Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Golf Canceled for Tuesday, October 1

I spoke with Bill at Glenway and he said Glenway is very wet and the forecast is for further rain this afternoon and tonight.  Therefore, we are canceling golf tonight.  Let me know if anyone is interested in playing next Tuesday - weather permitting.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, October 1

Congratulations to Team #1 comprised of Scott Larson, Ambuj Shatdal, Dave Downing, and Bob Jokisch for winning the September 24 match with a score of 89.  Scott Larson shot a net 29.  Ambuj Shatdal shot a net 35.  Dave Downing shot a net 30 and Bob Jokisch shot a net 30.  The best three scores were used for each team.

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, October 1 are as follows:

Team #1 (4:56 tee time)
Bob Jokisch (13)
Barry Wanner (14)
Al Crist (18)
Mark Woodruff (5)

Team #2 (5:04 tee time)
Ambuj Shatdal (12)
Ed Molter (12)
Mike Brania (9)

Team #3 (5:12 tee time)
Dave Rieves (9)
Dave Downing (13)
Tom Stafford (18)
Scott Larson (8)

The total of the three lowest net scores will determine the winner of the prize money.

If there are additional players from the UW Employees Golf League interested in participating, please contact the commissioner at bobjokisch@gmail.com

Friday, September 20, 2019

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, September 24

Congratulations to Team #1 comprised of Al Crist, Ambuj Shatdal, and Mark Woodruff for winning the September 17 match with a score of 95.  Al Crist shot a net 32.  Ambuj Shatdal shot a net 29 and Mark Woodruff shot a net 34.

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, September 24 are as follows:

Team #1 (4:56 tee time)
Bob Jokisch (13)
Ambuj Shatdal (12)
Dave Downing (13)
Scott Larson (8)

Team #2 (5:04 tee time)
Barry Wanner (14)
Tom Stafford (18)
Mark Woodruff (5)
Eric Durkee (11)

Team #3 (5:12 tee time)
Al Crist (18)
Dave Rieves (9)
Ed Molter (12)
Mike Brania (9)

Total net scores will determine the winner of the prize money.

If there are additional players from the UW Employees Golf League interested in participating, please contact the commissioner at bobjokisch@gmail.com

Friday, September 13, 2019

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, September 17

Congratulations to the Team #2 comprised of Al Crist, Dave Rieves, and Ambuj Shatdal for winning the September 3 match with a score of 94.  Al Crist shot a net 29.  Dave Rives shot a net 37 and Ambuj Shatdal shot a net 28.

Teams and Tee Times for Tuesday, September 17 are as follows:

Team #1 (4:56 tee time)
Al Crist (18)
Ambuj Shatdal (12)
Mark Woodruff (5)

Team #2 (5:04 tee time)
Bob Jokisch (13)
Dave Rieves (9)
Ed Molter (12)

Tom Stafford (18)

Team #3 (5:12 tee time)
Barry Wanner (14)
Rob Zimmerman (24)
Dave Downing (13)

Mike Brania (9)

Total net scores of the three lowest scores will determine the winner of the prize money.

If there are additional players from the UW Employees Golf League interested in participating, please contact the commissioner at bobjokisch@gmail.com

Thursday, September 12, 2019

League Banquet

On Tuesday, September 10, we had the 2019 UW Employee Golf League Banquet.  The following prizes were awarded:

Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award (Weeks Attended plus Team Points Earned plus Change in Average from Previous Season – positive points for those who improved and a negative points for those who did not)

Third Place: (23 points) Mark Woodruff
Second Place: (24 points) Ambuj Shatdal
First Place Prize Winner: (26 points) Pat McEvilly, including improving his average by 4 strokes from last year

Low Raw Average for the Season (minimum 12 weeks)

Third Place: (41.13) Dave Rieves
Second Place: (38.63) Jimmy Yednock
First Place Prize Winner: (37.38) Mark Woodruff

End of Year Tournament Winners:  The league’s golfers are separated into three flights based on Week 15 handicaps.  Net scores are calculated for the last four weeks of the season will be calculated using the players week 15 handicap.  The three best net scores are summed for each golfer, and the golfer with the lowest combined net score in each flight is a tournament winner.

