Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Golf banquet is on 9/6 at Paisanos. Happy hour at 5:00 p.m. (or 11am if you prefer). Dinner starts at 6:15 p.m. Please contact Matt Raymer if you plan to attend. The prize money will be handed out at 6:15 p.m.  The commissioner has a fantasy football draft at 7:00 p.m.

UW Glenway League golfers, Glenway would like to have us continue to golf into fall.  They will block out some tee times for the fall if anyone is interested.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Tomorrow nights order of tee times:

4:48 Rieves (8) v. Schultz (6)
        Galin (9) v. Warren (9)

4:56 Brania (11) v. Dvorak (12)
        Shatdal (13) v. Kroth (12) (or Holler(10))

5:04 Kraus
5:12 Raymer
5:20 Molter
5:28 Katona
5:36 McEvilly
5:44 Miller

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The correct Week 17 results have been posted.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sorry, next Tuesday it will be Team Rieves v. Team Warren for the championship.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Week 17 results and standings are posted.  Congratulations to Team Warren!  They won by a slim margin.  The results and standings from Week 15 were revised do to scoring error by the commish.

Next week we will have Rieves v. Molter for the title.  All other teams will follow in a scramble in order of the second half finish.

Good luck to both Team Rieves and Team Warren.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 16 Results and Standings have been posted.  Week 17 is being analyzed.  Results should be posted in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A great round by Mike Kraus tonight.

The Commish is gone the next two weeks so Mark Woodruff will collect scorecards next week.  There will be no updated results or standings next week.  The pairings for the next two weeks are below.

Pairings for August 16:

4:48     Adam Hopkins v. Bob Jokisch
            Steve McDonnell v. Eric Durkee

4:56     Matt Raymer v. Mike Kraus
            Mike Sanders v. Gary Buehler

5:04     Jake Holler v. Michael Brania
            Chad Schultz v. Dave Rieves

5:12     Jeff Dvorak  v. Ambuj Shatdal
            Mike Warren v. Wojtek Galin

5:20     Caleb Larson v. Dan Stanford
            Zach Katona v. Jim Zweifel

5:28     Dan Dubey v. Ed Corcoran
            Alex Katz v. Pat McEvilly

5:36     Rich Lampe v. Ed Molter
            Doug Hoerr v. Mark Woodruff

5:44     David Miller v. David Downing
            Don Nelson v. Rob Zimmerman

Pairings for August 23:

4:48     Ed Corcoranv. Mike Sanders
            Jim Zweifel v. Steve McDonnell

4:56     Pat McEvilly v. Matt Raymer
            Dan Stanford v. Adam Hopkins

5:04     Dave Rieves v. Zach Katona
            Ambuj Shatdal v. Dan Dubey

5:12     Michael Brania  v. Alex Katz
            Wojtek Galin v. Caleb Larson

5:20     Bob Jokisch v. Rich Lampe
            Gary Buehler v. Don Nelson

5:28     Mike Kraus v. David Miller
            Eric Durkee v. Doug Hoerr

5:36     Rob Zimmerman v. Jake Holler
            Mark Woodruff v. Chad Schultz

5:44     David Downing v. Mike Warren
            Ed Molter v. Jeff Dvorak

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pairings for August 9:

4:48     Mike Warren v. Caleb Larson
            Chad Schultz v. Zach Katona

4:56     Jeff Dvorak v. Alex Katz
            Jake Holler v. Dan Dubey

5:04     Mark Woodruff v. Steve McDonnell
            David Downing v. Matt Raymer

5:12     Ed Molter  v. Mike Sanders
            Rob Zimmerman v. Adam Hopkins

5:20     Mike Kraus v. Pat McEvilly
            Eric Durkee v. Jim Zweifel

5:28     Bob Jokisch v. Ed Corcoran
            Gary Buehler v. Dan Stanford

5:36     Michael Brania v. David Miller
            Ambuj Shatdal v. Don Nelson

5:44     Dave Rieves v. Doug Hoerr
            Wojtek Galin v. Rich Lampe

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pairings for August 2:

