Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 18 Pairings - August 30

Reminder: The banquet is next Tuesday night at Paisans! Please RSVP to (and pay) Brad Nelson tonight. We'll have more details posted here. Thanks.

Here are the pairings, for the week that will determine the second half champs, the flight tournament champions, the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award winner, and the low golfer of the year. Please make sure you tee off at your appointed time, so we don't get behind. Sunset comes early these days. Here's the early match-up:

3:52 & 4:00 Nelson vs. Weber
Matt Abraham 12
Chris Weber 7
Brad Nelson 12
Tim Coger 14
Mike Williams 8
Dave Poznanski 16
Steve McDonnell 10
Tom Weber 21

Here are the rest:
4:52 & 5:00 Molter vs. McEvilly
Ed Molter 12
Lil Pat McEvilly 15
Rob Zimmerman 24
Sub (ec) ?
Matt Raymer 10
Pat McEvilly 12
Adam Rieves 15
Herb Stanford 24

5:07 & 5:15 Warren vs. Kraus
Mike Warren 8
Lynn Paulson 6
Jeff Dvorak 10
Rich Lampe (ss) 11
Taylor DeValk 7
Andy Taylor 9
Tim Mattes 12
Mike Kraus 14

5:22 & 5:30 Wolfe vs. Miller
Mick Heberlein (pb) 18
Doug Hoerr 10
Mike Sanders 18
David Miller 10
David Wolfe 14
Ed Meachen 13
Adam Hopkins 14
Charlie Hoslet 15

5:37 & 5:46 Rieves vs. Moritz
Bob Crowe 17
Steve Moritz 9
Ron Weiss 20
Bob Moritz 10
Dave Rieves 5
Tom Hidde 12
Matt Blouin 10
Paul Schuettler 13

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tournament and Sy Brandt Standings

The tournament standings can be viewed here. The far-right column shows the sum of the best two scores for each golfer who's played at least twice. I have sorted each flight by this number. The "Score" column to the left of that shows each golfer's three-round score.

It looks like Brad Nelson has a stranglehold (cue the Ted Nugent) on the Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award. Nothing short of an "accident" or a last-second computer glitch will vault the much-deserving runner-up to the top spot. Does anybody have Jeff Gillooly's phone number?

  1. 27.64 Brad Nelson
  2. 25.93 Dave Wolfe
  3. 25.68 Doug Hoerr
  4. 24.88 Bob Moritz
  5. 24.80 Adam Hopkins
  6. 24.71 Chris Weber
  7. 24.56 Dave Rieves
  8. 24.53 Matt Blouin
  9. 24.20 Lynn Paulson
  10. 24.10 Mike Sanders

Week 17 Results & Miscellaneous

I got caught up on results and standings, and will update the flight tournament and Sy Brandt standings as soon as I can. (The results assume that the "Charlie" who golfed on the McEvilly team in week 16 was Charlie Ponti. If this is incorrect, please let me know.)

With one week to go, it appears it's a three-team race (with a 4th team still alive) for the second half championship, and the right to take on what's left of the McEvilly team for the league championship. I'll have (unofficial) final standings available Tuesday night so the winning captain can schedule the championship match-ups prior to Labor Day.
  • Moritz team (30.5)
  • Kraus team and Miller team (28.5)
  • Weber team (25.0)
Other news . . .
  • The Nelson and Weber teams have the 3:52 and 4:00 tee times next Tuesday - the last Tuesday of league.
  • The league banquet will be held on Tuesday, September 6 at Paisan's. Details to come. Please RSVP and pay $20 to Captain Brad Nelson on 8/30.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 17 Pairings - August 23

Short message today, since Internet access is spotty.

The banquet will be held on September 6 (the day after Labor Day) at Paisan's - hosted by the 2010 champions, the Nelson team. Please plan to attend. Brad will collect $20 per man beginning Tuesday.

Here are Tuesday's pairings. Note the early tee times. Depending on my return flight, I may or may not make my 4:00 tee time. I may have to join a later group.

First group - Please take out the flags!

3:52 & 4:00 Molter vs. Wolfe
Ed Molter 12
Yanbing Lu (pb) 5
Rob Zimmerman 23
Mike Sanders 18
Matt Raymer 9
Adam Hopkins 14
Adam Rieves 15
David Wolfe 15

Here are the rest.

4:52 & 5:00 Kraus vs. Weber
Andy Taylor 8
Chris Weber 7
Steve Smith 13
Dave Poznanski 16
Lynn Paulson 7
Tim Coger 14
Mike Kraus 13
Tom Weber 21

5:07 & 5:15 Miller vs. Rieves
David Miller 11
Dave Rieves 5
Charlie Hoslet 15
Bob Crowe 17
Doug Hoerr 11
Matt Blouin 11
Ed Meachen 13
Ron Weiss 20

5:22 & 5:30 Nelson vs. Moritz
Steve McDonnell 10
Steve Moritz 10
Brad Nelson 12
Paul Schuettler 13
Mike Williams 8
Bob Moritz 10
Matt Abraham 12
Tom Hidde 12

5:37 & 5:46 McEvilly vs. Warren
Pat McEvilly 12
Taylor DeValk 7
Herb Stanford 24
Tim Mattes 13
Lil Pat McEvilly (dd) 15
Mike Warren 8
Sub (ec)

Jeff Dvorak 10

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Results & Next Week Tee Times

Results will be a bit delayed this week, as I leave for vacation this morning. They'll be posted no sooner than Thursday.