Flight 1 (Handicaps of 4 to 11): Dave Rieves (85 points – 29,28,28)
Flight 2 (Handicaps of 12 to 14): Eric Durkee (79 points – 26,26,27)
Flight 3 (Handicaps of 15 to 24): Tom Stafford (81 points – 26,26,29)

League Championship:

Team Downing, comprised of Dave Downing, Ed Molter, Mark Woodruff, and Rob Zimmerman, won the first half, by two points over Team McEvilly and Team Dvorak.

In the second half, Team Rieves, which includes Dave Rieves, Mike Brania, Ambuj Shatdal, and Barry Wanner, edged out Team Raymer by one point.

In the championship match, Team Rieves won three matches and total points, while Team Downing won one match.  Congratulations to both!

Next Year:

  • The same schedule will be followed for next year with a scramble, first half, scramble, second half, scramble/championship
  • We will use the lower tee for the 8th hole at least until mosquitos drive us to the upper tee
  • Need to make clear that there is no moving the ball/winter rules/fluffing to improve lie unless course conditions demand winter rules
  • Players were open to adding teams and odd number of teams is not a concern.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Teams and Tee Times for September 3 golf

Listed below are the teams and tee times for Tuesday, September 3.  The winner will be the team with the lowest net score.

Bob Jokisch (13)
Barry Wanner (14)
Mike Brania (9)

Al Crist (18)
Dave Rieves (9)
Ambuj Shatdal (12) 

Scott Larson (8)
Mark Woodruff (5)
Rob Zimmerman (24)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Results of August 31, 2019 Championship Match

On Saturday morning, August 31, Teams Rieves and Downing battled for the 2019 Championship of the University of Wisconsin Employee Golf League.  There were no losers on this beautiful day - well Team Downing lost, but you know what I mean.  Team Rieves which includes Dave Rieves, Mike Brania, Ambuj Shatdal, and Barry Wanner beat Team Downing, comprised of Dave Downing, Ed Molter, Mark Woodruff, and Rob Zimmerman.  Team Rieves won three matches and total points, while Team Downing won one match.  Congratulations to both teams - especially to Team Rieves, because they won.

The individual match results are listed below:

  • Mark Woodruff (5) beat Dave Rieves (9) net 33 to net 37
  • Mike Brania (9) beat Ed Molter (12) net 31 to net 32
  • Ambuj Shatdal (12) beat Dave Downing (13) net 29 to net 38
  • Barry Wanner (45) beat Rob Zimmerman (24) net 31 to net 37
Total points went to Team Rieves by 12 points.  Further details are listed inn the results on the right.

Friday, August 30, 2019

August 27 Scramble Results

With the end of the second half, it was time for a scramble prior to the championship match on Saturday.  The weather was again quite pleasant.

Team Dvorak won the scramble with an excellent score of 29 - three under par - great job!   Team Dvorak had birdies on 2, 6, and 8.  Team Downing finished second with a 30, with birdies on 4, 5, and 8, and unfortunately a bogie on 9.  I will pass out the prize money to the two winning teams at the banquet.

Here are all the scores:
  • Team Dvorak 29 (First Place)
  • Team Downing 30 (13 putts) (Second Place)
  • Team Raymer 31 (12 putts) 
  • Team McEvilly 32 (16 putts)
  • Team Jokisch 33 (14 putts)
  • Team Rieves 34 (12 putts)
  • Team Kraus 35 (15 putts)

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Dan Stanford - Longest Drive on Hole #1
  • Don Alvis - Closest to the Pin First Shot on Hole #3
  • Mike Sanders - Longest Putt on Hole #7
  • Andrew Preboski - Closest to the Switch on Any Shot on Hole #9

Saturday, August 24, 2019

August 27, 2019 Scramble Tee Times and Rules

The UW Employee Golf League Banquet will be held on Tuesday, September 10 at Lucky's on Regent Street (1313 Regent St) beginning at 5:00 to 5:30.  We will order off the menu.