4:48     Zach Katona v. Bob Jokisch
            Dan Dubey v. Gary Buehler

4:56     Alex Katz v. Mike Kraus
            Caleb Larson v. Eric Durkee

5:04     Rich Lampe v. Chad Schultz
            Don Nelson v. Mike Warren

5:12     David Miller  v. Jake Holler
            Doug Hoerr v. Jeff Dvorak

5:20     Ed Corcoran v. Rob Zimmerman
            Jim Zweifel v. Mark Woodruff

5:28     Pat McEvilly v. David Downing
            Dan Stanford v. Ed Molter

5:36     Matt Raymer v. Dave Rieves
            Adam Hopkins v. Ambuj Shatdal

5:44     Mike Sanders v. Michael Brania
            Steve McDonnell v. Wojtek Galin

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Week Thirteen results are posted.  The flight tournament bracket is also posted. Three of your next four rounds will be scored for the flight tournament. Good luck to all.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Standings and results from last week have been revised. They are posted.  Please let me know of any issues.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pairings for July 26:

4:48     Michael Brania (12) v. Dan Stanford (15)
            Dave Rieves (8) v. Jim Zweifel (10)

4:56     Ambuj Shatdal (13) v. Ed Corcoran (14)
            Wojtek Galin (9) v. Pat McEvilly (15)

5:04     Mark Woodruff (7) v. Eric Durkee (13)
            David Downing (13) v. Bob Jokisch (17)

5:12     Ed Molter (12) v. Mike Kraus (16)
            Rob Zimmerman (22) v. Gary Buehler (19)

5:20     Rich Lampe (13) v. Alex Katz (27)
            Doug Hoerr (11) v. Dan Dubey (19)

5:28     Don Nelson (26) v. Caleb Larson (22)
            David Miller (12) v. Zach Katona (10)

5:36     Jeff Dvorak (12) v. Mike Sanders (15)
            Mike Warren (10) v. Matt Raymer (11)

5:44     Chad Schultz (6) v. Steve McDonnell (9)
            Jake Holler (11) v. Adam Hopkins (11)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Pairings for July 19:

4:48      Alex Katz (27) v. Rob Zimmerman (22)
             Caleb Larson (22) v. David Downing (13)

4:56     Zach Katona (10) v. Mark Woodruff (6)
            Dan Dubey (20) v. Ed Molter (12)

5:04     Bob Jokisch (17) v. Michael Brania (12)
            Gary Buehler (20) v. Wojtek Galin (9)

5:12     Mike Kraus (16) v. Dave Rieves (7)
            Eric Durkee (13) v. Ambuj Shatdal (13)

5:20     Steve McDonnell (9) v. Doug Hoerr (11)
            Mike Sanders (15) v. David Miller (12)

5:28     Matt Raymer (10) v. Don Nelson (26)
            Adam Hopkins (12) v. Rich Lampe (13)

5:36     Pat McEvilly (15) v. Aaron Kroth (13)
            Dan Stanford (14) v. Jeff Dvorak (12)

5:44     Ed Corcoran (14) v. Mike Warren (10)
            Jim Zweifel (11) v. Chad Schultz (7)

Monday, July 11, 2016

Pairings for 7/12:

4:48 pm and 4:56 pm Rieves v Molter
Brania (12) v. Molter (12)
Shatdal (13) v. Zimmerman (23)
Rieves (7) v. Woodruff 9&)
Galin (9) v. Downing (13)

5:06 pm and 5:12 pm Miller v McEvilly
Miller (12) v. Zweifel (11)
Nelson (25) v. McEvilly (15)
Hoerr (11) v. Corcoran (14)
Lampe (13) v. Stanford (14)

5:20 pm and 5:28 pm Warren v Kraus
Warren (10) v. Kraus (15)
Schultz (7) v. Durkee (14)
Dvorak (12) v. Jokisch (16)
Kroth (14) v. Buehler (20)

