Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 14 Results

Results for Week 14 are now posted at the right of this blog.

Notable statistics:
  • The league average dipped to a season-low 44.03
  • Travis Thoeny tied Chris Weber's season low with a raw score of 33
  • Pat McEvilly scored a combined 7 on holes 4 (birdie) and 5 (par), the first time that's been done this season.
  • Ed Molter birdied both 6 and 8, which is also the first time that's been done this year.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 14 Pairings - July 29

4:52 & 5:00 Thoeny vs. McEvilly
Rob Zimmerman 21
Ed Corcoran 17
Travis Thoeny 4
Dave Delveaux New
John Loescher 18
Herb Stanford 21
Ed Molter 13
Pat McEvilly 11

5:07 & 5:15 Moritz vs. Loew
Bob Moritz 10
Scott Gomez 9
Paul Schuettler 11
Shawn McGettigan 12
Tom Hidde 12
Jack Loew 12
Bob Lomasney 14
Chris Weber 8

5:22 & 5:30 Dvorak vs. Williams
Jeff Dvorak 10
Dave Rieves 5
Dustin Vredeveld 11
Joe Elliott 14
Mike Warren 13
Bob Crowe (Williams) 15
Phil Julson 22
Dick Moll 18

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Miller
Paul Barnett 14
Ed Meachen 10
Adam Hopkins 18
David Miller 12
Mike Sanders 19
Doug Hoerr 13
Dave Wolfe 22
Charlie Hoslet 14

5:53 & 6:00 Nelson vs. Marble
Steve McDonnell 11
Lynn Paulson 8
Don Schindler New
Steve Smith 13
Brian Frame 11
Bruce Marble 11
Brad Nelson 15
Mike Kraus 15

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 13 Results

Week 13 results are posted (links on the right). The scoring average was 44.1 this week - 1/10th of a point above our low average for the year.

I'm still trying to figure out who was subbing for the Loew team. I got John Cuccia and Tom Eberle (I think), but there was another "John" on the scorecard in the second group, and I don't know who it was. If anybody knows, please let me know. (It does not affect this week's standings.) Thanks.

See you next Tuesday.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 13 Pairings - July 22

Here are the pairings for July 22.

4:52 & 5:00 Nelson vs. Loew
Don Schindler New
Shawn McGettigan 12
Brad Nelson 15
Jack Loew 12
Brian Frame 12
Scott Gomez 9
Steve McDonnell 10
Chris Weber 8

5:07 & 5:15 Williams vs. Marble
Dick Moll 18
Mike Kraus 15
Bob Crowe (Williams) 15
Lynn Paulson 9
Joe Elliott 15
Rich Lampe (Smith)
Dave Rieves 6
Bruce Marble 11

5:22 & 5:30 Dvorak vs. Moritz
Jeff Dvorak 10
Bob Moritz 11
Mike Warren 13
Bob Lomasney 14
Dustin Vredeveld 10
Paul Schuettler 11
Phil Julson 24
Keith Brown (Hidde) New

5:37 & 5:46 Wolfe vs. Thoeny
Dave Wolfe 23
Rob Zimmerman 21
Mike Sanders 20
John Loescher 17
Paul Barnett 16
Ed Molter 13
Adam Hopkins 19
Travis Thoeny 4

5:53 & 6:00 Miller vs. McEvilly
Doug Hoerr 13
Herb Stanford 22
David Miller 12
Pat McEvilly 12
Charlie Hoslet 14
Ed Corcoran 16
Ed Meachan 11
Vacant NH

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Results and Standings posted

Week 12 results and standings are now posted. I also have posted results from the week I was on vacation (Week 11). All can be linked directly below. (Scores were not affected by the heat Tuesday, but math skills definitely were, as there were at least four scores added incorrectly on the cards!) Congrats to Chris Weber for his 2008 league-low 33.

Week 12 Standings
Week 12 Results

Week 11 Standings
Week 11 Results

Interesting note about Week 12 scores: Four people (Pat McEvilly, David Miller, Paul Schuettler, and Travis Thoeny) birdied the first hole, and another seven scored a par on one. That's 29% scoring par or better on that hole. At the other end of the spectrum, ten golfers (26%) scored a triple-bogey and higher. (For once, I was not in that group.)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 12 Pairings - July 15

I have not yet posted standings, as I couldn't determine from the scorecards who some of the subs were golfing for. I think that's straightened out now, and standings should be posted today. Meanwhile, here are the pairings for a hot and steamy July 15.

4:52 & 5:00 Dvorak vs. Marble
Jeff Dvorak 10
Lynn Paulson 9
Dustin Vredeveld 11
Bruce Marble 11
Mike Warren 13
Steve Smith 13
Phil Julson 23
Mike Kraus 15

5:07 & 5:15 Nelson vs. Moritz
Brian Frame 12
Tom Hidde 12
Don Schindler New
Paul Schuettler 11
Steve McDonnell New
Bob Moritz 11
Brad Nelson 16
Bob Lomasney 14

5:22 & 5:30 Loew vs. Williams
Shawn McGettigan 12
Joe Elliott 14
Jack Loew 11
Dave Rieves 6
Scott Gomez 9
Bob Crowe (Williams) 16
Chris Weber 9
Dick Moll 18

5:37 & 5:46 Miller vs. Thoeny
Charlie Hoslet 15
Rob Zimmerman 21
Doug Hoerr 12
John Loescher 17
Ed Meachan 11
Ed Molter 13
David Miller 12
Travis Thoeny 4

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. McEvilly
Paul Barnett 16
Ed Corcoran 16
Dave Wolfe 23
Herb Stanford 23
Mike Sanders 21
Vacant NH
Adam Hopkins 19
Pat McEvilly 12

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week 11 Pairings - July 8

Here are the match-ups for Tuesday. I will not be there, but will collect the scorecards on Wednesday or Thursday.

4:52 & 5:00 Miller vs. Marble
Doug Hoerr 12
Lynn Paulson 9
Ed Meachan 11
Bruce Marble 10
Charlie Hoslet 15
Steve Smith 12
David Miller 13
Mike Kraus

5:07 & 5:15 Williams vs. McEvilly
Dave Rieves 6
Joe Elliott 13
Pat McEvilly 12
Bob Crowe (Williams) 15
Ed Corcoran 17
Dick Moll 18
Herb Stanford 23

5:22 & 5:30 Thoeny vs. Moritz
Travis Thoeny 3
Bob Moritz 11
Ed Molter 13
Paul Schuettler 11
John Loescher 17
Tom Hidde 12
Rob Zimmerman 21
Bob Lomasney 14

5:37 & 5:46 Nelson vs. Dvorak
Steve McDonnell New
Jeff Dvorak 10
Brian Frame 11
Dustin Vredeveld 11
Brad Nelson 16
Mike Warren 14
Don Schindler New
Phil Julson 24

5:53 & 6:00 Wolfe vs. Loew
Mike Sanders 23
Scott Gomez 8
Adam Hopkins 19
Chris Weber 9
Kelly Kennedy (Wolfe) 14
Jack Loew 11
Paul Barnett 17
Shawn McGettigan 11

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday Notes

Update: Standings and results are now posted.

Standings will be delayed this week, as I headed out for vacation early Wednesday morning. I might be able to get them up by Thursday.

Congratulations to the Moritz team, which won the tie-breaker match last night 5-1, and are the 1st Half Champions!

If you haven't noticed, there's a poll on the right-hand side of this page with a question about the league banquet. While you're here, please answer the poll question. Thanks.