Here are the scramble rules and other information.  Please remember to count your putts!

There will be four "regular" holes prizes.
·      Longest drive on #1
·      Closest to the pin in 1 shot on #3
·      Longest putt on #7
·      Closest to the switch (any shot) on #9

Tee Times
4:56 Team Dvorak - Please take flags out for the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th holes.
5:04 Team Downing
5:12 Team McEvilly
5:20 Team Raymer
5:28 Team Rieves
5:36 Team Kraus
5:44 Team Jokisch - Please bring flags in.

·      Hit your tee shots on hole 8 from the upper tee.
·      You must count at least one tee shot from each member of your group. On your scorecard, note who hit the tee shot you used on each hole.
·      Count your putts on each hole, and note them on the scorecard.

Rules (for those unfamiliar with the scramble format):
1.    Each foursome plays as a team and keeps one score for the team (including putts).
2.    After each golfer tees off, the team picks one shot to play next, and each golfer hits from there. The three people whose shots won't be used should retrieve their balls and drop within a club-length of the ball chosen to be played, but if the ball you are playing is in the rough or a hazard you must play from that rough or hazard. You may improve your lie (winter rules).
3.    Follow this same procedure until your team holes out.
4.  One shot/ball per golfer - if you only have three golfers, only three shots.
5.    When putting, the first person puts a mark down to identify where the others should putt from if the first person misses.
6.    At least one tee shot from each golfer in the foursome must be used on one of the nine holes. You do not need to decide whose tee shot is to be used until after everybody has teed off on a hole, unless you are forced to use a specific golfer’s tee shot on holes 7, 8, or 9 because you have not used one of their tee shots yet.

1.    Most holes-in-one
2.    Most eagles
3.    Most birdies
4.    Fewest putts
5.    Higher average team handicap (those without handicaps will not be counted)
6.    If still tied, prize money will be divided proportionally.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Week 16 (August 20, 2019) Results and Standings

Congratulations to Team Rieves for edging out a victory in the second half of the 2019 University of Wisconsin Employee Golf League.  Team members include Dave Rieves, Ambuj Shatdal, Barry Wanner, and Mike Brania.  Team Rieves finished with 28 points to beat out hard charging Team Raymer with 27 points.  To how how close it was, Team Dvorak finished in sixth place only 5 points back.  For those of you who followed our post-match discussion, even if Team Rieves and Team Raymer finished tied, Team Rieves would still have won because the first tie breaker is the 2nd half head to head competition, which Team Rieves won.  I have to note what a fabulous job Team Raymer did in the second half, starting 0-6 and almost coming back to win.  Team Rieves will be playing Team Downing (the first half champs) on Saturday, August 31 - tickets are still available!

Once again we somehow managed to avoid rain that seemed to be coming our way on Week 16 at Glenway.  The average score was again an excellent 44. Six golfers, Alec Triggiano, Jimmy Yednock,  Mark Woodruff, Aaron Kroth, Dave Rieves, and Mike Brania broke 40.  Alec, Mark, and Jimmy shot a 38, while Aaron, Dave, and Mike shot 39.  Jeff Dvorak, Andrew Preboski, Eric Durkee, Matt Raymer, Mike Sanders, and Ambuj Shatdal had the low net score with a 28.  Aaron Kroth, Steve McDonnell, and Mike Brania had net 29.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Dan Stanford - Closest to Pin on First Shot on Hole #2
  • Aaron Kroth - Longest Drive on Hole #5
  • Jimmy Yednock - Closest to the Pin on 2nd shot from off green on Hole #8
  • Stephen McDonnall - Longest Putt on Hole #9 
A special congratulations goes to Ed Molter for 12 putts!