5:36 pm and 5:44 pm Raymer v Katona
McDonnell (9) v. Katona (10)
Raymer (10) v. Larson (22)
Sanders (16) v. Katz (27)
Hopkins (12) v. Dubey (19)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mid Season Scramble Results from 7/5:

1. Warren -28
2. Miller -30
3. Rieves, Katona, Raymer -31
6. Kraus, McEvilly- 32
8. Molter -33

Individual Hole:
#3 Closest in 1 - Dan Dubey
#7 Closest 2nd Shot - Jay Krafft
#8 Closest to pin 1st Shot - Mark Woodruff
#9 Longest Drive- Marcel Dubois

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Congratulations to Team Rieves.  The grabbed Glenway by the scruff of the neck and owned it.  They are the first half champs.  Congratulations.

The standings and results from this week are posted.

Next week we have a scramble.  Here are the start times.  They follow the order of finish for the first part of the season:

4:48 Rieves
4:56 Raymer
5:04 Molter
5:12 Katona
5:20 Warren
5:28 McEvilly
5:36 Kraus
5:44 Warren

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Week 8 results are posted.  Many teams still in contention for the first half championship.  That could be decided next week, if we do not have a tie.

Please remember to be conscious of your pace of play.  Please use "ready golf", gimme putts and whatever tools you can to aid us in quickening the pace.

Here are the pairings for next week:

Week 9 Pairings:
4:48 & 4:56 McEvilly vs. Raymer  
Ed Corcoran 15   Mike Sanders 16
Jim Zweifel 11   Steve McDonnell 9
Pat McEvilly 14   Matt Raymer 11
Dan Stanford 14   Adam Hopkins 12
5:04 & 5:12 Rieves vs. Katona  
Dave Rieves 7   Zack Katona 10
Ambuj Shatdal 13   Dan Dubey 19
Michael Brania 12   Alex Katz 27
Wojtek Galin 8   Caleb Larson 21
5:20 & 5:28 Kraus vs. Miller  
Bob Jokisch 16   Rich Lampe 13
Gary Buehler 20   Don Nelson 25
Mike Kraus 15   David Miller 13
Eric Durkee 13   Doug Hoerr 11
5:36 & 5:44 Molter vs. Warren  
Rob Zimmerman 23   Jake Holler 11
Mark Woodruff 7   Chad Schultz 7
David Downing 12   Mike Warren 10
Ed Molter 12   Jeff Dvorak 12

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Week 8 Pairings:
4:48 & 4:56 Raymer vs. Kraus  
Adam Hopkins 12   Bob Jokisch 16
Steve McDonnell 9   Eric Durkee 13
Matt Raymer 11   Mike Kraus 15
Mike Sanders 16   Gary Buehler 19
5:04 & 5:12 Warren vs. Rieves  
Jake Holler 11   Michael Brania 12
Chad Schultz 7   Dave Rieves 7
Jeff Dvorak 11   Ambuj Shatdal 14
Mike Warren 10   Wojtek Galin 9
5:20 & 5:28 Katona vs. McEvilly  
Caleb Larson 22   Dan Stanford 13
Zach Katona 10   Jim Zweifel 11
Dan Dubey 19   Ed Corcoran 14
Alex Katz 27   Pat McEvilly 14
5:36 & 5:44 Miller vs. Molter  
Rich Lampe 13   Ed Molter 12
Doug Hoerr 11   Mark Woodruff 7
David Miller 13   David Downing 12
Don Nelson 25   Rob Zimmerman 22

