Monday, May 29, 2017

Week 4 Match ups and Tee Times

4:56 and 5:04 Hoerr v Molter
Doug Hoerr (10) v Mark Woodruff (6)
Rich Lampe (11) v David Downing (13)

Chris Pozza (NH) v Andrew LeBeau (NH)
Don Nelson (24) v Scott Robert (NH)

5:12 and 5:20 Kraus v McEvilly
Mike Kraus (14) v Jim Zweifel (10)
Bob Jokisch (15) v Pat McEvilly (15)

Eric Durkee (17) v Ed Corcoran (14)
Gary Buehler (19) v Dan Stanford (16)

5:28 and 5:36 Rieves v Raymer
Dave Rieves (7) v Matt Raymer (9)
Ambuj Shatdal (13) v Adam Hopkins (11)

Michael Brania (12) v Steve McDonnell (10)
Barry Wanner (NH ) v Mike Sanders (15)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

First Half Standings - Week 3
Place Points Team Prev.
1  6.0  Pat McEvilly  -    6.0 
2  5.0  Mike Kraus  -    5.0 
3  5.0  Matt Raymer  -    5.0 
4  1.0  Ed Molter  -    1.0 
5  1.0  Doug Hoerr  -    1.0 
6  -    Dave Rieves 0.0 

Low Gross Steve McDonnell 41
Low Net Steve McDonnell30
Adam Hopkins 30
Don Nelson 30

Hole Winners:
Ambuj Shatdal - Long Putt
Mark Woodruff 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The order of finish last week:

1. Team Raymer
2. Team Hoerr
3. Team Kraus
4. Team McEvilly
5. Team Molter
6. Team Rieves

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 23 Week 3 - Match ups and Tee Times

4:56 Kraus v Molter
Mike Kraus (14) v Mark Woodward (6)
Eric Durkee (16) v Andrew LeBeau (NH)

5:04 Kraus v Molter
Bob Jokisch (16) v David Downing (13)
Gary Buehler (18) v Rob Zimmerman (23)

5:12 Rieves v McEvilly
Dave Rieves (8) V Jim Zweifel (10)
Michael Brania (11) v Ed Corcoran (15)

5:20 Rieves v McEvilly
Ambuj Shatdal (13) v Pat McEvilly (15)
Barry Wanner (NH) v Dan Stanfors (16)

5:28 Raymer v Hoerr
Matt Raymer (10) v Doug Hoerr (11)
Steve McDonnell (11) v Chris Pozza (NH)

5:36 Raymer v Hoerr
Adam Hopkins (12) v Rich Lampe (12)
Mike Sanders (15) v Don Nelson (25)

Here is the schedule.  I will figure out how to load it up the correct way.

University of Wisconsin Employees Golf League
Glenway Golf Course - Tuesday Nights -
2017 Schedule
Week 4:56 and 5:04 5:12 and 5:20 5:28 and 5:36
Week 1 -League Scramble-
Week 2 -League Scramble-
Week 3 Kraus vs. Molter Rieves vs. McEvilly Raymer vs. Hoerr
Week 4 Hoerr vs. Molter Kraus vs. McEvilly Rieves vs. Raymer
Week 5 Raymer vs. McEvilly Kraus vs. Hoerr Rieves vs. Molter
Week 6 Rieves vs. Hoerr Raymer vs. Kraus McEvilly vs. Molter
Week 7 Hoerr vs. McEvilly Molter vs. Raymer Kraus vs. Rieves
Week 8 -League Scramble-
Week 9 Kraus vs. Molter Rieves vs. McEvilly Raymer vs. Hoerr
Week 10 Hoerr vs. Molter Kraus vs. McEvilly Rieves vs. Raymer
Week 11 Raymer vs. McEvilly Kraus vs. Hoerr Rieves vs. Molter
Week 12 Rieves vs. Hoerr Raymer vs. Kraus McEvilly vs. Molter
Week 13 Hoerr vs. McEvilly Molter vs. Raymer Kraus vs. Rieves
Week 14 -League Scramble-

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The winner last week was Team Raymer!  They will go out first next Tuesday.  Here is the order of finish last week and start times for next week:

4:56 Team Raymer
5:04 Team Hoerr
5:12 Team Rieves
5: 20 Team Molter
5:28 Team McEvilly
5:36 Team Kraus

Team Raymer please take out some stakes and lets award some golf balls next week.  I was a little slow last week.

The league dues are $30 this year.  Please pay the commissioner.

Last week was fun.  I look forward to next week.  I will work on the schedule this weekend.  I have put an e-mail contact on the blog site for interested golfers.  We need one regular and can use some subs.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tee times for Tuesday May 9:

4:56 Team Kraus
5:04 Team Rieves
5:12 Team Raymer
5:20 Team Molter
5:28 Team McEvilly
5:36 Team Hoerr

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The first tee time next week is 4:56 p.m. The next team will go off eight minutes later and so on.