (11) vs Todd Robinson NH
Dan Steinhoff (9) vs Al Crist (14)


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Week 2 Standings

Week 2 Standings 

Week 2 Results

Week 2 Results 

A bit of a chilly and windy day to start match play. Thanks to Gabi for the firepits. 

Mike Schauer had the low gross of 39 and Mike Blum had low with handicap 30. 

Closest to the pin prize on #3 was Jeff Mautz

Ed Molter took home the shortest drive on #5 prize

David Downing was closest to the green on #8 

John Blimling had the longest putt prize on #8.

Just so everyone is on the same page for the flag prizes. If you have been designated to determine the prizes and place the flags please decide before teeing off on that particular hole what the flag prize is. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

A little of this and a little of that.

 Good afternoon,

 A few  items. 

 Matt Wornson, who is on the sub list, will not be available for the next month. Keep that in mind if you need a sub. 

 Team McEvilly will determine the ball prize holes, what is needed to win the ball prize, and will carry and place the   flags this week. Team McEvilly, I will have the flags ready to go before you tee off. Team Downing will collect the flags  this week.

 Look for the Sumac colored tee box markers on the 8th hole. Not sure if they will be up or down this week. 

 If you won a prize ball last week come find me. 

Write legibly and if there are subs write their name next to who they are subbing for.

Good luck everyone! Sounds like a postcard summers day in Madison tomorrow. NOT!

Dan Steinhoff