Sunday, June 28, 2015

2015 Midseason Scramble - June 30

The pairings for our 2015 midseason scramble are shown below.  Team Warren will be playing earlier in the day in order to participate in non-golf activities that evening (but why would anyone want to do that?).  After their incessant whining last week about only playing in the first group twice this season, Team McEvilly will lead off the evening (hopefully giving the Commissioner some relief).  Our most "attendance challenged" teams, Nelson, Miller, and Weber, will close out the evening.

Here are the scramble rules and other information.

There will be four "regular" holes prizes.  Each earns the winner $5.

·         Longest holed shot (putt or chip) on #3
·         Longest drive in fairway on #4
·         Closest to the pin (on the green) in 1 shot on #6
·         Closest to the pin in 2 shots (on the green) on #7

Tee Times
Noonish:  Warren 
4:42:  McEvilly – Please take flags out for the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th holes. Thanks.
4:50:  Rieves
4:58:  Kraus
5:06:  Molter
5:14:  Moritz
5:22:  Weber
5:30:  Miller
5:38:  Raymer
5:46:  Nelson - Please bring the flags in.

·         Hit your tee shots on hole 8 from the upper tee.
·         You must count at least one tee shot from each member of your group. On your scorecard, note who hit the tee shot you used on each hole.
·         Count your putts on each hole, and note them on the scorecard.

Rules (for those unfamiliar with the scramble format):
1.      Each foursome plays as a team and keeps one score for the team (including putts).
2.      After each golfer tees off, the team picks one shot to play next, and each golfer hits from there. The three people whose shots won't be used should retrieve their balls and drop within a club-length of the ball chosen to be played, but if the ball you are playing is in the rough or a hazard you must play from that rough or hazard. You may improve your lie (winter rules).
3.      Follow this same procedure until your team holes out.
4.      When putting, the first person puts a mark down to identify where the others should putt from if the first person misses.
5.      At least one tee shot from each golfer in the foursome must be used on one of the nine holes. You do not need to decide whose tee shot is to be used until after everybody has teed off on a hole, unless you are forced to use a specific golfer’s tee shot on holes 7, 8, or 9 because you have not used one of their tee shots yet.

1.      Most holes-in-one
2.      Most eagles
3.      Most birdies
4.      Fewest putts
5.      Higher average team handicap (those without handicaps will not be counted)
6.      If still tied, prize money will be divided proportionally

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

There is some pride - who knew

A fourth straight good weather evening inspired some of the best scoring of the season.  With most of the league just playing for pride, 23 golfers hit their average or better, including 15 with scores in the net 20s.  Truly admirable.  On the flip side, Matt Raymer channeled his inner Dave Wolfe, shooting a 50 and increasing his handicap to 13 for the Raymer team's second half run.  Very strategic.  Tom Weber's hopes of shooting a season high score were thwarted when he laced a beautiful approach shot onto the ninth green.

Team Warren put on a show, shooting a collective net 11 strokes under par to pull away from Team Kraus to win the first half title.  Mike Warren and Chad "don't tell me I'm low average" Shultz both shot 38 to pace the league.  Michael Brania and sub Steve Held posted 39s.  Three players shot a net 25, including Michael Brania, the red hot Eric Durkee, and crafty veteran Pat McEvilly.  It appears that both Bob Moritz and Doug Hoerr holed shots on hole 8 from off the green.  Jeff "slap shot" Dvorak needed only 12 putts despite a 3 putt on hole 8.  In the category of "what might have been", Jeff shot a 40 despite a 7 on hole 8, and Steve McDonnell shot a 41 despite an 8 on hole 5.

Thirty-eight players participated Tuesday.  The amazing thing is that the one reliable Team Nelson player, Kevin Kiser, was not one of them.  That does not bode well for Team Nelson's second half title hopes.

At the season's half way point, 4 golfers are neck-and-next for season low average, including leader Steve McDonnell, Dave Rieves, Keith Brown, and Chad Shultz.  (Sadly, the commissioner is a distant 5th.)  No one finished the first half with an average under 40.  Jake Holler has a narrow lead over Dan Stanford for the Sy Brandt award, but a few more attempts to reach hole 7 from the first tee could hamper Jake's hopes.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Pairings for Week 9, June 23

The pairings for June 23 follow.  All eyes will be on the Kraus:Warren match that will determine our first half champion.  The rest of us are playing for pride.  We will find out who has any.