Next week, the Molter and Wolfe teams will take the early tee times (3:52 and 4:00). Everybody else moves up one spot earlier. Check the tee times in the upper right corner of the blog if you want to know your tee time.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here's Tuesday's early match-up. Having not heard otherwise from the captains, I assume they can all golf early.

3:52 & 4:00 Warren vs. Miller
Taylor DeValk 7
David Miller 11
Tim Mattes 13
Ed Meachen 13
Mike Warren 9
Doug Hoerr 11
Jeff Dvorak 10
Charlie Hoslet 16

The rest of us better golf faster than last week or we'll be in the dark.

4:52 & 5:00 Moritz vs. Wolfe
Bob Moritz 10
David Wolfe 14
Steve Moritz 10
Mick Heberlein (pb) 16
Paul Schuettler 13
Adam Hopkins 14
John Gillich (th) 17
Mike Sanders 18

5:07 & 5:15 Kraus vs. Nelson
Lynn Paulson 7
Steve McDonnell 11
Steve Smith 14
Brad Nelson 13
Andy Taylor 9
Mike Williams 8
Mike Kraus 14
Matt Abraham 13

5:22 & 5:30 Rieves vs. McEvilly
Dave Rieves 5
Pat McEvilly 12
Ron Weiss 20
Herb Stanford 24
Matt Blouin 12
Ed Corcoran 15
Bob Crowe 18
Lil Pat McEvilly 16

5:37 & 5:46 Weber vs. Molter
Chris Weber 7
Ed Molter 12
Tom Weber 20
Adam Rieves 15
Tim Coger 14
Matt Raymer 9
Dave Poznanski 16
Rob Zimmerman 23

Here are updated Sy Brandt Sportsmanship Award rankings:
  1. 24.67 Brad Nelson
  2. 22.80 Dave Wolfe
  3. 21.58 Chris Weber
  4. 21.39 Mike Sanders
  5. 21.08 Doug Hoerr
  6. 20.92 Dave Rieves
  7. 20.85 Matt Blouin
  8. 20.79 Lynn Paulson
  9. 20.64 Bob Moritz
  10. 20.50 Ed Molter
This will be week two of the flight tournament. The stuff below probably won't display real nicely, but is all I have time for now. The first number after a name is the tournament handicap. The second is the raw score and the third number is the net score.

Gross Net
Tournament Handicap 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 Score
Flight 1
Handicaps 11 & Under
DeValk Taylor 7 38 31
Dvorak Jeff 11 41 30
Hoerr Doug 11 45 34
Molter Ed 11 46 35
Moritz Bob 10 43 33
Moritz Steve 10
Paulson Lynn 8 35 27
Raymer Matt 10 39 29
Rieves Dave 6 37 31
Taylor Andy 9
Warren Mike 9 42 33
Weber Chris 7 42 35
Williams Mike 9 39 30
Flight 2
Handicaps 12 - 14
Abraham Matt 14 41 27
Blouin Matt 12 44 32
Coger Tim 14 41 27
Hidde Tom 12
Kraus Mike 13 47 34
Mattes Tim 13 45 32
McDonnell Steve 12 36 24
McEvilly Pat 12 48 36
Meachen Ed 13 46 33
Miller David 12 43 31
Nelson Brad 14 44 30
Schuettler Paul 13
Smith Steve 13 51 38
Flight 3
Handicaps 15 & Above
Crowe Bob 18 49 31
Hopkins Adam 16 44 28
Hoslet Charlie 16 45 29
McEvilly Lil Pat 16 49 33
Poznanski Dave 16 46 30
Rieves Adam 15
Sanders Mike 18 51 33
Stanford Herb 24
Weber Tom 20 58 38
Weiss Ron 20 52 32
Wolfe Dave 15 42 27
Zimmerman Rob 22 57 35

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 15 Pairings - August 9

The Warren/Wolfe match-up is going with a 3:52 start this week (except for Hopkins, who will join a later threesome or turn the last group into a fivesome). Here are those pairings.

3:52 & 4:00 Warren vs. Wolfe
Mike Warren 9
David Wolfe 15
Jeff Dvorak
Mike Sanders 18
Tim Mattes 13
Adam Hopkins 16
Taylor DeValk 7
Sub (pb)

Here are the rest.