Do to last nights weather, several groups did not finish play last night.  Next week we will use the scores on the holes from those that did not finish this week.  So plenty is riding on next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Week 7 Pairings:
4:48 & 4:56 Warren vs. Katona  
Mike Warren 10   Caleb Larson 21
Chad Schultz 7   Zach Katona New
Jeff Dvorak 11   Alex Katz 27
Jake Holler 11   Dan Dubey 19
5:04 & 5:12 Molter vs. Raymer  
Mark Woodruff 7   Steve McDonnell 10
David Downing 13   Matt Raymer 11
Ed Molter 11   Mike Sanders 16
Rob Zimmerman 22   Adam Hopkins 13
5:20 & 5:28 Kraus vs. McEvilly  
Mike Kraus 15   Pat McEvilly 14
Eric Durkee 13   Jim Zweifel 11
Bob Jokisch 16   Ed Corcoran 14
Gary Buehler 19   Dan Stanford 13
5:36 & 5:44 Rieves  vs. Miller  
Michael Brania 12   David Miller 13
Ambuj Shatdal 14   Don Nelson 25
Dave Rieves 7   Doug Hoerr 12
Wojtek Galin 9   Rich Lampe 11

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Week 6 Pairings:
4:48 & 4:56 Katona vs. Kraus  
Zach Katona New   Bob Jokisch 16
Dan Dubey 18   Gary Buehler 18
Alex Katz 26   Mike Kraus 15
Caleb Larson 21   Eric Durkee 13
5:04 & 5:12 Miller vs. Warren  
Rich Lampe 13   Chad Schultz 7
Don Nelson 25   Jake Holler 11
David Miller 12   Mike Warren 10
Doug Hoerr 11   Jeff Dvorak 12
5:20 & 5:28 McEvilly vs. Molter  
Ed Corcoran 14   Rob Zimmerman 22
Jim Zweifel 11   Mark Woodruff 9
Pat McEvilly 14   David Downing 13
Dan Stanford 13   Ed Molter 11
5:36 & 5:44 Raymer vs. Rieves  
Matt Raymer 11   Dave Rieves 7
Adam Hopkins 13   Ambuj Shatdal 14
Mike Sanders 16   Michael Brania 12
Steve McDonnell 10   Wojtek Galin 9

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 5 Pairings:

4:48 & 4:56
Rieves vs. McEvilly
Michael Brania
Dan Stanford
Dave Rieves
Jim Zweifel
Ambuj Shatdal
Ed Corcoarn
Wojtek Galin
Pat McEvilly
5:04 & 5:12
Molter vs. Kraus
Mark Woodruff
Bob Jokisch
Ed Molter
Eric Durkee
David Downing
Mike Kraus
Rob Zimmerman
Gary Buehler
5:20 & 5:28
Miller vs. Katona
Rich Lampe
Alex Katz 
Doug Hoerr
Dan Dubey
Don Nelson
Rich Leitz (zk)
David Miller
Caleb Larson

5:36 & 5:44
Warren  vs. Raymer
Jeff Dvorak
Mike Sanders
Mike Warren
Matt Raymer
Chad Schultz
Scott McDonnell
Jake Holler
Adam Hopkins

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The week 4 results were posted on the blog.  Here is the individual hole winners:

#1 Longest Putt - Alex Katz
#4 Longest Drive - Mike Warren
#5 Closest in 2 - Mark Woodruff
#7 Closest wit chip - Ed Molter

Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 4 Pairings:

4:48 & 4:56
Katona vs. Molter
Alex Katz
Mark Woodruff
Caleb Larson
David  Downing
Zack Katona
Ed Molter
Dan Dubey
Rob Zimmerman
5:04 & 5:12
Kraus vs. Rieves
Bob Jokisch
Michael Brania
Gary Buehler
Ambuj Shatdal
Mike Kraus
Dave Rieves
Eric Durkee
Wojtek Galin
5:20 & 5:28
Raymer vs. Miller
Steve McDonnell
David Miller 
Matt Raymer
Doug Hoerr
Mike Sanders
Don Nelson 
Adam Hopkins
Rich Lampe

5:36 & 5:44
McEvilly vs. Warren
Pat McEvilly
Jeff Dvorak
Jim Zweifel
Jake Holler
Ed Corcoran
Mike Warren
Dan Stanford
Chad Schultz