Our mid-season scramble will be held on June 30.  Bribes for preferred tee times are now being accepted.

4:42 & 4:50 McEvilly vs. Raymer
Dan Stanford 15
Mike Sanders 19
Jim Zweifel 10
Adam Hopkins 13
Pat McEvilly 17
Matt Raymer 11
Ed Corcoran 16
Paul Barnett 14

4:58 & 5:06 Molter vs. Moritz
Ed Molter 14
Keith Brown 8
Rob Zimmerman 24
Tom Hidde 13
Matt Wornson 14
Bob Moritz 14
Dave Downing 15
Paul Schuettler 17

5:14 & 5:22 Weber vs. Rieves
Shane Gibson 17
Lynn Paulson 10
Tom Weber 24
Michael Brania 14
Pat Fahey 23
Steve Smith 17
Chris Weber 7
Dave Rieves 8

5:30 & 5:38 Kraus vs. Warren
Eric Durkee 17
Chad Shultz 9
Rich Lampe (gb) 12
Jeff Dvorak 11
Mike Kraus 18
Mike Warren 11
Bob Jokisch 20
Jake Holler 10

5:46 & 5:54 Miller vs. Nelson
Doug Hoerr 12
Steve McDonnell 8
Bill Swisher 19
Brad Nelson 19
Charlie Hoslet 16
Kevin Kiser 14
David Miller (sp) 12
Bill Crahen 25

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

And Then There Were Two

A beautiful night for golf inspired a good turnout, with the league coming within one double booked sub of perfect attendance.  Most amazing was that the Nelson:Weber match had a full contingent of 8 players.  No doubt many league members lost their shirts betting on the under on how many players would show up for that match.

Teams Warren and Kraus each made a statement with 5 points each, eliminating every other team from the first half title chase and setting up an epic head-to-head match next week.  Word is that advance sales for the top viewing spots are off the charts, as is the bidding for the TV rights.  Three players managed to break 40 this week, including Mike Warren who needed just 12 putts thanks to quality chipping.  Eric Durkee rudely shot a net 25 while matched against his Commissioner.  Yes, there will be consequences (though his boss refused to fire Eric today).

In other news.....

> Taking one of his typically manly swings, Brad Nelson actually dented his driver striking his ball.  May be a league first.

> Apparently confusing the "lower green" sign on the hole 1 tee box to mean that he was supposed to shoot for the green on hole 7, Jake Holler got as far as the hole 5 fairway.  Once he was informed of the actual target, he managed to salvage a bogey.  He may have kinked his neck during his round though, because he may have set a league record for head shaking while playing the ninth hole.

> Chad Shultz wilted under the pressure of being the season low average golfer through week 7.  He won't be facing that pressure next week.  However, he may be facing his second suspension, this time for allegedly cursing the Commissioner.  An investigation is underway.

> Pat Fahey threaded another shot through the trees on hole 7 onto the green.  A warning to others - don't try this at home.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Pairings for Week 8, June 16

The pairings for June 16 follow.  The forecast is promising, and another week of more respectable scores may be on tap.  Four of the top five teams are in head-to-head matches, with the Rieves:Kraus and Raymer:Warren matches likely to be key in determining the first half champion.  The Nelson:Weber match may settle ninth place.  The over/under for the number of players who show up for that match is 6.

At the suggestion of Paul Schuettler, the standings will be attached to the ball washer on hole one along with the current week's pairings.  Thanks for that suggestion Paul.  Also, some prize balls are expected to be handed out this week.

4:42 & 4:50 Rieves vs. Kraus
Steve Smith 16
Bob Jokisch 19
Lynn Paulson 10
Eric Durkee 17
Dave Rieves 8
Gary Buehler 17
Michael Brania 15
Mike Kraus 18

4:58 & 5:06 Molter vs. Miller
Ed Molter 13
Doug Hoerr 11
Dave Downing 15
Bill Swisher 19
Matt Wornson 14
Charles Hoslet 15
Rob Zimmerman 24
Sasi Pillay 19

5:14 & 5:22 Raymer vs. Warren
Matt Raymer 10
Jeff Dvorak 11
Mike Sanders 17
Jake Holler 10
Adam Hopkins 13
Mike Warren 11
Paul Barnett 15
Chad Shultz 9