4:52 & 5:00 Kraus vs. Moritz
Lynn Paulson 8
Tom Hidde 12
Andy Taylor 9
Paul Schuettler 13
Steve Smith 13
Bob Moritz 10
Mike Kraus 13
Steve Moritz 10

5:07 & 5:15 Nelson vs. Rieves
Mike Williams 9
Bob Crowe 18
Steve McDonnell 12
Ron Weiss 20
Brad Nelson 14
Dave Rieves 6
Matt Abraham 14
Matt Blouin 12

5:22 & 5:30 Weber vs. McEvilly
Chris Weber 7
Pat McEvilly 12
Dave Poznanski 16
Herb Stanford 24
Tim Coger 14
Lil Pat McEvilly (dd) 16
Tom Weber 20
Sub (ec)

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. Molter
Doug Hoerr 11
Matt Raymer 10
Charlie Hoslet 16
Rob Zimmerman 22
David Miller 12
Ed Molter 11
Ed Meachen 13
Adam Rieves 15

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Flight Tournament

If you're looking for week 14 results, they're below.

During the last four weeks of regular season play, the league-wide Flight Tournament will be held. The rules are as follows.
  • To be eligible to win your flight, you must golf at least three of the final four weeks of the regular season.
  • At the end of Week 14, the league shall be split into three relatively even flights, based on handicap at that time. (The ideal composition would be flights of 13, 13, and 14 golfers, but it may not be possible given the handicaps.) For example, Flight 1 may be golfers with a handicap of 11 or less, Flight 2 those with a handicap between 12 and 15, and Flight 3 those with a handicap of 16 or higher.
  • For purposes of the Flight Tournament, each golfer's handicap shall be frozen at their Week 15 handicap. That means that if your handicap is 11 for Week 15 matches, your Flight Tournament handicap will be 11. (This does not affect a golfer's weekly handicap for regular season match-ups, which may continue to change, based on their last 8 league scores.)
  • Each golfer's weekly Flight Tournament scores are calculated by subtracting his Flight Tournament handicap from his weekly raw scores.
  • Each golfer's total Flight Tournament score is the sum of the three lowest weekly Flight Tournament (net) scores.
  • The golfer within each flight with the lowest total Flight Tournament score is the tournament winner for that flight.
Here are the three flights for the tournament.

Flight 1 (Handicap < 12)
  • 6 Dave Rieves
  • 7 Taylor DeValk
  • 7 Chris Weber
  • 8 Lynn Paulson
  • 9 Andy Taylor
  • 9 Mike Williams
  • 9 Mike Warren
  • 10 Matt Raymer
  • 10 Bob Moritz
  • 10 Steve Moritz
  • 11 Ed Molter
  • 11 Doug Hoerr
  • 11 Jeff Dvorak

FLIGHT 2 (Handicap 12-14)
  • 12 Pat McEvilly the Elder
  • 12 David Miller
  • 12 Tom Hidde
  • 12 Steve McDonnell
  • 12 Matt Blouin
  • 13 Mike Kraus
  • 13 Steve Smith
  • 13 Ed Meachen
  • 13 Paul Schuettler
  • 13 Tim Mattes
  • 14 Brad Nelson
  • 14 Matt Abraham
  • 14 Tim Coger

FLIGHT 3 (Handicap > 14)
  • 15 Adam Rieves
  • 15 Dave Wolfe
  • 16 Charlie Hoslet
  • 16 Dave Poznanski
  • 16 Adam Hopkins
  • 16 Pat McEvilly the Younger
  • 18 Bob Crowe
  • 18 Mike Sanders
  • 20 Ron Weiss
  • 20 Tom Weber
  • 22 Rob Zimmerman
  • 24 Herb Stanford

Here are the updated Sy Brandt Sportsmanship award standings:
  1. 22.50 Brad Nelson
  2. 20.42 Mike Sanders
  3. 20.34 Dave Wolfe
  4. 20.20 Doug Hoerr
  5. 19.83 Dave Rieves
  6. 19.82 Chris Weber
  7. 19.79 Matt Blouin
  8. 19.63 Ed Molter
  9. 19.15 Pat McEvilly
  10. 18.83 Mike Kraus

Week 14 Results

Results for Week 14 are now posted. The Kraus team put a little distance between themselves and the 2nd place McEvillies, beating them head-to-head 4-2. This Tuesday was our lowest league average so far this year - 43.3. Having Travis back didn't hurt that cause!

A few reminders:
  1. The league banquet will be held on Tuesday, September 6 at a location to be determined by the 2010 league champion Nelson team. Look for more information soon from Captain Brad.
  2. The flight tournament begins next week. For more information on our own "Fed Ex Cup" read here about last year's tournament.
  3. Days are getting shorter, and we're less and less likely each week to get all 10 foursomes before it gets dark. Beginning in week 15, the first tee times will be at 3:52 and 4:00 rather than 4:52 and 5:00. All other groups will move up two tee times. That has a pretty significant impact on six teams (shown below). Please let me know if it is not possible for you to do the 3:52/4:00 tee times and we'll see if someone else can. It is at times like these that I will adhere to the number one rule passed down to me from Hall of Fame Commissioner Dave Rieves: "Be flexible."
  • August 16: Warren and Miller teams will be at 3:52/4:00.
  • August 23: Molter and Wolfe teams will be at 3:52/4:00.
  • August 30: Nelson and Weber teams will be at 3:52/4:00.