Monday, June 8, 2009

2009 League Scramble!

Relax - Your pairings are posted below this important message. In addition, if you haven't read yet the Commish's treatise on Gimmes, please do so here.

This season, on June 30, we’ll be taking a break from the grind of pennant races to have a league-wide scramble and cook-out at Glenway. Below are the scramble rules and information about the night.

I will compose the teams based on golfer handicaps after week 8 (June 16). The teams will be comprised as follows, with #1 representing the league golfer with the lowest handicap and #40 representing the league golfer with the highest handicap. I will announce the teams before week 9 (June 23). It is important – if you plan to have a sub for the scramble – that you let me know ahead of time who that sub will be. If they do not have an established handicap, it would also be good to know how well they golf, so the teams can be built relatively evenly.
  • 4:52 Team A: #1, #20, #21, #40
  • 5:00 Team B: #2, #19, #22, #39
  • 5:07 Team C: #3, #18, #23, #38
  • 5:15 Team D: #4, #17, #24, #37
  • 5:23 Team E: #5, #16, #25, #36
  • 5:30 Team F: #6, #15, #26, #35
  • 5:37 Team G: #7, #14, #27, #34
  • 5:45 Team H: #8, #13, #28, #33
  • 5:52 Team I: #9, #12, #29, #32
  • 6:00 Team J: #10, #11, #30, #31
For those of you unfamiliar with the "scramble" format, the rules are as follows:
  1. Each foursome plays as a team and keeps one score for the team (including putts).
  2. After each golfer tees off, the team picks one shot to play next, and each golfer hits from there. The three people whose shots won't be used should retrieve their balls and drop within a club-length of the ball to be played, but if the ball you are playing is in the rough or a hazard you must play from that rough or hazard. You may improve your lie (winter rules).
  3. Follow this same procedure until your team holes out.
  4. When putting, the first person puts a mark down to identify where the others should putt from if the first person misses.
  5. At least one tee shot from each golfer in the foursome must be used on one of the nine holes. You do not decide until after everybody has teed off on a hole, unless you are forced to use a specific golfer’s tee shot on holes 7, 8, or 9 because you have not used one of their tee shots yet.
There will be cash prizes for the top 3 foursomes. The tie breakers are as follows, in order of priority:
  1. Most birdies
  2. Least bogeys
  3. Fewest putts
  4. Fewest total strokes on the five par 4 holes

There will also be four "regular" holes prizes:
  • Longest holed shot (putt or chip) on #3
  • Longest drive in fairway on #4
  • Closest to the pin (on the green) in 1 shot on #6
  • Closest to the pin in 2 shots (on the green) on #7
There will be a food buffet (including brats, burgers, potato salad, beans, chips, and dessert) served at about 7:00 p.m. Your cost for the buffet will be $9.50 (I will be subsidizing tax and tip out of the general league fund). If you can't stay to eat, please let me know by Week 9 (June 23). You are on your own for beverages.

It should be lots of fun! Thank for playing and good luck.

- Dave


Anonymous said...


Another option for the scramble would be to have each of the ten league teams play together. It would be the only time each season that all four teammates could play together at the same time.


Dave Wolfe said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Lynn. I did consider it, but was warned by multiple sources that handicapping a scramble is something to avoid. If anybody has a good method for doing so, I'd like to hear it.

The other option would be to not handicap it at all. The downside to that is some teams would pretty much be out of it from the start.