5:30 & 5:38 Moritz vs. McEvilly
Tom Hidde 13
Pat McEvilly 17
Bob Moritz 13
Ed Corcoran 15
Keith Brown 7
Jim Zweifel 10
Paul Schuettler 15
Dan Stanford 14

5:46 & 5:54 Nelson vs. Weber
Brad Nelson 18
Shane Gibson 17
Bill Crahen 25
Pat Fahey 22
Kevin Kiser 13
Tom Weber 25
Steve McDonnell 8
Chris Weber 7

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Finally, A Warm Week

At last, a Tuesday night with weather golf should always be played in.  The excellent conditions led to a season low league average, and a season best 5 players shooting under 40.  There was only one report of a player hitting the mower parked between the tee and green on hole 8.  Congrats to league members for overcoming the latest attempt to make Glenway tougher.

Steve McDonnell rode a hot putter to shoot a league low 36 and became the first player this season to record 12 or fewer putts.  Unfortunately for Steve, he was paired against a red hot Michael Brania who shot a net 26 and beat Steve by 2.  Caleb Hopkins posted the low net score with a 24 (probably locking up a golf scholarship to UW-Madison this fall).  The top two teams had rough nights, bringing several other teams back into the mix for the first half title with two weeks to go.

In other news.....

> Bob Jokisch was kind enough to give 10 strokes to Matt Raymer on holes 4 and 7 combined, but beat him anyway.

> Team Nelson pretended it was going to forfeit all four matches, only to have 2 golfers show up after all four members of Team Rieves had teed off.  That clever approach enabled them to double their points won the previous week when all four members played.  Brad Nelson - master strategist.

> Chad Shultz returned from his suspension to shoot a 38 a take over the lead for the season low average.

> Pat Fahey is getting married June 20 - tuxes optional.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pairings for Week 7, June 9

The pairings for June 9 are shown below.  The forecast is for sunshine, temps in the mid to upper 80s, and single digit winds - almost ideal for golf.

Last week was our slowest pace of the year.  It is still important for earlier groups to try to complete their rounds in about 2 hours.  Team Nelson appreciates your consideration.

4:42 & 4:50 Kraus vs. Raymer
Bob Jokisch 19
Matt Raymer 10
Gary Buehler 17
Adam Hopkins 13
Mike Kraus 17
Mike Sanders 17
Eric Durkee 17
Paul Barnett 15

4:58 & 5:06 Weber vs. Molter
Chris Weber 7
Ed Molter 13
Shane Gibson 17
Matt Wornson 14
Pat Fahey 22
Dave Downing 14
Tom Weber 25
Rob Zimmerman 23

5:14 & 5:22 McEvilly vs. Miller
Ed Corcoran 15
Charles Hoslet 15
Dan Stanford 14
Bill Swisher 19
Pat McEvilly 16
Sasi Pillay 19
Jim Zweifel 11
Doug Hoerr 12

5:30 & 5:38 Warren vs. Moritz
Chad Shultz 11
Bob Moritz 13
Jake Holler 10
Keith Brown 7
Mike Warren 11
Tom Hidde 13
Jeff Dvorak 10
Paul Schuettler 15

5:46 & 5:54 Rieves vs. Nelson
Dave Rieves 8
Kevin Kiser 14
Lynn Paulson 10
Brad Nelson 18
Steve Smith 16
Bill Crahen 25
Michael Brania 15
Steve McDonnell 8

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Results for June 2

The results for June 2 are now posted.  It is difficult to say what was more remarkable about the evening.....

>  that we had decent weather for a change,
>  that the entire Nelson team showed up and completed their rounds, or
>  that there was a Chris Weber sighting.

Too close to call.

Keith Brown posted the low score of the night with a 38, followed by Lynn Paulson at 39.  Bob Jokisch took a big step closer to mastering golf by shooting a net 25.  Teammate Mike Kraus and Tom Weber shot net 27s.  Team Kraus had a 5.5 point night, and caught team Warren for the first half lead.  Although a few other teams have a chance, the week 9 Kraus:Warren match will likely be a big factor is determining the first half title.

Chad Shultz completed his one week suspension for repeated tree battering with a golf ball.  No doubt his teammates are looking forward to his return next week.