Five golfers had a birdie this week:
  • Mark Woodruff on Hole #6
  • Mike Brania on Holes #1 and #4
  • Dave Rieves on Hole #2
  • Dan Stanford on Hole #2
  • Mike Kraus one Hole #3
Congratulations to our League Flight Tournament winners
  • Dave Rieves (Flight 1 - Handicap of 4-11) 85
  • Eric Durkee (Flight 2 - Handicap 12-14) 79
  • Tom Stafford (Flight 3 - Handicap 15-24) 81

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week 16 (August 20, 2019) Match Ups and Tee Times

4:56 Dvorak v. McEvilly
Chad Schultz (4) v. Pat McEvlly (12)
Aaron Kroth (10) v. Dan Stanford (13)

5:04 Dvorak v. McEvilly
Jake Heller (8) v. Jimmy Yednock (6)
Jeff Dvorak (12) v. Tom Mack (10) 

5:12 Jokisch v. Raymer
Zach Katona (10) v. Matt Raymer (16)
Bob Jokisch (13) v. Mike Sanders (19)

5:20 Jokisch v. Raymer
Al Crist (17) v. Adam Hopkins (12)
Andrew Preboski (21) v. Steve McDonnell (12)

5:28 Kraus v. Rieves
Eric Durkee (12) v. Ambuj Shatdal (13)
Mike Kraus (15) v. Barry Wanner (14)

5:36 Kraus v. Rieves
Gary Buehler (18) v. Dave Rieves (9)
Tom Stafford (18) v. Mike Brania (10)

5:44 Team McEvilly v. Bye
Mark Woodruff (5)
Phil Coan (DD) (13)
Ed Molter (12)
Rob Zimmerman (24)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Week 15 (August 13, 2019) Results and Standings

Week 15 saw us somehow avoid the rain once again at Glenway.  The average score was an excellent 44, with three golfers, Jimmy Yednock,  Mark Woodruff, and Chad Schultz, breaking 40.  Jimmy shot a 37.  Mark shot 38 and Chad shot 39.  Andrew Preboski had the low net score with a 26.  Mike Kraus, Tom Stafford, and Adam Hopkins had net 28.

With one week to go in the second half o the season, 5 of the 7 teams are still in the race for the second half title.  Team Rieves moved up to first place with 24.5 points.  Teams Jokisch and Kraus are tied for second with 22.5 points, and Teams Raymer and McEvilly are a close third with 22 points.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Barry Wanner - Longest Putt on Hole #3
  • Jesse Hamiclec - Longest Drive on Hole #5
  • Aaron Kroth - Closest to the Pin on Hole #6
  • Barry Wanner - Closest to the Switch on Hole #9 

Four golfers had a birdie this week:
  • Mike Brania on Hole #6
  • Aaron Kroth on Hole #1
  • Gary Buehler on Hole #6
  • Tom Mack on Hole #1

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 15 (August 13, 2019) Match Ups and Tee Times

4:56 Downing v. Raymer
Ed Molter (12) v. Mike Sanders (18)
Dave Downing (13) v. Steve McDonnell (13)

5:04 Downing v. Raymer
Rob Zimmerman (24) v. Matt Raymer (17)
Mark Woodruff (6) v. Adam Hopkins (12) 

5:12 Dvorak v. Rieves
Jeff Dvorak (12) v. Barry Wanner (15)
Aaron Kroth (11) v. Mike Brania (11)

5:20 Dvorak v. Rieves
Jake Heller (8) v. Ambuj Shatdal (13)
Chad Schultz (4) v. Dave Rieves (9)

5:28 Jokisch v. Kraus
Al Crist (17) v. Tom Stafford (19)
Bob Jokisch (13) v. Eric Durkee (12)

5:36 Jokisch v. Kraus
Andrew Preboski (22) v. Gary Buehler (18)
Andy LeBeau (11) v. Mike Kraus (15)

5:44 Team McEvilly v. Bye
Dan Stanford (13)
Tom Mack (11)
Pat McEvilly (12)
Jimmy Yednock (7)

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Week 14 (August 6, 2019) Results and Standings

Week 14 was another beautiful night at Glenway.  The average score was 46, with three golfers, Chad Schultz, Steve McDonnell, and Dave Rieves breaking 40.  Chad shot 34, Steve shot 38, and Dave shot 39.  Steve McDonnell had the low net score with a 25, while Tom Stafford and Bob Jokisch had net 27.

