Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2009 Season Results

Thank you everybody who attended the banquet at The Avenue Bar. It was a good time and a great finale to the 2009 season. I apologize for showing up without my prepared materials, but I believe we covered all the issues I wanted to cover (albeit in a haphazard manner). Onto post-season business!

Congratulations to the 2009 League Champions – the David Miller team (David, Doug Hoerr, Charlie Hoslet, Ed Meachen)! Their last victory was in 2003, under Reuben Lorenz, but they're back in the Winner's Circle this year. Mr. Miller is now on the clock for next year's banquet!

Congratulations also go out to the following golfers.
  • League Runners-Up - the Dave Wolfe team (Dave, Paul Barnett, Adam Hopkins, Mike Sanders - narrowly missing the three-peat)
  • Low Raw Average Travis Thoeny (six years running)
  • Flight Tournament Winners
Flight 1 (Handicaps 11 and Under) - Lynn Paulson
Flight 2 (Handicaps 12-14) – Pat McEvilly
Flight 3 (Handicaps 15 and Over) – Andy Tomaszewski
  • Sy Brandt Award Dave Wolfe (Funny store there. I had been posting the leading candidates for this award in the blog, almost weekly. Before the last week, it looked like Dave Delveaux had it pretty much sewn up. However, when I went to complete the yearbook, I noticed that I had been calculating the award points incorrectly all year. When corrected, Dave was no longer first. Worse yet, I was.)
No new rules were promulgated at this year's banquet, though many were discussed. The biggest topic this year was slow play, which universally irritates everybody.

At times this season, the pace of play was brutally slow – so much so that some great people and good golfers look elsewhere for their recreation. That tells me that it's a problem that needs to be addressed. I will try to make it a focal point in pre-season and early season missives, and will try to have a discussion with each team about it as they tee off early in the year.

There's already expected to be a slight bit of turnover in the league. Travis Thoeny and Doug Smedema are going from regulars to the sub list. John Loescher (has been) volunteered to captain the former Thoeny team, and they're looking for a "Dave" to put on the team, as they're certain it's a prerequisite for winning the league. Tom Weber will apparently be rejoining the Loew team in Doug's place.

In the next day or two I will post the league's statistical feats, as well as the 2009 Yearbook.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 18 Results

I'll have official standings and results posted some time next week. I have lots of prep work to do for the banquet.

At this moment, the Wolfe (1st half) and Miller (2nd half) teams are duking it out for the league championship.

See you Tuesday at the Avenue Bar.