Week 5 of the second half (Week 14 overall) had even more bunching together as only 5.5 points separate the first and sixth place teams.  Team Jokisch moved up to first place with 21.5 points.  Team Dvorak remained in second with 19 points and Team Rieves dropped to third with 18.5 points.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Andy LeBeau - Closest to the pin 1st Shot on Hole #2
  • Aaron Kroth - Longest Drive on Hole #5
  • Adam Hopkins - Longest Putt on Hole #8
  • David Downing - Closest Second Shot on Hole #9 

Nine golfers (WOW!) had a birdie this week:
  • Tom Stafford on Hole #6
  • Dan Stanford on Hole #7
  • Dave Downing on Hole #8
  • Adam Hopkins on Hole #8
  • Chad Schultz on Hole #7
  • Jeff Dvorak on Hole #8
  • Barry Wanner on Hole #8
  • Dave Rieves on Hole #3
  • Steve McDonnell on Hole #1

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Week 14 (August 6, 2019) Match Ups and Tee Times

Please note that we have moved one of the Rieves v. Jokisch foursomes to the end to accomadate one golfer.  Please let your teammates know of the change.

4:56 Rieves v. Jokisch
Barry Wanner (16) v. Al Crist (17)
Dave Rieves (9) v. Andy Le Beau (12)

5:04 Raymer v. Dvorak
Matt Raymer (16) v. Jake Heller (8)
Steve McDonnell (13) v. Aaron Kroth (11)

5:12 Raymer v. Dvorak
Mike Sanders (18) v. Jeff Dvorak (12)
Adam Hopkins (13) v. Chad Schultz (4) 

5:20 McEvilly v. Downing
Dan Stanford (14) v. Rob Zimmerman (24)
Jimmy Yednock (6) v. Dave Downing (13)

5:28 McEvilly v. Downing
Pat McEvilly (13) v. Ed Molter (13)
Tom Mack (11) v. Mark Woodruff (5)

5:36 Team Kraus v. Bye
Mike Kraus (15)
Eric Durkee (13)
Tom Stafford (20) 
Gary Buehler (18)

5:44 Rieves v. Jokisch
Ambuj Shatdal (11) v. Andrew Preboski (21)
Mike Brania (10) v. Bob Jokisch (14)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Week 13 (July 30, 2019) Results and Standings

Week 13 was an unbelievably beautiful night at Glenway, with even the mosquitos cooperating to provide a beautiful night for golf.  The average score was 45, with two golfers, Chad Schultz and Mark Woodruff breaking 40.  Chad and Mark both shot 37.  Eric Durkee had the low net score with a 26, while Mike Kraus had a net 27.

Week 4 of the second half (Week 13 overall) had everyone bunching together as the three bottom teams, Team Raymer, Team Kraus, and Team McEvilly, picked up the most points.  Team Rieves remained in first place with 17.5 points.  Team Dvorak remained in second with 17 points and Team Jokisch remained in third with 16.5 points.

Challenge Winners were as follows:
  • Tom Mack - Closest third shot from off the green on Hole #4
  • Al Crist - Shortest Drive on Hole #5
  • Gary Buehler - Closest Second Shot from off the green on Hole #6
  • Barry Wanner - Longest Putt on Hole #9 

Six golfers had a birdie this week:
  • Tom Stafford on Hole #6
  • Eric Durkee on Hole #6
  • Al Crist on Hole #8
  • Matt Vyse on Hole #9
  • Zach Katona on Holes #1 and #3
  • Aaron Kroth on Hole #8